I could, but I definitely wouldn't want to though. I'm not addicted, but I would definitely really miss it. I just love sharing my stories, and people seem to like them too.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Of course I could...I just wouldn't.
░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░
They might dare but who would care?
Only if the price was right. I might be able to do it, but I highly doubt it.
I would miss it too much.
Once you know it's here, it's kind of hard not to visit.
I could, I think, but it would be hard. The most I've ever managed is a week, and I did miss it.
Perhaps I should give it up for Lent next year? That would hurt more than alcohol lol!
Ha, a month??
I have a hard time staying off for a day, let alone a month...
I suppose I could, but I'd have to change my password and give it to someone so I couldn't log in.
It's far too easy to just check in on my phone.
So, the answer is, no, I doubt I really could.
I could, but I think I would miss it quite a bit.
Could I? - Yes.
Would I? - For the right reasons.
The longest I've gone is eight days. I hardly come on as it is, but I still like to see who's on, and what has been happening. So, I'd not just not come on, just for a simple dare.
I don't see logging off Lush for a time as a "dare" in the usual sense of the word.
There have been times when I just needed to be away from here for various reasons. At first, it was very difficult, as I came to rely on the small social interactions, and just contact with a world outside of my current way of life.
However, I am wiser to certain things (and people) now, so I am no longer reliant on the habit as I once was. I no longer have reason to check messages every few minutes or hours as before, knowing that those who do take time to interact with (or suffer) me are patient and kind, and few.
Time away from Lush is very easy once you find what works for you. And it means that when you come back to it, it is fresher, less emotional (if it was overly so before), and of more benefit in whatever ways you choose to use it. So I don't see it as a dare, so much as a challenge to force you to evaluate its impact on you. A dare, to me, is something cheeky, shocking and probably funny (at least for the darer).
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.
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Words of wisdom from Daisy x
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
I'm not sure about dares. There is one that may ask in time. If she does? I will!!
I don't think I could be gone for a whole month.
oh please. it would be simple. Its not so much of an addiction. there are things to do with your life off of a computer.
I could definitely be off Lush for a month. I don't use this site to make relationships so I'd use the time I wasn't on to write more stories
I could definitely be off Lush for a month. I don't use this site to make relationships so I'd use the time I wasn't on to write more stories
definitely...i would miss the chat with some gorgeous ladies, but i could cope (just)
I don't know. I don't see the need to NOT though... bet or not.
I could go a month without lush, it wouldn't be to hard. I would miss talking to some people or reading stories but there all here when I come back. I usually do get busy in real life so sometimes I'm gone a few weeks as it is.
So no leaving lush wouldn't be hard to do.