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Vasectomy / The Snip - who's had it?

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Active Ink Slinger
After a couple of children (planned), I'm considering getting the snip.

I've been using nothing other than the pull-out method for a decade (good self control), but definitely don't want any more children, so something a bit more permanent and safer might be the way to go.

I am worried though that it may change the quality of my sex life. I know that sperm only makes up a small portion of ejaculate, but even so, am pretty sure that orgasms aren't going to be as good, despite what some people say.

So, who here has experience of it? I know it's painful for a day or so, that's irrelevant in the bigger scheme of things. I want to know what impact it has had on people here.
Active Ink Slinger
If goes as planned not much to it. One side of mine was about 3 min and done,2nd side was longer due too scar tissue from younger days when i rode bulls it took about 45 min at least they didnt take me to surgery like they talked about. Ask if I would do again, Isure would its freeing to not to have to hold back on any aspect.........
I had two vasectomies. First one was after my Daughter was born. Second after my son was born. Seems the Dr. missed one vein #3....That's right...I'm a mutant....I'm very glad that I had my boy...Very proud of him. I also will encourage you to get checked......I didn't after #1....But did after #2.

It didn't hurt much either time and I actually had sex earlier than I was supposed to. Didn't bother me a bit....

I will tell you. The orgasms are just as good the peace of mind is priceless.

The amount of ejaculate was reduced by probably one third. My biggest complaint...I miss the large quantities that I used to expel....Sigh...can't have everything...
Rookie Scribe
New here but felt I should reply.

The procedure was easy and recovery relatively painless. Just take your pain meds, ice everything and don't walk around. Frozen corn or pees make a good ice bag. Just switch them out in the freezer per the Dr.'s schedule (and throw them out afterwords). Do it on Friday and have a long, easy weekend on the couch.

Afterwords, it was fun to have the wife "produce" the 10-15 orgasms prior to the followup visit. This was part of our agreement and mad for a fun experience.

As for orgasms, they are the same but different. The amount of cum looks the same for amount and texture. The orgasm is the same but leading up to it is different. I used to feel it boiling up in my balls prior to the point of no return. I still get some of that feeling but it isn't the same. Not that it is bad but timing your orgasm (not changing something mid peak) took some training. Training is good.

The best part is never having to worry about my wife getting pregnant again. This allows for a more open attitude during love making.

Would I do it again? YES
Active Ink Slinger
After losing twins and almost losing a wife, I had it done almost twenty years ago. The only problem I had was that the local wore off before he was done. Not very comfy, let me tell you. As for the recovery, I was advised to sit and sip Rum and cokes, parking the glass next to the boys when not drinking.
was not too bad. 1 night of swelling. And just be careful for a few days.
Active Ink Slinger
After my second daughter was born and was six months old and healthy I had my Vasectomy. I didn't want more than 2 kids as I saw plenty of families who worked their asses off to provide for a house full of kids and I didn't want that.
The question posed didn't cover the whole story. You asked if it made a difference in a negative way, but not for the positive. Why did we have three kids?... because we didn't want four! Between Mrs P feeling more relaxed, and mr P not having to use condoms, it made for a much more enjoyable sex life.

If you're concerned with the quality of your orgasm, don't turn 50
A friend had it done with no anaesthetic, he mediated instead... (I believe he had it reversed some years later after a marriage breakdown when he met his new partner)
Active Ink Slinger
had it about 20 years ago. No problems
oooooo.... this is the sexiest question ever! Love a man whose had a little snip!

ironic that earlier today I wrote "a little snip and I'll do ya" in a twitter conversation!! seriously, I'm @almostfreesex check me out ;-)
Primus Omnium
I got snipped when I was 27 and have never regretted it. We have no children, and that was planned. I was into ZPG back in the day. Don't hear much about it nowadays.
Active Ink Slinger
One of the best things I've done did as it saved my wife going back on the pill again. In the UK the service is free, done at a local GP clinic under local anaesthetic and takes 20 mins. I had 2 consultations before the procedure, 1 a week before and 1 on the day, to make sure i was happy with the risks. You need to shave your scrotum clean (or ask a friend?) Afterwards I took masses of painkillers and my balls swelled up to 3 times their normal size; I looked like I'd taken a serious kicking! You need to ejaculate over 15 times before you give your samples to check your sperm count. (15 is a minimum!) I gave a sperm sample on week 6 and week 9, the count was down to zero. if your wife doesn't like you masturbating now is a good time to discuss how healthy and normal it is! There is no difference in my ejaculations. However, 2 side effects; I have a constant dull ache in my right ball apparently caused by scar tissue, it's no big deal and after 6 years I still need to get this sorted, also my scrotum hair grew back in patches so I keep it shaved; obviously not a big deal but something to be aware of. But if you ever need to prove that you are unable to father any more children I am left with a scar, about an inch long, on each one - they are very obvious. Hope this helps.
Active Ink Slinger
I had the snip last November and I have to say my sex drive has gone through the roof since my wife can't keep up and I have found that I have started to masturbate at least once a day something I haven't done since my teens.
Active Ink Slinger
Had it done in September, my wife was having some problems with the pill, so I said fuck it lets do it. Was fine except for the pain for a few days...was back masturbating on the fifth day...boy was that an intense one but ever since it has all gone back to normal. I think my sex drive has gone up a couple of notches though. Still have to use skins until get the all clear...first sample to be sent on 15 weeks...should cleared out by then! ;)
Quote by Lorenzo1
I got snipped when I was 27 and have never regretted it. We have no children, and that was planned. I was into ZPG back in the day. Don't hear much about it nowadays.

Oh, I have so much respect for this post.
Active Ink Slinger
Yup had it done when I was 27...Wife had done her it was mine...Fairs-fair!!
It was not painful, just a little uncomfortable. Would I do it again if things were different - problems
Will your orgasms be different...not in the slightest.
If anything, it improved my sex life/drive as future children are something you can discount!
Active Ink Slinger
yeah got it done it was ok but i would have prefered not to got guilt tripped into by my ex
I got the snip three months to the day of my first and only child being born. The doctor said that would be the minimum time considered. Seven years regrets.
Active Ink Slinger
I had it done years ago. Worked just fine.
Active Ink Slinger
I swelled up and could not walk about for about 3 days. For a long time afterwards I had a sort of burning sensation in my balls during sex but eventually it went away, (it wasn't necessarily a negative feeling just different). I have absolutely no regrets and would do it again. I feel the choice of who to be thus changed should be the man rather than the woman as it is a relatively minor operation.
Active Ink Slinger
Easy minor Op - never regretted - much better afterwards as no wucking furries..
Active Ink Slinger
I had it done many years ago. No big problems, just a little sore for a couple of days.
Active Ink Slinger
Has it done 18 years ago - no problems, no changes, and no worries.
Advanced Wordsmith
Had it done 12 years ago. Main issue I had was with the pain meds, but everything wound up working out. No more pregnancy scares. Lol
Active Ink Slinger
I sat up, watched it occur, asked questions, no swelling, not too sore and went to work. 22 years ago. Fucked like a kid once it was done.