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Stopping yourself from cumming

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This is a research question to help me with a story I'm writing.

I have recently had sex a few times with a guy who's able to stop himself from ejaculating even though he can be a Gnat's Widget from eruption.

He stops all movement and his whole body goes very tense and rigid until the moment has passed, then we change positions and we're off again, he does this about five times and sex lasts ooh well up to an hour and a half before he cums.

He told me he does this because his recovery time is very long, sometimes not at all and he likes to make the most of round one. He also told me that if he does it too many times his cock stays hard but he loses the ability to ejaculate.

Very impressive but he won't tell me what he's doing physically or mentally to stop himself.

Can you do this or know how it's done?

If you can, please explain how you achieve it physically and mentally.

Many thanks, Kim
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Kimasa
Can you do this or know how it's done?

If you can, please explain how you achieve it physically and mentally.

For me, it's always been a matter of stopping before the PoNR (point of no return). I did it by stopping all stimulation. ignoring whatever stimulation is naturally there from her and thinking thought that disrupted, like doing arithmetic in my head or thinking about what I'm going to plant in next year's garden. As I got older, it would sometimes cause me to lose the erection and sometimes it wouldn't come back for a normal recharge interval, so it wasn't worth it.

Hope that helps.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
Gingerbread Lover
Sorry, I know it's for the guys, but I can share how my mate stops himself cumming sometimes. He told me he does it by concentrating on clenching the muscles he uses to wee, like us lasses clenching our kegels. I thought he had actually cum, the way he reacted, but he hadn't, he just "clenched" his muscles and he was fit to go longer. Hope that helps.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Thanks 1ball and Shylass.

Is there anybody else out there?

It's life Jim but not as we know it
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by Kimasa
Thanks 1ball and Shylass.

Is there anybody else out there?

It's life Jim but not as we know it

Maybe none of the others can?
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Gingerbread Lover
Quote by FtLMale
Seem familar....

I was all, hey, where's my posts gone...? Oh.

My mate doesn't do it so he doesn't cum at all, just so he can both save matriarchal curtains from their blushes, and keep having fun for longer. That's what he said, anyway.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Active Ink Slinger
I've found that as long as I keep the flow to a minimum I can continue and give myself a chance at re-filling without breaking the momentum.. it seems easier for me to release a small amount and continue rather than shutting it down and starting again.. I haven't noticed a difference in supply at the final release so don't know if it matters.. either way it works for you I guess..
It's a combination of both the muscle clench that Shylass was talking about as well as a degree of mental/psychological discipline. Most guys can do it to some extend, but unless they practice, it tends only to work after a not inconsiderable pause. If practiced, the time it takes to recover can be greatly reduced, sometimes to even one or two seconds.

In my experience, the physical aspect is a muscle clench, during which you can and actually should keep moving, followed by relaxing for a moment and remaining still. This sort of resets the muscles in the area, sort of analogous to the way a defibrillator actually stops a heart so it can reset itself. The psychological aspect is much more personal, and depends on the situation. For me, it usually stems from the desire to build a more intense orgasm, or to continue giving pleasure to my partner.

There's another thing that can be done- more under the heading of 'multiple male orgasms', but it's relevant enough. If a man uses a similar set of muscular movements to what I was talking about above, and is unsuccessful in preventing ejaculation, he can continue his motions smoothly and repeat the process, clenching and moving, then relaxing and staying still a few more times, and sometimes the same principle of resetting his penis will allow him to continue having sex straight through to a second orgasm, which as we all know, will probably take a while longer.

Hope that helps.
Active Ink Slinger
Ah the things that we do for our women and... our ego.

I used to hold ejaculating till it was too late, usually by just withdrawing, but ultimately screwing up the sex session. All this by just clenching the muscles, it was not a pleasuring feeling at all and it didn't work.

Over the years what I have found to be working much better is to control it constantly with the muscles and by slowing down, this from almost the beginning of the session. This changing of pace, slows down the breathing and shift my lusty mind in a slower gear thus eliminating at that moment the uncontrollable need of ejaculation, I actually feel relieved of the pressure. At that point I can start again and I can last just like another session, if not more. Most of the time, I decide when to actually end it, which is when she's been back and forth a few times or just we had a satisfying time... and that is the reason for all of this. The constant need to outlast till you ladies are satisfied because of your obvious nature to have several consecutive orgasms like its nothing at all. I alway love you and sometimes hate you for that.

I have found at my own expense a side effect of this practice. As I take these trips without ever reaching the destination, at times because of external events as someone simply knocking at the door, in just a few minutes after interrupting the session I develop a debilitating pain in the groin, that it will only go away after I reach the long sought finish, but by than its not pleasurable.
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by CenterLine
It's a combination of both the muscle clench that Shylass was talking about as well as a degree of mental/psychological discipline.

I agree. I can do it once and it is hard and recharged immediately, so we just continue with the next act. But in my case, it is in a 'pause' mode rather than 'restart', so the second time I am done really quickly. I only started practicing this art a while back.. so I would say, that I am still perfecting it.. I would love to be able to 'reset' 2/3 times and last longer each time.

But honestly, one and half hours seems way too long to me Kimasa. If true, you should really get the secret out of him and share with all of us - you'll make a lot of women happier

Looking forward to your story!
Active Ink Slinger
I think it has to do more with one's mind than anything physical. Its not something I can or want to do every time, it all depends on how I am feeling and what I have been upto sexually. I have noticed that foreplay helps and so does getting it hard without any help. If one's mind is into it, one enjoys it more and wants to prolong it. Otherwise, one might want to cum to feel the pleasure.

Last summer, I was really into prolonging it. If I didn't have a girl, I would do it by myself almost everyday and was able to go for hours, sometimes days without cumming. It had become a habit. I always used some sort of oil or lotion and had music on (which is important). Let me tell you that every single stroke starts to feel sublime and on a couple of occasions, it kept sending shivers down my spine. Not just that, when I used to cum after 3-4 days (or 10-15 hours), it felt so fucking fantastic that I would start laughing or shouting.

I think I taught myself to hold it when I used to have phone sex with a girl 4-5 years ago. I don't understand the connection because some proper sexy moans are my biggest weakness.
Had a dream I was king, I woke up still king!!
Active Ink Slinger
It's not difficult to stop myself from cumming. I just slow down or think about a random inanimate object. That usually gets me to not be able to cum, even when I continue to plow her. It's how I last three hours or so.
Active Ink Slinger
Hi Kimasa,
I Stop myself from cumming very often. I do that till my woman is ready to cum. Ican stop cumming till she finishes/cums or when she wants me to cum with her, and what a wonderful feeling it gives the total control that I have. when I am alone I keep masturbating for hours and sometimes for days before I cum and when I do its such a heavenly feeling - indescribable. This is called Karezza. I specially do this while bathing. I apply any perfumed oil or soap/shampoo on my cock, and gently rub till it is rock hard. Then rub real fast till i reach orgasm, and just before I reach the point of no return, I slow down and maintain the steady stroking where i keep floating with pleasure for as long as I wish for several minutes to several hours. Watching or reading erotic stuff enhances my pleasure. And when ultimately I decide to ejaculate its an out of the world experience. But this has taken me a couple of years of patient practice.
Sorry, I don't even try to stop. When it's natural, it's natural, what can I say.
Clever Gem
STOP? What's that? I no understand.

I wil not stop , I am impatient as hell , and why stop when you can do it over and over? That's just silly.

EDIT* damn i did not notice this was ask the guys ! hahahaha NEVERMIND BOYS NEVERMIND!
Advanced Wordsmith
A few years back (ok more than a few) I started practicing what is called Extended Sexual Orgasm, it was all about separating the orgasmic response from the ejaculatory response as a result I can orgasm with out ejaculating. Its based on controlling your PC muscle as well as the muscles that raise and lower the testicles, as you get aroused the testicles pull up to the body as when your cold so buy pushing down like your trying to pee faster as well as a GENTLY pulling them away from the body you can extend your time. If you add to that a little pacing and relaxation I can go for quite a while BUT when you finally ejaculate it can be very intense. I've cleaned my cum off of my face as well as the wall behind our bed.
Active Ink Slinger
Ive been told by several of both sexes,that guys have learnt the no cum art at. Indian Ashrams. The gvy orgasms,but doesnt shoot and can just keep going. 2 ladies confirmed this to me. Apparantly a guy practices drawing his sphncter in,similar to a lady doing pelvic floor exercises.
Active Ink Slinger
Ive been told by several of both sexes,that guys have learnt the no cum art at. Indian Ashrams. The gvy orgasms,but doesnt shoot and can just keep going. 2 ladies confirmed this to me. Apparantly a guy practices drawing his sphncter in,similar to a lady doing pelvic floor exercises.
Advanced Wordsmith
I personally just completely relax and lay flat until the feeling passes a few seconds later. Lol, my girlfriend HATES IT
"I ‘accidentally’ wrapped my hand over my pitched tent. “Trying to cover it up” I lied to myself. Only to be rewarded by chills rocketing down my spine. Fuck! I needed to cum now! "
"Wasted Time" by

Gentleman With Handcuffs
Detention Seeker
It's actually tantric sex you turn your mind off to as has been said the Pnr. This can be done quite a few times similar to stopping yourself from having a pee. Eventually though according to bladder Pnr will become must pee! The more you practice the longer you can delay similar to pelvic floor muscle exercises.
Active Ink Slinger
why would i want to stop myself from experiencing the best part? O_o

that's crazy talk.

i'll just go for seconds, thirds, etc.
Yes I have had to hold back from the big 'O' on occassion. It is slightly different for me in that my partner was telling me I wasn't allowed to come... it mostly comes down to a contest of wills between my brain and my body. Generally thinking of unrelated things tends to help disrupt things, and gives me a moments respite in which I can quickly reign myself in. It's tough though, exquisite torture. Definately increases the intensity of my orgasm a hundred fold.
Quote by Kimasa
This is a research question to help me with a story I'm writing.

I have recently had sex a few times with a guy who's able to stop himself from ejaculating even though he can be a Gnat's Widget from eruption.

He stops all movement and his whole body goes very tense and rigid until the moment has passed, then we change positions and we're off again, he does this about five times and sex lasts ooh well up to an hour and a half before he cums.

He told me he does this because his recovery time is very long, sometimes not at all and he likes to make the most of round one. He also told me that if he does it too many times his cock stays hard but he loses the ability to ejaculate.

Very impressive but he won't tell me what he's doing physically or mentally to stop himself.

Can you do this or know how it's done?

If you can, please explain how you achieve it physically and mentally.

Many thanks, Kim

I usually press the tip of my penis when I'm about to cum; this can delay ejaculation, and also bloats the cock, so gives her more pleasure too.
Advanced Wordsmith
he can be a Gnat's Widget from eruption

Is this some kind of clinical expression?

Seriously, in my misspent youth (pun intended) I'd do the same thing: Hold back until my partner had orgasmed, then I'd let it fly.
Well to be honest i too have done that like many times and its a matter of will power i would say . There is of course a PONR (point of no return) after which no matter how u try u can't stop.

To stop myself from cum , i just stop all the activity and think about beautifulness not sexiness for just 2 minutes of my girl and there i am normal again , and ready to rock more .

There are many advantages of that

Time i stay in action of course gets longer
The amount of load increases (i don't know how but i have noticed almost 50% increase of load)
Third and the most awesome i would say that the pressure build up every time and released at the end is really a lot ! which really really is intense ! and the cum shots over 1 foot high . and i am not kidding.

there are some disadvantages too

i can't shoot off again that night . means once super shot and then its like all the energy has been drained from me .

so its a one shot thing but of course in that course of action my girl gets a lot of orgasms :P
so its like a win-win situation
I would always stop inside her, open my eyes wide. Maybe 20 or 30 seconds. It was like starting over. It gave me the regroup I needed to bang her the way she needed/wanted.