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How do you remove body hair?

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Cheeky Chick
Quote by nicola

Bloody hell, I am not sure if I should be scared, or turned on. Maybe both!
Advanced Wordsmith
I use a razor and shaving cream on my face however down below I use hair removal cream to take all the hair off. This usually lasts around 3 weeks. Would like to try waxing but cant find a salon nearby who do male waxing.
Advanced Wordsmith
I use a razor and shaving cream on my face however down below I use hair removal cream to take all the hair off. This usually lasts around 3 weeks. Would like to try waxing but cant find a salon nearby who do male waxing.
The Bee's Knees
i use multiple methods of hair removal. shaving by far is the most popular. i also use nair, wax and tweezers on various body parts.

Say. Her. Name.

Cryptic Vigilante
I chose 'waxing' in the poll as I wax my pubis, but 'multiple methods' would actually be more accurate if we're talking about complete body hair removal. Here's what I perform more specifically:

Pubis: At-home waxing (every month)

Balls, buttcrack: Shaving with manual razor (every 1-2 days)

Chest, stomach, back: Shaving with electric razor (every week)

Legs: Trimming with electric trimmer (every month)

My legs are naturally quite hairy compared to the rest of my body, which would look extremely awkward if I didn't trim them a little. To save time, I simply trim them very short and then let the hair grow back for an entire month (instead of trimming them at medium-length multiple times per month).
I don't have to shave, as I hardly have any body hair naturally. I don't have hair on my legs or under my armpits. I have little pubic hair.
I guess I'm really lucky.

Rainbow Warrior
Shave usually. Sometimes wax.
Active Ink Slinger
Shaved and waxed every place those little devils show up. However I am seriously thinking about Laser.

If more of our Lush Sisters have used Laser, I would like to hear about it.
Definately shave too scared to wax!
Active Ink Slinger
Whether it's the hair on my face or elsewhere, it's pretty much the same method. Usually I use the standard razor in the shower but if I'm just looking to keep things trimmed and not go all the way bare I'll use an electric razor. Tweezers come in to play for those stray hairs that come in away from the group, that way they won't return as quickly.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Poppet

Bloody hell, I am not sure if I should be scared, or turned on. Maybe both!

Oh wow! That looks, wow, interesting.
Well I do wax when it's needed otherwise I just shave.
And I'm talking about the whole body on that..
"If it doesn't leave you breathless, sweaty and ready to fade, it's just not worth doing."
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by 1nympholes
Shaved and waxed every place those little devils show up. However I am seriously thinking about Laser.

If more of our Lush Sisters have used Laser, I would like to hear about it.

I have and am currently have more done. In the past I had 6 treatments on my legs and although it greatly reduced the hair, I still have some so I bought another 6 rounds. I've completed 2 rounds so far on my under arms and 1 for the Brazilian. If you can, go for the Alma laser. I've been to 3 different places and have had 3 different types of laser and this one by far is the least painful. In fact, the cold gel they put on beforehand is worse than the laser! I don't even feel it!

So far I can say that the underarms are really responding well. The lower legs are doing great as well. The upper leg and bikini/Brazilian areas are still a bit hairy than I'd like but I still have 4 more treatments to go.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me.