I have so many problems with this thread. I dont even get why its in the Ask the Guys section when you are clearly not asking them, you are asking everybody.
And this has been asked before, use the search button.
1) DDDD isnt a bra size!
2) Bigger isnt always better
You answered like this in another thread you made, too. What are you doing?
im 7.5 inches fully erect, close to 2 inches wide
bigger then everyone else's... lol
Not entirely sure, unlike some guys I don't need to measure myself to make myself feel better lol. I think I'm about 7", possibly up to 7.5" if I get really excited.
atleast 9" leaning more towards 10" and about 6"around
I have an adjustable cock, with a range of 1 1/2 to 15 inches, it is the latest model with all the bells ans whistles. I can dial in the correct settings in order to please any woman, even the most finicky types. I'd recommend it to any guys wanting to trade up.
I'm just an average guy, 6-3/4" long and 1-3/4" shaft with a 2" mushroom
head. For those who want to see, check my profile....
I'm 30 inches long, 4 inches thick. I've a noisy end and a bad attitude at the other.
What am I?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
You are 30 inches long, 4 inches thick, you have a noisy end and a bad attitude end.
I think.
Curse you Lady X, you put a break in the comedy.
G'Damn it. Good thing your pretty!
You're forgiven this time. But in answer to the question, my cock isnt that big for guys, mainly for the ladies. Wakka wakka wakka.