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Random Friend Requests

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Prolific Writer
When you get a friend request do you accept all of them?

I specifically state that I don't accept random friend requests on my profile and say that I don't have cyber sex and I'm constantly hounded on both of these topics.

Do you answer the emails or do you just ignore? Please advise.

I'm sure I get far fewer of those than you do. However, since my main interaction with the site is as an author, it does seem reasonable that some people will come to "know" me through my stories. If they then check out my profile, such as it is, and then send me a message that seems it was written for me, and not a form letter "let's be friends" copy-and-paste job, then I'm inclined to accept such.

I think I've gotten the occasional truly out of the blue, no message included friend request, and my memory is that I have deleted those.

As a guy I am sure I get far less unsolicited attention on the site than you and other women. And your avatar has a nice ass, to boot.
Prolific Writer
Quote by oceanrunner
I'm sure I get far fewer of those than you do. However, since my main interaction with the site is as an author, it does seem reasonable that some people will come to "know" me through my stories. If they then check out my profile, such as it is, and then send me a message that seems it was written for me, and not a form letter "let's be friends" copy-and-paste job, then I'm inclined to accept such.

I think I've gotten the occasional truly out of the blue, no message included friend request, and my memory is that I have deleted those.

As a guy I am sure I get far less unsolicited attention on the site than you and other women. And your avatar has a nice ass, to boot.

These are not people reading my stories. They're just people that have seen my name around and want to have me as their friend. I specifically state that I'm not a friend collector, etc. etc.

It just goes to show you....that people really don't read people's profiles.

Most people say that they want to get to know me......My profile states I don't do cyber sex.

I'm not really sure what they are looking for. Most people just like to add thousands of people. I rather a shorter friends list with people that actually talk to me.

I've had rather a lot of random friend requests too. I am under instruction to delete them unless He approves them as one to one chat with anybody is inappropriate.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by Mysteria27
Most people say that they want to get to know me......My profile states I don't do cyber sex.

Aren't there more ways to get to know someone?


Prolific Writer
Quote by noll

Aren't there more ways to get to know someone?

Yes...but when they attach a picture of their cock I suppose they have sex on the brain.

I have often said, "one has to know what they are dealing with on an adult media site." It doesn't paint a rosy picture. One ha to off kilter to post cock pictures. We all know what they look like. I'm here to write and not play childish BS games.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by Mysteria27

Yes...but when they attach a picture of their cock I suppose they have sex on the brain.


Damn, I never get those frend requests.


Quote by Mysteria27

Yes...but when they attach a picture of their cock I suppose they have sex on the brain.


I agree that it's nice to read profiles, and respect their preferences. Random pics photo bombing my inbox do not entice me to friend you, quite the opposite in fact - especially before I've had my morning coffee! Give a girl a break! Even if I love what you're so obviously proud of showing, I'd prefer the courtesy of asking to see it.

To answer your original question, don't feel obligated to accept anyone. Be here for you, and accept those who intrigue you! As stated before though, with your avatar, I 'ass'ume you'll get plenty of requests. ;)

x Jen
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by Mysteria27

Yes...but when they attach a picture of their cock I suppose they have sex on the brain.


Maybe there should be a group where one can post all the unsolicited cock pics they've recieved, with username of the sender perhaps.


Prolific Writer
Quote by noll

Maybe there should be a group where one can post all the unsolicited cock pics they've recieved, with username of the sender perhaps.

I certainly don't want to be in this group. Remember people are sending these pictures to people that don't want them.

To be fair....I get plenty of pictures of Breasts and Pussies too. I state on my profile that I'm a straight married woman.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Mysteria27

To be fair....I get plenty of pictures of Breasts and Pussies too.

This never happens to me! What's your secret?
Prolific Writer
Quote by mr_canuck

This never happens to me! What's your secret?

I don't do anything. That's the point.


I lay it all out nicely in my profile. But....I still get them.

Oh well. I disabled the friend requests so maybe that will help.

Quote by noll

Maybe there should be a group where one can post all the unsolicited cock pics they've recieved, with username of the sender perhaps.

One the one hand, I don't send those at all, but on the other we are all adults here. Granted, those who DO STATE NOT to send them shouldn't be getting them. Still, I see no point in doing that as there ARE those who DO want them... NO NOT ME THANK YOU! My only point here being, it simply serves as "advance notice" as to what kind of person they are.
Short Arse Brit
Quote by noll

Damn, I never get those frend requests.

I keep a cock folder for all the ones I get...except for the tiny cocks, I don't keep those

I don't know what the problem get a f/r it just says "hi" and you get a cock pic....add the cock pic to your cock folder and leave the f/r unanswered if you are not interested in being friends with the person(s) who seem to have such stimulating conversational skills, that way they can't send another one.

Seriously if a person can't even be bothered to add more than "Hi" and attach a pic then why on Earth would they take the time to read your bio? Annoying yes for those of us who do take the time but my advice is just keep the cock pic, ignore them and move on
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Active Ink Slinger
I used to have a photo of my wife as my profile avatar and constantly had requests from people who had obviously just looked at the picture and not read my profile. These ones I did gradually start to ignore and delete When I changed the picture to one of myself, the requests I got were from people who had read my profile and my stories.

Click Pegasus4's Profile ( to see my profile.

Click Pegasus4's Stories ( to see a list of my stories.

Active Ink Slinger
I usually accept random friend/chat requests because I'm interested in chatting to new people
Active Ink Slinger
I accept random friend requests IF they send a message along with it or have chatted with me either in the forums or in the chat rooms. Beyond that, it's not difficult to remove someone as a friend later on, at least for me.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

When I first joined I almost always accepted all requests...that changed after too much BS. Now I am super selective...But I do at least check out the profiles. I don't usually deny the request unless I can tell by their profile that I have nothing in common with them, so I have pages and pages of requests that just sit there (just in case our paths cross in another way and I change my mind). Now if I get a message, I will at least respond but that doesn't mean I will be their friend, I just want to be polite. Random dick pics amuse me, and come off a too needy and desperate and definitely do not get a response. I do not specify on my profile either way, so I don't let it get to me.
When I get a f/r I always read the profile. But it mainly goes by what the request said its self. If it is one I am unsure of, I will read it to Milik first and get his opinion. But for the most part, if we have chatted, or it's not just a message of let's have sex, I will usually accept. But I am fair more careful now then I was when I first joined lush.

If you send me a blank request I will ignore it, a cock picture will diffently be deleted with out a second thought.
Click below to see

The Linebacker
I am feeling left out. This member, Random, has not sent me any pictures of roosters.
Primus Omnium
My profile is explicit. It states I accept all friend requests. It doesn't say how long they would stay on my friends' list if they become obnoxious. I'm not a woman so I don't have as much of a problem with sexual come ons. Actually, I can't say I have ever really regretted accepting a friend request. I have deleted people for inactivity.
All friend requests, accepted or declined, are answered unless they're monosyllabic ('Hi' or 'Chat?') or in one case, rude. As anyone can see, very few have made the cut.

If 'random' means having no prior contact with the person inviting, I did accept one. But they were also able to write in a few words what they specifically liked about my profile and had good content on their own page. (It didn't hurt that another friend was on holiday that week, haha. Timing is everything!)

Thank you Mysteria for starting this thread; as a result I worked up the courage to issue an invite of my own. smile
Fancy Schmancy
I do not accept all friend requests. If they are rude or crude, I ignore them - luckily, that has only happened twice since I have been on the site. If I do not know the person and think perhaps it is someone I knew under a different name, I will inquire.

On a different note, however, how many of you HAVE sent random friend requests? I have never done it - just curious.
Quote by LaylaJune
I do not accept all friend requests. If they are rude or crude, I ignore them - luckily, that has only happened twice since I have been on the site. If I do not know the person and think perhaps it is someone I knew under a different name, I will inquire.

On a different note, however, how many of you HAVE sent random friend requests? I have never done it - just curious.

I have sent random requests, but that practice I no longer follow. I'm getting pretty uppity as to who I add. In fact, I talk with but a few. To add names, just to receive a badge is ridiculous.
Quote by LaylaJune

On a different note, however, how many of you HAVE sent random friend requests? I have never done it - just curious.

Never a random request, no. I've sent PMs to some profiles that caught my attention, but will probably cease and desist as the batting average is even worse than the Red Sox, post All-Star break...
if someone I've never come across before sends me a friend request I will definitely take a look at their profile. If they have a red avatar and don't write at all, unless I really like their bio I won't accept them. The profile thing really goes for anyone, so I'm fairly picky whom I become friends with. If I find out they are just collecting friends and don't interact with me i will usually delete them.

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Green_Man
I can't say I have ever really regretted accepting a friend request.

I can. As in real life, friends are quick to move on when they find someone more interesting to them...
WooHoo!!!! 27,000 views! Could I dare to hope for a famous story...
Quote by Adagio

I have sent random requests, but that practice I no longer follow. I'm getting pretty uppity as to who I add. In fact, I talk with but a few. To add names, just to receive a badge is ridiculous.

Lmao. I was friends with someone who actually started adding people just to get her socialite badge back. That's not friendship... now you're merely collecting names. Sad really.

I'm much like you. I'm very particular who I add. Besides, there is only a limited number of people you can talk to on a regular basis and consider true friends. If I get a random request I'll take a peek at the profile for curiosity sake before I delete though. But ultimately I just don't accept them.
Primus Omnium
Quote by Annamagique

I can. As in real life, friends are quick to move on when they find someone more interesting to them...

That's a shame. The ones I regret are the ones that disappear for no apparent reason, especially when think you've formed a special relationship.