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Sexual Accidents

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Rolling off the bed, I didn't really realise it hadn't happened purposefully until after.

Moving over to someone to kiss their back and accidentally kicking them.

I'm sure there's plenty more but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
My boyfriend had me up against the plastic door in the shower once and he liked to play rough. I was pressed hard against it and the plastic fell through sending up flying. I ended up in the emergency room with a concussion. Explaining to my parents how my boyfriend had found me in their house naked on the bathroom floor and the plastic missing from the shower door was difficult..
I once knee jerked whilst receiving oral sex and my partner ended up with a black eye. This without going into detail created a lot of social problems.
I woman I was dating and I went for a walk in a park. As we were going along we got horny and decided to look for a secluded spot. We had difficulty finding a place and getting hornier by the minuet. She spotted a place and we ran over. We dropped our pants and she wanted to be on top. Was great. Until the next day. We had poison ivy. Me on my ass and her on her knees and shins. Tried to explain it to my kids (17 & 19 at the time). They finally told me to stop, they figured it out. Friends thought it was funny. She had to go to the doctor and explain how she got it.
My ex and I actually fell out of the shower... I hit my head pretty hard and we were both pretty bruised and banged up...
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
Well, once, when receiving oral, I ejaculated into her mouth before she was ready and she gagged. I felt TERRIBLE....

Another time, after appropriate foreplay, I rolled over to get in position (all very suavely, mind you), when the biggest, loudest fart snuck up on me (I kid you not) and cracked through the air. Well, that was the end of it as she doubled over in laughter (thank God).....
This is a funny topic! Funny how you don't read about any of this in most stories on this site.
once in hs i was trying to be sexy and pull my bf's boxers off with my teeth and they slipped out of my mouth and snapped his hard cock with the elastic. i felt so bad then but now its kinda funny. then just a couple of years ago i was drinking in a bar with a guy i was crushing on and he dared me to give him a bj under the table and when he came he kind of thrust up and bashed my head under the table! everyone knew what we were doing and we got kicked out of the bar, lol
Usual bumps and bruises, also while getting a hand job she decided to point it away from her as I came and got it on my face, yes it hurts when you get it in the eye, also got a surprise first taste lol
The beach with the sand no fun ouch
Once made love in an small airplane (on the ground in the hangar). After we were one I notice we knocked the fire extinguisher off its rack.
went for a walk along an embankment in the evening after a full on day, I was grabbed by a male acquaintance kissed and then he lost his footing we both tumbled to the bottom narrowly missing going in the creek. Injuries dented pride, grazed elbows and knee to me made up with a fun night of him playing doctor smile
Doctors &nurses? Was he a thorough dok tho?
Wife going at it a little too wild while sitting on my face, headboard gave way cracking my skull - 4 stitches. And yes she came before my medical treatment.
Broken bed frame, saying the wrong name, wrong hole, head butting in the dark, bruises on wrists from being tied too tightly, throwing up while she rode me, elbow to her face
I fell off a balcony once, It was very very low (Ground level balcony, more of a patio) but I fell over the railing into a sand dune and it ruined the moment!
Quote by cindy_4u
Sexual accidents....hmmmm.
Carpet burns; cum in eye; knocked head against bedpost/car/trees/tables/bars etc while being fucked; pussy cut when a guy was trying to tear my thong out of passion and could not and ended bruising my girl parts; pinched nipples that bled; hickies that opened the skin; stuck tampoon deep in me while having sex during my periods with it in me; bruised ass by being spanked while being doggy fucked....I am sure I am missing quiet a few more ;)

You go girl!
Quote by BabblingBrooke
I fell off a balcony once, It was very very low (Ground level balcony, more of a patio) but I fell over the railing into a sand dune and it ruined the moment!

That damn'd sand gets into everything doesn't it?
Tearing a girls panties off. You know, they don't rip all that easily after all
I can think of lots of things that I could write but some are way too embarrassing.
But I will say I time I was trying to be mega flexible with some standing up splits action. But I got hip lock/ cramp basically couldn't move my leg. He had to sit me down and massage my thigh and side for about an hour until my legs would close.
I remember some years ago while returning from playing a rugby match the coach stopped in a lay by to allow for the calls of nature. A slightly worse for wear friend tripped over the kerb and shredded his foreskin on the the barb wire fence. Ouch! Fortunately I was one pint behind him.
One of my lady friends, shit the bed while we were fucking, what a mess that was. and how embarrassing for her.
I've had lots of small accidents during sex, but only one serious one. After he pulled out of me, I told him to come up and I'd suck him clean, but once he got up on his knees, he got his feet tangled up in the sheets and lost his balance. His knee crunched down on my rib-cage and cracked a rib. It was the first time we'd ever had sex and it ended up with me being taken to the ER. I was out of commission for a couple months. It was the 2nd of 3 times I've broken a rib.
nothing besides carpet burns and minor bruises.

Say. Her. Name.

The motel we stayed at the bed broke.
When we first married, we had a week day home together, so we had sex throughout the day. At one point, she was on top of me, I sat up and swung us around so I could grab her legs and stand up with her on my dick. In those early days, we were living in a trailer. After standing with her, I put her against the wall and started pumping. We nearly went through the wall!
I borrowed a very expensive dress to go to a very chic wedding. At the reception I met a guy who I had been at college with. His wife was the matron of honor. While she was doing her duties we snuck off to a private corner of this lovely green lawn. I was never able to get the grass stains out of the dress.
The usual bumps and scrapes, fell off the bed more than once and actually burst a blood vessel in the head of my cock. That led to a rather interesting conversation at the doc's office. His sage advice: "You might want to go a little easier." LOL
Quote by Milik_the_Red
Tearing a girls panties off. You know, they don't rip all that easily after all

This, exactly! I tried to rip a girl's panties off and ended up knocking her onto the floor (and not in a good way). She was not amused.

We did recover. smile
I farted while getting a blowjob.