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lets take a poll. lush editor's. Nazi's? or reasonably stringent?

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57 replies
1 watcher
a bunch of fucking nazi's, imo. probably should just get rid of all of them. thanks for joining just to post this. totally made my day after slogging through a dozen stories that needed lots of work cause they couldn't be bothered to run a simple grammar check. you are awesome.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Woah, clearly I hit a nerve. something you hear often? btw capitalize sentences. smh
Quote by firmdreamer012
Woah, clearly I hit a nerve. something you hear often? btw capitalize sentences. smh

don't dis my style, mister passive-aggressive. been posting for 10 years in forums without capitalizing, not gonna star now. btw "lush Editor's"should have been written thusly; "Lush editors." no apostrophe. and no, it's not something i hear often but my grandparents were forced to flee France when the Nazi's invaded, so i'm not overly fond of the comparison (she says, being totally passive-aggressive).

ps. "Let's" not "lets". sounds like you could use an editor.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.


chef's kiss
In my honest opinion, the put down of the volunteer moderators here on our chosen site is a needless irritant in the forum. I am truly thankful that these kind folks have taken the time to do this rather thankless job. I love this site and I love being able to share my words here with so many good friends and followers. I just hope the moderators will continue to do it for all of us who think of this as our writing home.

what's a lush editor? Do those actually exist?

you people are entirely, too sensitive. I was not putting anyone down. I'm sooooo sorry your sensitive about ancient history you didn't actually experience. "Nazi" is just short for, in this case: someone who thinks ( My apologies dear.) rather than (My apologies, dear.) is some grave grammatical sin. call me crazy but that didn't seem like a concise forum title. I'm sorry I triggered you, snowflake.
I'm gonna have to side with the editors on this one. Just like the forum moderators, they are the unsung hard laborers who actually make this a worthwhile destination.

For me, Lush is a place where I can relax and enjoy stories without being distracted by writers' errors in grammar and usage. Nothing gets me less into a narrative than careless writing. Misused words, misspelled words, run-on sentences, or even full walls of text are far too common on other sites.

Even the great writers of literature are smart enough to understand that editors are a crucial part of the creative process. Authors, after spending many, many hours getting their stories out of their heads and into words frequently overlook minor errors that can ruin an otherwise enjoyable read. Call it the mental equivalent to being nose-blind to funky house smells.

So, yeah, as a reader count me as strongly appreciative of the work the editors do.
Don't come for the Mods cause you'll get your ears chewed out by us.

So, what's good?
Quote by tams_back_yay
what's a lush editor? Do those actually exist?

They do in my heart. I hope to meet every one (plus all the mods) and give them a big hug and kiss. Even the men. Which should tell you something.
Quote by sprite
a bunch of fucking nazi's, imo. probably should just get rid of all of them. thanks for joining just to post this. totally made my day after slogging through a dozen stories that needed lots of work cause they couldn't be bothered to run a simple grammar check. you are awesome.

Given that they passed my story that involved slaughtering over 100 Nazis, I'd say they are not Nazis. As Volya said, the overall improvement in quality of writing here over other sites is what brings and keeps me here, as a reader and writer.

Also, Nazi Germany is not "Ancient History" it is Modern History, since it existed after the Middle Ages, and there are unfortunately a number of people who still share and propagate some of its key tenets. Many of them use "snowflake" to insult those who take offence at their offensive views. Actual snowflakes were are major factor in the downfall of the Third Reich, when they froze to death invading Russia, so it's a pretty dumb insult.

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

lol "snowflake is dumb because it snows in Russia" thank you for that. priceless
Quote by firmdreamer012

Your third post after being a free member for six months and you're calling a Mod "snowflake?" Good luck with that attitude buddy boy. Is that straight from your personal version of How to Win Friends and Influence People?

I just published a new story, It's a Flash with a humorous twist and, of course, hot sex. So quick, fun read. Hope you enjoy!

Then there's A wife is home alone when two criminals break in to rob her. She's afraid and that's when it gets interesting A super story full of great sex, with a BDSM slant, that will hold your interest.

If you enjoy either, please comment. My ego needs a boost, ha! Thanks.

Just my , but the moderators are who keep this awesome site awesome. They ensure that certain rules (nothing under 16, etc.) are enforced for the benefit of everyone on this site and they confirm that stories published meet a minimum standard of literacy. Moderators are volunteers, most, if not all, have full-time jobs outside of Lush. They go through dozens or even hundreds of stories a month, and, as a result, give this site a level of creditability not found in many other sites. They are the foundation upon which Lush is built and I, for one, appreciate every single one of them.
Personally speaking, I have only had a problem with a Mod one time and when I brought it to the attention of the Admin, they told me I wasn't alone in my conflict with this Mod (who is no longer a Mod). I have currently 636 stories out there and I appreciate their efforts more than they will ever know. I have learned more about writing here in Lush than I ever did in school and I continue to learn and grow with their help.

I have been to other sites where if they have Mods at all, it's to criticize and pick apart a writer's efforts, not to help them learn. So if you have a story returned to you, it's because there are a lot of issues that you need to fix and they will be more than happy to work with you until it is ready for publishing. Let's face it folks this is a story site - if they bashed every story coming across their desks, there wouldn't be many stories here to read and even fewer authors and writers to submit them!

I put a story out twice a week and eagerly wait to see what the Mods say about them!

Quote by firmdreamer012
lol "snowflake is dumb because it snows in Russia" thank you for that. priceless

You can't even quote someone accurately -- you really do need an editor. Snowflake.
Quote by Random Commenter
lets take a poll. lush editor's. Nazi's? or reasonably stringent?

Is there a third option? I’m pretty sure there is (and then some).

3. Busy volunteers that don’t appreciate insults and false equivalences.

4. Helpful individuals that give authors advice on how to get their stories published with a minimum of hassle.

Quote by Lush® FAQs
The moderator that rejected your story will have given you a reason why it was rejected. Normally, if you correct the items they have highlighted in their rejection notice and resubmit, the story will be passed. If it still doesn't pass for failing to meet quality standards or for another reason, you might want to post asking for help in the relevant forum section.

As long as you don’t submit a story with unacceptable content

Quote by Lush® story submissions
Unacceptable Content

We do not accept stories which feature underage people / minors. Teen stories are fine providing the characters in the story are of legal age (16 years old). All stories that contain references to minors will be removed, and the submitter will be banned from the site at our discretion.

We also do not accept stories including content pertaining to , abusive situations, graphic violence, totally unwilling participants, drugging, dangerous sexual acts, knife play, mutilation, suicide or death.

The same is true for stories featuring sex with animals ( ) and scat. All such stories will be deleted as soon as we come across them, with repeat posting offenders banned.

Please assist us and report stories as inappropriate using the system provided, underneath the voting button on the relevant story page.

Celebrity Stories

We do not accept celebrity stories, or those containing famous people. The same is true of fan fiction and derivative works.

… you should be fine.

Lush moderators have been nothing but patient and kind to me. I’ve been on other story sites. Trust me, the moderators here are pure gold, considering they’ve published over 60,000 stories and counting.

Again, they do this voluntarily. They don’t get paid to put up with lazy writers.

With my stories, when something’s fallen through the cracks (logic, pacing, spelling, etc.), it’s been my fault for not giving my work a second, third, and fourth revision.

If you can’t manage to publish a reasonably good story without repetitive mistakes and oversights, ask for help or don’t submit until you get honest, unbiased feedback.

There are more than enough tools provided here for you to use.

📜 🖋️     S e m i t a l e n t e d   S c r i b b l e r     🖊️ 📃

Confused about the rules for my Lush Stories® song titles game? → Click HERE.

The moderators here have done everything they can do to help with my stories. I appreciate all the help I have been given. I had never written before I got here so I am still learning. I feel my stories and writing have improved over the past two years. Thanks to every moderator who has helped me.
Quote by firmdreamer012
you people are entirely, too sensitive. I was not putting anyone down. I'm sooooo sorry your sensitive about ancient history you didn't actually experience. "Nazi" is just short for, in this case: someone who thinks ( My apologies dear.) rather than (My apologies, dear.) is some grave grammatical sin. call me crazy but that didn't seem like a concise forum title. I'm sorry I triggered you, snowflake.

i'm sorry. did i touch a nerve? btw, i'm not sensitive about it at all. just calling you out on calling someone a nazi simply because you don't like their "stringent edits" how about if i call you a commie for you improper grammar in your forum post header? and yes, Nazis still exist. nazi is actually short for National Socialist German Workers' Party.

lol yes, i am such a snowflake, mister Omg, the mods are nazis cause they insist on proper grammar! dude. get over yourself. if you don't like how things are run here, go try xxnx - they don't bother to edit for anything, including content.

i'm a little snowflake, short and blonde,
here is my handle, here is my wand,
when you tip me over, words spill out
when you use bad grammar, i give out a shout


You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

btw, the rest of you guys are all awesome. thank you very much. i love you all.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
btw, the rest of you guys are all awesome. thank you very much. i love you all.

double ditto you
Quote by kistinspencil

double ditto you

and back atcha again, beautiful.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

He thinks that the eds are too rough
when judging one's writings enough
and compares them to Nazis
for their edits because he's
unable to write up to snuff
No, the editors are not Nazis. Me, I work as an editor, so I'm a grammar Nazi. I also have to help my wife watch her blood sugar, so I'm even worse than a grammar Nazi and a soup Nazi put together--I am a chocolate Nazi. I'm even in some ways worse than Hitler, as HE never sentenced anyone to firing squad at dawn for putting pineapple on pizza. So no, take it from me, these guys and gals are creampuffs.
Far from it they are always fair and understanding
My stuff isn't always perfect and they fix it or they'll explain nicely to me what I need to fix
I've gotten a lot of useful writing advise from them and a lot of encouragement.

Also they aren't being paid to do.this so maybe you should try being more appreciative.
In the meantime maybe go write on one of those sketchy lesser sites? ?
Quote by sprite
a bunch of fucking nazi's, imo. probably should just get rid of all of them. thanks for joining just to post this. totally made my day after slogging through a dozen stories that needed lots of work cause they couldn't be bothered to run a simple grammar check. you are awesome.

If you were an Nazi you'd be my Illsa she wolf because your super hot ???
Lush mods are very reasonable and could be way more stringent to be honest.

My last published story: Good For Nothing

lol thank you all for the opinions. I think this will prove my point. still though, touchy much? you'd think I had called you all incompetent.