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lets take a poll. lush editor's. Nazi's? or reasonably stringent?

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Voyeur @ f/64
Quote by vanessa26
If you were an Nazi you'd be my Illsa she wolf because your super hot ???

Mmmm, yes. The three of us (maybe more). Sexy boots. Schnapps. And cigars.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by firmdreamer012
lol thank you all for the opinions. I think this will prove my point. still though, touchy much? you'd think I had called you all incompetent.

Whatever, snowflake.
Active Ink Slinger
Anyone who responded "Nazi's" is just butthurt because they don't know how to operate a fucking apostrophe.
Gentleman Stranger
Having just looked at the OP's profile, it's clear that the impetus for this entire thread is sour grapes. Two stories, both returned twice for corrections and repeated errors. So, an author who fancies himself a knowledgeable writer and nitpicks forum posts of those that respond to him, indicating that he thinks he knows what he's doing, and when told otherwise, throws a temper tantrum. I've worked with many authors who have had their stories returned several times, and yet reacted with grace and a willingness to cooperate and learn in order to get up to site standards rather than throwing around meaningless insults, and some of them have become top Lush authors! Not so for this OP, however. Anyone that critiques his work MUST be a Nazi!

Still, let's assume the OP is as capable as he seems to think. The errors in his own posts, not to mention his stories must, therefore, be due to sloppiness or laziness rather than lack of ability or knowledge, right?

So, fd012, you want to be lazy and careless, not make a decent effort as all other Lush authors are asked to do, and still have your stories reviewed and approved? Even though you didn't care enough to do it right even after you were given explicit guidance, in very nicely worded notes regarding what needed fixing when each of the stories was returned the first time? I think that smacks of incompetence far more than anything anyone has said here - and yes, I read all four notes that accompanied your returned stories; all were thorough, helpful, specific, friendly, and professional.

You're right, though, it's just like the Nazis did things... (Hint: When you start throwing that N-word around for anyone that disagrees with you, it means you've lost the argument.)

There are reasons we ask for a minimum of effort and won't publish any old mess that gets submitted; it's because our standards are higher than other sites, any of which is readily available to you. It's what we ask for, our readers seem to appreciate it, and we strive to help all of our authors achieve that goal. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, it's what the owner of the site wants for her site. Feel free to start your own site and you can publish any old crap that comes in - but not here. If you'd like to publish here, great - but expect to be asked to maintain Lush's standards. And don't whine about it, it's not a good look.

You are a sleazy fucking snowflake who can't live up to your own shitposting. You are not legend. Fuck, you even deleted the taunting text you wrote in your backhanded complaint about mods who only wanted to help. Fucking wuss. Doubt they'll want to help you and your fucking shit-for-brains of a keyboard after this. You are the type of ingrate person I wish I could bash at work, but unlike work, I don't have to be polite here. The only nazi you need in your life is a grammar one. The only snowflake on this thread is your sloppy syntax that can't even take other users' heated yet reasonable arguments against you. This is the goddammned motherfucking internet. And unlike other putrid corners, Lush actually does a good job keeping it nazi-free (save the grammar ones).

Cum at me, bro. Or are you scared? Scared that you're wrong? Just take the fucking suggestions like a good little writer-bitch and git gud, you fucking wanker, git real gud.
I've been on Lush a little over a year. Compared to other similar websites, I've found the Admin and the Moderators on here to be exceptional. Always helpful, responsive and engaged.
Sexy Seductive Siren
Quote by Stormdog
Having just looked at the OP's profile, it's clear that the impetus this entire thread is sour grapes. Two stories, both returned twice for corrections and repeated errors. So, an author who fancies himself a knowledgeable writer and nitpicks forum posts of those that respond to him, indicating that he thinks he knows what he's doing, and when told otherwise, throws a temper tantrum. I've worked with many authors who have had their stories returned several times, and yet reacted with grace and a willingness to cooperate and learn in order to get up to site standards rather than throwing around meaningless insults, and some of them have become top Lush authors! Not so for this OP, however. Anyone that critiques his work MUST be a Nazi!

Still, let's assume the OP is as capable as he seems to think. The errors in his own posts, not to mention his stories must, therefore, be due to sloppiness or laziness rather than lack of ability or knowledge, right?

So, fd012, you want to be lazy and careless, not make a decent effort as all other Lush authors are asked to do, and still have your stories reviewed and approved? Even though you didn't care enough to do it right even after you were given explicit guidance, in very nicely worded notes regarding what needed fixing when each of the stories was returned the first time? I think that smacks of incompetence far more than anything anyone has said here - and yes, I read all four notes that accompanied your returned stories; all were thorough, helpful, specific, friendly, and professional.

You're right, though, it's just like the Nazis did things... (Hint: When you start throwing that N-word around for anyone that disagrees with you, it means you've lost the argument.)

There are reasons we ask for a minimum of effort and won't publish any old mess that gets submitted; it's because our standards are higher than other sites, any of which is readily available to you. It's what we ask for, our readers seem to appreciate it, and we strive to help all of our authors achieve that goal. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, it's what the owner of the site wants for her site. Feel free to start your own site and you can publish any old crap that comes in - but not here. If you'd like to publish here, great - but expect to be asked to maintain Lush's standards. And don't whine about it, it's not a good look.

Thank you Storm Dog!
Gentleman Stranger
Quote by Meagananne1986

Thank you Storm Dog!

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Stormdog


You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Gentleman Stranger
Quote by sprite


As I recall, you were the one in the Gestapo cap and shiny black boots (and nothing else...) and carrying the riding crop. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Stormdog

As I recall, you were the one in the Gestapo cap and shiny black boots (and nothing else...) and carrying the riding crop. Not that there's anything wrong with that!

*checks out your bare ass on the bike and just grins*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Stormdog

As I recall, you were the one in the Gestapo cap and shiny black boots (and nothing else...) and carrying the riding crop. Not that there's anything wrong with that!

First, I am 100% with Stormdog. The OP should go back to Third Grade and learn how to write. Ad hominem attacks are the refuge of the incompetent.

But more importantly, Stormdog … if you have photos of sprite in that get up, I have money. Could we maybe work something out?

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Quote by Master_Jonathan
Personally speaking, I have only had a problem with a Mod one time and when I brought it to the attention of the Admin, they told me I wasn't alone in my conflict with this Mod (who is no longer a Mod). I have currently 636 stories out there and I appreciate their efforts more than they will ever know. I have learned more about writing here in Lush than I ever did in school and I continue to learn and grow with their help.

I have been to other sites where if they have Mods at all, it's to criticize and pick apart a writer's efforts, not to help them learn. So if you have a story returned to you, it's because there are a lot of issues that you need to fix and they will be more than happy to work with you until it is ready for publishing. Let's face it folks this is a story site - if they bashed every story coming across their desks, there wouldn't be many stories here to read and even fewer authors and writers to submit them!

I put a story out twice a week and eagerly wait to see what the Mods say about them!



An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Gentleman Stranger
Quote by JamesLlewellyn

But more importantly, Stormdog … if you have photos of sprite in that get up, I have money. Could we maybe work something out?

Alas, naked and bent over double with ankles and wrists shackled to iron rings in the floor, I was in no position to operate a camera. Although there may be film somewhere...

The welts have mostly faded, so I can't even offer to show you those.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Liz
No Nazis allowed.

This isn't CPAC.

No, but it could be described as CRAP.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Sexy Seductive Siren
Bad acronym Rachel!

CRAP -Conservatives to Re-elect Asshole for President.

Nope, I don't think so! Four years of political constipation was enough!
Active Ink Slinger
When I submitted my first story and got it back with a load of corrections I thought "what a hard ass". But after making the corrections I realized the story read much better than when originally submitted. Resubmitted it and it was posted. Every story I've submitted has come back with some corrections. Some I agreed with others I ignored as a stylistic difference.

I've read a lot of stories on Lush from many authors. I actually wish the editors were more "hard ass". Nothing is harder to read (for me) than stories with major grammatical errors (switching tenses, punctuation, etc.) or with incorrectly used words (they're for their or it's for its, etc.). if more of the editors took more time making corrections I wouldn't wind up writing negative comments after reading a poorly written and edited story.

I have the same reaction to stories in newspapers or on news websites. I'm not sure they do much editing any more.
Raised on Blackroot
They’re less stringent than my HS creative writing class by far.

There’s a metric fuck ton of pure shit that gets accepted by this site. I was a former story mod. The stories I could tell.

If you can’t get past their standards, in all honesty, maybe stop writing? Or at least, stop sharing so the mods do not have to comb through your absolute drivel.
Quote by JackStay
I've been on Lush a little over a year. Compared to other similar websites, I've found the Admin and the Moderators on here to be exceptional. Always helpful, responsive and engaged.

Thanks dad!
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Quote by SirSpewalot

Whatever, snowflake.

Go after the Nazis all you want, but leave the snowflakes alone or WE WILL FUCKING BURY YOU!

Don't believe everything that you read.

I just love when the Mods roll up and speak their mind.

chef's kiss
There isn't a freaking poll anyway!!!

Advanced Wordsmith

I understand the need for rules and that some subjects should definitely be monitored.

What I find hilarious is that I’ve submitted a story that has been knocked back twice because of “grammatical errors and punctuation” I have degree’s in English Language and Literature and I am a published author. My publishers have never questioned my writings or returned them for punctuation errors. I guess it must be because American English is the preferred style here. Most of the stories I’ve read here, are full of punctuation errors, (in my eyes) but that doesn’t detract me from the story.

Easily amused

Quote by Canos50

I understand the need for rules and that some subjects should definitely be monitored.

What I find hilarious is that I’ve submitted a story that has been knocked back twice because of “grammatical errors and punctuation” I have degree’s in English Language and Literature and I am a published author. My publishers have never questioned my writings or returned them for punctuation errors. I guess it must be because American English is the preferred style here. Most of the stories I’ve read here, are full of punctuation errors, (in my eyes) but that doesn’t detract me from the story.


That was a bit dickish of me. Sorry. I don't think the mods here are Nazis. They could even be a little more strict, imo, but I think they strike a good balance overall.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Voyeur @ f/64

Quote by Ensorceled

Quote by Canos50

I understand the need for rules and that some subjects should definitely be monitored.

What I find hilarious is that I’ve submitted a story that has been knocked back twice because of “grammatical errors and punctuation” I have degree’s in English Language and Literature and I am a published author. My publishers have never questioned my writings or returned them for punctuation errors. I guess it must be because American English is the preferred style here. Most of the stories I’ve read here, are full of punctuation errors, (in my eyes) but that doesn’t detract me from the story.


That was a bit dickish of me. Sorry. I don't think the mods here are Nazis. They could even be a little more strict, imo, but I think they strike a good balance overall.

No, you were quite right, Jeff. I haven't a dick to be dickish with, but I would have done the same.

There are any number of proficient writers (and mods) who are very English or very Australian in their approach to our common(ish) language. I don't think it's ever proved a real issue. An odd word or phrase might be flagged perhaps, but first and foremost, it must pass basic form school muster. It appears this fellow's can not, despite his delusions otherwise.

That said, I do feel, with the influx of new eyes, the modding here has become mushier since the change. Stories have been passed and posted that were barely first drafts. To Lush's credit, they were withdrawn after protests.

It takes so little to lose the reputation of quality and so very much to gain it back. I would be happy if they posted half as much, demanding twice as good. My own jots no exception.