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My Little One is Suffering

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Active Ink Slinger
I know this is personal but I had to just talk to some people about it.

Many of you know that for almost a year now skye, has been my prime and is my precious little one. Well two days ago my pet was admitted into ICU. There is very little I can do, and I feel helpless. This is the one area where even as my baby girl's Sir, Master and Daddy, all my power, control and strength pale in the face of mother nature and people of science that know more than me.

I have no other reason for posting this other than I needed a place to just get out how I was feeling.

If you have read 50 Shades of Gray and think that you are ready to be a dom or a sub. Then you have a lot to learn.

Follow my slave's blog slave skye's real life blog if we can get 100 followers she is going to start posting pictures!!! I know there are at least 100 of you that want to see that click the link enter your email and follow. We hit 100 then she has said she will post a picture of herself.
huge hugs...

it makes us feel helpless when our loved one is sick does it not

will say a prayer for her

if you cannot go see her... cards or even a taped message might cheer her up

or a photo of something that would make her smile

if she ...can see it

am thinking of you both
Active Ink Slinger
Prayers going up! If you feel inclined I will gladly answer any questions medical wise via private msg.
Active Ink Slinger
Thank you both for your kind words. I just got word that the problems were caused by a medication that was prescribed that should not have been and it had an adverse reaction causing a heart related issue.

They have said that my precious baby girl skye will be able to go home tomorrow.

Thanks for the prayers and for everything.
If you have read 50 Shades of Gray and think that you are ready to be a dom or a sub. Then you have a lot to learn.

Follow my slave's blog slave skye's real life blog if we can get 100 followers she is going to start posting pictures!!! I know there are at least 100 of you that want to see that click the link enter your email and follow. We hit 100 then she has said she will post a picture of herself.
Glad to hear all is getting better.
OH NO! I am happy to hear it is getting better but so sorry for you both. Hugs and I wish you both well. Helpless is a horrible feeling.
Now are things going? Hugs and kisses!
Active Ink Slinger
My baby girl is back home and recovering. Thank you all for all your prayers and well wishes this community has been wonderful to both of us through our entire relationship. Lots of recovery to go, but together my baby girl and her Daddy will get through this.
If you have read 50 Shades of Gray and think that you are ready to be a dom or a sub. Then you have a lot to learn.

Follow my slave's blog slave skye's real life blog if we can get 100 followers she is going to start posting pictures!!! I know there are at least 100 of you that want to see that click the link enter your email and follow. We hit 100 then she has said she will post a picture of herself.
Quote by ProfessionalMaster
My baby girl is back home and recovering. Thank you all for all your prayers and well wishes this community has been wonderful to both of us through our entire relationship. Lots of recovery to go, but together my baby girl and her Daddy will get through this.

So happy to hear that. I have checked this thread in hopes of a good outcome. I bring over a little soup to help her mend. to you both and good luck with the recovery process.
Wild at Heart
Quote by ProfessionalMaster
My baby girl is back home and recovering. Thank you all for all your prayers and well wishes this community has been wonderful to both of us through our entire relationship. Lots of recovery to go, but together my baby girl and her Daddy will get through this.

When she was in the ICU did the doctors and nurses have to ask you permission before doing stuff to her? Did you have to approve if they needed to give her a sponge bath or something? Did the doctors have to refer to you as Sir out of respect? Now that she is out did you have to ok the medication and do you administer it yourself?

I'm asking in case this ever happens to one of my bitches/slaves/little girls etc.
This is the BDSM forum-therefore not good place to ridicule and make fun of what the forum is about.

People who are truly a part of the lifestyle/specifically the D/l would know this would be ridiclous and that it is not a real question you are asking nor is it simply innocuous or benign to that aspect of the BDSM community and this thread. One does not have to ask something like that - (I think BDSMers would have more respect than to say something like that to each other, even if they did not know.)

It is not funny when someone you love is hurting ...or if they are in the hospital; you don't care about anything else but the person. A Daddy-Dom isn't family unless you marry them, (they may be someone as close or closer than family, though) but they have no legal rights or medical say unless it perhaps stated on medical documents in power of attorney, etc. Any grown adult either knows that or if they have ever had someone in the hospital, usually they will find that out.
It is an old thread anyway.

You are "supposedly" 32 & have you have not ever had someone close or a family member in the hospital to know how that works? If not, I would be surprised. It still does not matter. It is no excuse for how you chose to word your post. I have seen enough other posts on Lush & BDSM by you, Felix. lol. You can call it what you want, quote Google all you want, but it is clear.

I would wish with all my heart that the man I "love" would be ABLE to be in the know and not left out in the cold with the doctors. Too bad they cannot go to or ask because he probably understands me better and what I would want better than anyone ... (except my son maybe), and I know it would make him feel HORRIBLE & so terribly helpless. Helpless is a bad, bad feeling. I have these two friends from a long time back, and his wife is dying...literally as I type, so I don't like to hear things like "bitch" or women referred to as "bitches" - I do not like to hear it from other women either. No, this person did not die, but I would not wish anyone to go through the fear and helplessness~

BDSM does not mean there are no real feelings or real relationships -even marriages or diminish the care that some people have and know is part of a Daddy/little relationship - that whole relationship is hinged in that close kind of care.
Wild at Heart
Quote by 1LovelyKinkyKitsune
This is BDSM forum.

I have these two friends from a long time back, and his wife is dying...literally as I type, so I don't like to hear things like "bitch" or women referred to as "bitches" - I do not like to hear it from other women either. No, this person did not die, but I would not wish anyone to go through the fear and helplessness~

BDSM is a variety of erotic practices involving dominance and submission, role-playing, restraint, and other interpersonal dynamics.

I don't call my subs slave (the word slave is offensive to me but I reserve your right to use it). I go "yo bitch, get that ass over here." It's the way we roll (play). Please show some respect and don't kink-shame members of the BDSM community who don't adhere to your narrow minded view of the lifestyle.

Your cheap attempt to use your dying friends to gather sympathy for your point of view didn't go unnoticed either. That was low. You should be ashamed of yourself. Your dying friend has absolutely nothing to do with the word bitch.

Stop kink-shaming now.
Quote by Magical_felix

When she was in the ICU did the doctors and nurses have to ask you permission before doing stuff to her? Did you have to approve if they needed to give her a sponge bath or something? Did the doctors have to refer to you as Sir out of respect? Now that she is out did you have to ok the medication and do you administer it yourself?

I'm asking in case this ever happens to one of my bitches/slaves/little girls etc.

Quote by Magical_felix

I don't call my subs slave (the word slave is offensive to me but I reserve your right to use it). I go "yo bitch, get that ass over here." It's the way we roll (play). Please show some respect and don't kink-shame members of the BDSM community who don't adhere to your narrow minded view of the lifestyle.

Your cheap attempt to use your dying friends to gather sympathy for your point of view didn't go unnoticed either. That was low. You should be ashamed of yourself. Your dying friend has absolutely nothing to do with the word bitch.

Stop kink-shaming now.

You do not need to tell me what BDSM is about Felix.
I have been told by experienced people that I have a very good understanding.

I understand why you do not like using the "slave" word. I am not using that term even in BDSM here, though you respect my right to and vice-versa for you with what you choose.

I am not concerned with what you call your women, the thread is about "littles" and my post was about being extremely disrespectful to a forum for "kicks." People in BDSM are all different. Twisting or misinterpreting things does not make it what I am saying. True, I do not like hearing women referred to as a "b-word" especially on a thread like this, and I DID say that, but I do not see how that makes me narrow-minded because of that. Name calling me Felix? lol - that is one of those last resort things. That is your opinion. I do not see it as narrow-minded, or kink-shaming you. What you do is what YOU do - I am just as able to have my preference and opinion. I think that is beside the point, though, no one has argued that or sought to. Same as you posted on this and elsewhere about not liking the word "slave" - but it IS about context & it is really that simple. Yes it is about respecting differences.

I do not care what you do in "your" relationships Felix, if they are loving or not makes no difference to me & I did not say I did. I am not talking about "your" supposed relationships - it is about this man's concern and feelings. I am not the one posting derogatory posts on multiple BDSM threads.... you are.

I did not pop into some old thread thinking I was being funny and slam someone and their Daddy-Dom BDSM relationship-because of any reason- you, however, DID.

My friend who is in hospice-care relates to "helplessness," unless you are NOT able to discern that, since you already posted some very Off-OFF-handed comments, & I would think were comments to be funny and sarcastic -otherwise you just show a limited understanding.

I do not go to other threads or places that I am not into, my desire is not to post things that would be offensive... some people obviously get off on that and do, but I am asserting on behalf of those more caring relationships that what you said has nothing to do with real-life D/l as I know it and maybe I am limited to thinking of it differently, then so be it.

It seems just game and to piss people off, I just want people to know that it's not a joke.

Like you said, we are all different, and you like things I obviously would not and I am sure vice-versa. What I did not like was minimalizing what can be a real experience he had or others might have, not just for this person, but others, and making into some kind of joke. That is not funny, but maybe it is to you. I do not think you would appreciate someone doing that to something you care about, if you care about anything. I am glad I took time to say how I feel. I have no idea how you would feel, but if you want to be rude, I think that is just a waste of time. I do not think there is any kink to shame. I won't waste more time if you wish to continue. This is about someone being in a hospital, even if an old thread, and I posted due to you wording things the way you did because I wanted to not have it seem a joke. I said all I need to say about this person's thread.
Wild at Heart
Quote by 1LovelyKinkyKitsune

I do not like hearing women referred to that way, I can say that, I am a woman listening to someone say that, and I'm NOT narrow-minded, I just have more class and you can reserve that for your "roleplay" and kindly not disrepect others by even referring to thenm like that, this is not a "bitch" thread topic, it is a Daddy/Little topic and I did not believe daddy's call them that- maybe you do.

You are so narrow minded it's not even funny. Plus it was you who made it into a bitch topic. I was being accepting of all kinks in my post. unlike you.

Quote by Magical_felix
I'm asking in case this ever happens to one of my bitches/slaves/little girls etc.

See, I'm cool with whatever you want to call them.

Quote by 1LovelyKinkyKitsune

My friend who is in hospice care relates to helpness unless you are NOT able to discern that since you already posted some very Off-OFF-handed comments

Maybe I can't discern because you don't even make sense. Relates to helpless? What...

Quote by 1LovelyKinkyKitsune

I do not go to other threads or places that I am not into, my desire is not to post things that would be offensive... some people obviously get off on that and do, but I am asserting on behalf of those more caring relationships that what you said has nothing to do with real-life D/l as I know it and maybe I am limited to thining of it differently, then so be it.

You saying that people that don't abide to your definition of the lifestyle are less caring or that their relationships aren't loving is quite offensive. Quite offensive indeed.

Quote by 1LovelyKinkyKitsune

Take your crude comments to your women, I am not one of them, but like you said, we are all different and you like things I obviously would not and I am sure vice-versa. What I did not like is minimalizing what can be a real experience he had or others might have, not just for this person, but others, and making into some kind of joke. That is not funny and I do not think you would appreciate someone doing that to something you really like. It was not really funny and I am glad I took time to say how I feel. I have no idea how you would feel, but if you want to be rude, I think that isjust awaste of time.\

All I did was ask a few questions. The lifestyle is a constant journey of self discovery and learning. How is one to learn anything if you're not allowed to ask questions? A very wise man once said that there are no stupid questions, just stupid answers as you are proving here in this thread.

Quote by 1LovelyKinkyKitsune

I did not kink-shame

Now you're just being a liar.
Let me revise (talking about myself and my former posts). I will look into this. I should not like to be a liar, and I really do not like to be called one by what used to be one of my favourite cartoon characters.

As far as anything else, I thought your original post on this thread [Felix] was to bash and "kink shame" as 'you' call it, to be funny or for your fun. 'No? ... Well, then... I suppose, regardless of anything people can certainly have an opinion and no one can tell another person what to do on a site except those in that authority- of course, and it mean anything.

ONLY family or spouse, as regarded as 'next of kin', then a person with medical 'Power of Attorney' in legal documents as to emergancy E.R. & ICU medical situations {@previous question), has any rights or would be consulted first and/or solely in those situations.
This post was about a "Little" -however- regardless of BDSM, or name you call a person, or BDSM roles, in an ICU or emergancy room it would be a harrowing experience for anyone who cares.
Quote by 1LovelyKinkyKitsune
This post was about a "Little" -however- regardless of BDSM, or name you call a person, or BDSM roles, in an ICU or emergancy room it would be a harrowing experience for anyone who cares.

Hugs......I agree with you ...xxxxx

You are great voice of reason...and kind...and wise...