What turns you off from a woman???
Crudity, Ignorance, and lack of manners.
Smoking women, drug users, bizarre piercings, face tattoos, stained clothing, out of shape girls
Many things that fall under a broad category of making a relationship more difficult than is necessary.
Smoking can be a turn off.
Hairy armpits
Bad teeth
a filthy mouth outside of the bedroom
eating like it was her last meal ( i love a woman with meat on her but i don't like watching a woman pig out)
excessive drinking
too much makeup
flaming other women
no smile
A mustache does not win me over.
Bad attitude, smoking, excessive drinking, bad hygiene, not about anything, awful physique, hairy legs, ignorance...
attitude, attitude, attitude
A female with a bad attitude that's not about nothing...that's my biggest turn off.
may i interject here that most of the answers could be applied to people in general..just an observation..
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
they absolutely could. turn offs aren't exactly gender specific...
A woman who smells!! I'm talking about bad breath or smell bad downstairs. Emotionally insecure, snobs, ignorance.
i find giggily girls irritating.
you know those girls that seem to laugh at any stupid thing.
I find doing drugs a big turn off, as well as partying and drinking too much
Immaturity, lack of grace, smoking, out of shape and lack of intelligence (most important of all)
overly big fake boobs, like natural just a hand full size boob to play with. too many tatoos, a few small sexy ones are nice but being covered with them again takes away from her own natural beauty.
being easy;
being slutty;
putting her needs above everyone else;
oversize fake boobs;
not knowing where they are going in life.
lack of self cofidence,clinging,rudeness,trying to limit their intelligence,smoking
Personality, Attitude, Expectance of someone they "love" to change, control freak, insecurity. lack of an open mind.....tell me when to end!!!!
"Sometimes you have to believe in someone else's belief in you before the belief in yourself kicks in" ~Les Brown
I'll keep it to my top two biggest:
1. Lack of education or just general stupidity/ignorance (ditsy girls, those who believe everything they see/read etc)
2. Those who think they're God's gift to humanity and think that because they have a vagina that automatically everyone needs to bow down to and be "worthy" of their attention. Get over yourselves, you poop like everybody and put your pants on one leg at a time.
not taking care of her self, she doesn't have to look like a model but be height/ weight balenced. also I don't like a woman who swears all the time. smoking is also a turn off for me.
gauge piercings are just nasty. normal piercings not on the ear are major turn offs too.
Ignorance, Smoking, Excessive drinking, Excessive cursing, Drug use, Lack of manners, Lack of personal hygene, Being "ghetto".
Nasty personality. That's about it