Dolores O'Riordan of the Cranberries immediately comes to mind for me. I've seen her both with long hair and very short hair.....and as a brunette (her natural color)
and with bleached hair. She's carries both looks exceptionally well. I can go either way. Ultimately, its the that inner beauty that prevails.
Long hair I like ...short hair has its advantages
Long hair is sexy.
Short hair is cute.
Medium hair? I'm not a fan. It wouldn't be a deal-breaker, though.
I love long hair, and voted thus, however, living in Miami, I can see the functionality of shorter hair.
As long as the hair is suited to her face, then it's all good.
It's not the lenth I look for. I prefer the style and that it's health, not full of split ends or all thin and stringy. I love a woman that will take chances with there hair style.. Change it up color, style, lenth.
generally long, but some girls can pull off short hair
Depends on what I'm looking for, but usually just long enough for the "just had sex" look, or where it covers the eyes. Not sure why, but I find that sexy as hell.
"So how does it feel to know that someones kid in the heart of America
Has blood on their hands, fighting to defend your rights
So you can maintain the lifestyle that insults this family's existence"
Security is mere illusion; yet in that illusion lies security.
I do prefer long hair, I think it's really sexy. However, I wouldn't say I dislike short hair in and of itself. It would depend on what the face and body of the girl was like.
I enjoy short hair. It really depends on the person it is attached to though.
With a cute, boyish face and figure, short hair and feels looks amazing. Otherwise, long hair is lovely, too.
I like the femininity of long hair. Love to run my fingers through it, pull it, see it spread out over the pillow. So this is my preference, all other things being equal. But, as has been noted, some women look better with different lengths and these make them prettier/more attractive. Confidence and comfort are sexier than any length of hair so, if she's happy and feeling good about how she looks, then that's the style I want her to have. I'm certainly not going to avoid a woman because she's wearing a shorter hairstyle.
A girl with short hair here: The short-haired girl club knows the men like long hair better. However, we are confident that the short hair looks better on us in particular, if not all women in general. Maybe we have a small face, pretty eyes or good cheekbones. Having short hair is a good way to avoid men who are very parochial about haircuts :-)
Having short hair is a good way to avoid men who are very parochial about haircuts ..
When I was younger I had long hair and wore it over my boobs because I was embarassed by their large size. Now I have shoulder length hair and wear tight shirts or sweaters. TeeHee.
Long hair is really nice, in general, but it really depends on the woman--her face, her style, what she wants to convey. On some women I've found short hair and even very short hair stunningly appropriate. But shoulder length at least is usually my own preference. But, heck, it's her hair!
they all look nice to me its more about how the hair is styled long hair is nice but if she has short hair and styled it right then it can be very hot
I do not care how long or short a woman’s hair is as long as it complements her face.
Long always works for me!
Completely depends, though a very particular type of elfin face and delicate bone structure is needed to pull off shorter hair, in my opinion.