Nope. Already got a couple for free when I was younger. I've had my fill.
$2.50... max $3.00 if you include a tip
Only an antisocial shut in, with zero game would actually pay for sex. I'd buy dinner if you want to count that.....
I cannot think of anything worse. Paying for sex is bad enough, but virginity loss is a special occasion and it is borderline abusive to sully it like that!
first time is perfect..... but no
No. I would not pay for sex at all but to pay for virgin sex is right daft.
Never had a virgin and not going to pay for one. Besides, I didn't think there are virgins past the legal age of consent anymore.
i don't waste my money to get a girl i wouldn't enjoy because she is first timer and i don't want to be like a teacher and she is my student
HELL YEAH I WOULD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh come on people, the only reason you would pay for a girl's virginity (other than that you're getting laid) is that the first time is special. It's meaningful giving yourself to someone for the first time. It's about love and trust, or at least it should be.
There is nothing else about it that would be worth paying for since most of you apparently think that virgins are bad in the sack. (I honestly don't know but I trust you guys there)
Now – food for thought: How special would it really be if said girl was whoring herself out?
i love this - you guys are talking about a girls virginity like its a commodity - they should sell it at Toys R us or something. just to remind you all, there's a person attached to that vagina - might want to remember that.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Well this is not something to be "paid for" but rather to be cherished. If you are fortunate enough to share the first time with a young woman you should treasure it and revel in the intimacy of this very special bond you have created. You should be "paying her" with love, affection, reassurance and lots and lots of TLC. The last thing a young woman needs for her first experience of making love is rough handling, awkward emotional remoteness and a handful of cash. Just my two cents, but then I'm a romantic at heart.