I live in the UK. I have been chatting on with a 60 year old man in Texas recently. We had a lot of fun. I came hard several times each time we chatted. He wants a girl for live in RP. Dressing up and being his little girl. It makes me wet when he mentions it. I love the idea. Should I go for it?
Again, a question is asked while giving WAY too little information to form a valid response concerning your exact situation. There are so many variables that any answer given would be a pure shot in the dark. Sometimes things can work out with little to no planning or interaction, and other times you can interact online with someone for years and then meet and it go badly. I always advise against long distance moves where you cut off any real security for yourself UNLESS you have discussed many things with the person, know them pretty well (as much as you can online), and actually done research on them personally. Yes, I mean check them out for real. It is one thing doing this sort of thing with someone in your own town, or even in commuting distance. But when you decide to move to another location, and even another country.... I would advise having a heck of a lot more than some sexually charged sessions.
Thanks JohnC. He said I could stay in a hotel for a week and we could try things out. He even suggested that if I liked I could go to the police station and register with them somehow. I guess since he is an ex-cop that should be ok.
The place is somewhere with about 10,000 people so not too small and not too big.
Being former police means nothing of value in this or many situations. You are still rolling the dice. I would advise not getting caught up in the excitement of things, and know that this may very well BE only excitement talking. I would advise you try that type of lifestyle locally first where you have a safety net. My first reaction and thoughts on the whole thing are.... hell no. But others may think differently. Mine was simply the first response you got.
Good luck.
could be the greatest thing that every happens to you. could be a nightmare. it's a roll of the dice. how long have you known this guy? how well do you know him? i mean, sure, the sex is hot, but what else do you know about him? the UK is a LONG way from Texas. were it me? i'd met up first, i mean, like in neutral territory or on your territory. not on his. really, it's online. try this one out for size. i'm a cop, too. come meet up with me in Seattle. get to know him when you're hormones aren't making you crazy. get to know him beyond the cybersex, and then, if you feel you can trust him, think about it. you DO ever head out there, though, make sure people KNOW where you're going, have his address, people you can check in with daily so they know you're ok. like i said, it could work, it could be great, but honestly? it wouldn't be something i would just jump into without really thinking it through.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Hi sprite...I am trying to think and yet not to overthink. One reason I like the mature man thing (Daddy issues) is the freedom I get by giving myself away. It needs trust I know and safety most of all. I guess I could try to do some safer arrangements.
impulsively having a fling with someone you barely know is one thing when it's just a quick cab ride home or a quick phone call to your bestie. it's another when it's somewhere you don't know anyone and it's an 8 hour flight.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
So if I make this safer somehow I should go to Texas. He said he'd pay.
Him paying is not the issue. And quite frankly if he does pay, that gives him control over you and a psychological edge to begin with. "I paid for you to be here!"
If you go, you must NOT be dependent on him for ANYTHING. If you can't do it on your own, don't go. Make sure you have a JOB lined up or other form of income (NOT FROM HIM). Make sure you have a place to be should things not work out.
No, sorry, to me, the more this gets hashed out, the more I think it is a foolish thing to do.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
From your posts, it seems obvious that you've already made a decision. And you want cosigners, I suppose.
But the truth of the matter is, even if it's on his dime...this isn't safe. And I think you know this isn't safe. You don't know him. He makes your pussy wet, he makes your nipples hard, and he makes you cum just by saying the right things...and it may be the most intense orgasms you've ever experienced, and you want to experience it firsthand instead of via an internet connection. I totally get that.
But there's such a thing as impression management. He's presenting himself to you in all the ways he knows you'll like. He's probably inside your head and you think he can do no wrong.
I urge you to be careful and sensible about this. It's always the women who think "Oh this will never happen to me" or "He would never harm me, he's such a great guy" that find themselves in the most danger.
Discuss this with loved ones or a close friend or something. Don't do anything half-cocked just because a nice guy you met over the internet wants to fly you out and have his way with you. There are much safer ways to pursue the thrills you're seeking.
░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░
If this relationship is based solely on sex and role play, baby....that's a long way for a booty call. And as the others have mentioned, a potentially dangerous situation. Without real love, tons of things in common, or a real commitment...what do you have? Trust me. Sex has never been enough to keep couples together. I should know.
After you fuck each others brains out the first night...now what? Sit on the edge of the bed? Nothing to talk about.
You say he's 60. I assume you're much younger. So while it takes his cock hours to pump up again and you're still red hot...what do you do?
Smoke a cigarette or two, thumb thru some magazines, paint your toenails while he snores behind you? Think about it.
Whatever you do, be safe.
Don't do it. At least not the way it's been spelled out so far.
First - you need to be aware of his existence in ways other than . You need to know his full name, his facebook, where he works - verify that this guy exists - see that he has friends and family and that other human beings think of him favourably. If all you know right now is the fantasy he's spun for you, then you don't know him nearly well enough yet.
Then, if you want to meet - do it on neutral territory. He picks up the tab for flight and hotel. You both meet in some city in between, or a place where there's lots of people around. Let's say a hotel in New York. He pays for two rooms. You then get to meet in person, hang out in public places etc and if things click - you can have sex etc but if turns out to be a lecherous old man or a psycho, you have your own room key and a plane ticket back home. If you hit things off, you can always schedule a trip to Texas later - once you're more comfortable with him and have spent time with him in person.
Other than that, make him come to your town and decide from there. You, as the female, should *always* have the upper hand and safety reassurances when it comes to a sex-arrangement or booty call situation.
Hi Cheryl: I would echo many of the sentiments expressed here, above all use extreme caution. How about he comes to you instead, at least that way you have your existing support circle close at hand. Even then your initial meet or perhaps several meets should take place in public where there are people around. If he is reluctant to do this that would be a HUGE red flag for me.
Please be careful!
This is an incredibly dangerous thing to do.
You are trusting a stranger with your life.
Investigate the serial types that take women and children as sex slaves and worse and you'll see. I'm not sure I can use the real term here.
Don't be such a silly fuck. You know nothing about him that can be verified. Texas is a big place, and one little girl in a foreign land - who else would give a fuck what happened to you. So damn dangerous. There are plenty of guys in the world, so don't rush into danger.
Thanks for all the comments. I have decided to stay put for now. I will see how things progress with "Daddy" over the next weeks/months.
I wouldn't do it period.
Don't do it. There are enough fucked up manipulators, thieves, pimps, pervs, and downright evil people in the world to believe something like this.
That's just a long way to be flown for and a lot of money paid to just be a "role play girl" for a couple nights.
I'd worry greatly if I were you. But I'm a massively trained and probably born, cynic.
Meeting someone at your own expense? Ok. That person paying for you? Yea...I'd question just how far that person intended to take things.
This is the internet. OK so you Skyped. This is a no no. I mean like NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
No matter how nice someone seems, just don't do it.
Danny x
I would be very careful with this. You need to think smart. I would make sure I know somebody very well before leaving the county.
Have you ever heard of sex slavery. This sounds really strange. Be very careful.
It could be fine or it could be the worst decision you ever made.
This is my honest opinion.
I agree with your decision to stay put...If he is willing to pay, he can pay for his own
ticket to England. Be careful and most of all stay safe. can be very erotic and
fulfilling, but when the orgasms end, your instincts need to kick in