Ok apart from the obvious as in boobs, or ass!, What other physical features do you look for and find attractive in a woman?
Me personally? I like a good strong prominent collar bone, lips and eyes.
I Love a women with good long toned legs. mmmm so sexy.
In addition to the eyes and lips a smile ... that says a lot about the persons character/personality I believe.
A woman who knows how to smut talk at the right place, right time, in the right way.
Her eyes. Her entire being is exhibited in her eyes. How she walks is a good indicator too. Long, slow, languid strides says a lot.
I find that it is different things with different women. Could be hair for one, boobs on another, lips on a third. Really, though, it's how it all fits together. Sometimes I can't even put my finger on a specific thing that attracts me about a given woman. She's just attractive to me for whatever reason and that reason defies easy analysis.
I love a woman that has no distinguishing features, but when put altogether just has something about her that makes her beautiful.
Her smile, eyes, hair, femininity.
Warmth, compassion, intelligence, patience and curiosity are vital. Physical features are important too, but without those above mentioned traits, any woman (or man) isn't really fit to be anyone else's company. That being said, the eyes are the most important. They tell you almost everything about her. How she walks is not quite but also a good indication of what she's like. Beyond that... looks DO matter, but my bar on that isn't all that high. I've seen many a Plain Jane who was strikingly beautiful merely from the vibrancy of her eyes.
I like curvy hips which which means I have really enjoyed women with a bit more padding than typical model figures.
I'd say "smile"
But what really attracts me is brains!
I love brown eyes and high cheekbones, her smile and her voice.
A nice, big ass! Bubble butts, jiggly butts, just big butts!
i have an extreme leg and foot fetish so i always look at legs and feet. i also love long hair.