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How much does a woman's height matter to you?

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Quote by alion
Well i'm 6ft1 and height makes no difference to me but short girls are more attracted to smaller fellas in my opinion and tall girls to tall fellas! This is my opinion!

I'm 5' 4 and I adore tall men, particularly if they're 6'+. I'd like to think that if I met someone amazing and short I wouldn't let their height get in the way, but the reality is that I went out with someone who was 5' 8 once and it drove me crazy. I can go as low as 5' 10 but no shorter
Quote by freakycactus

I'm 5' 4 and I adore tall men, particularly if they're 6'+. I'd like to think that if I met someone amazing and short I wouldn't let their height get in the way, but the reality is that I went out with someone who was 5' 8 once and it drove me crazy. I can go as low as 5' 10 but no shorter

Giggles....You did!
Quote by crazydiamond

Giggles....You did!

Ok, if I met a man who was amazing and short, I wouldn't date him (even if I was single) because his height would get in the way.

I wouldn't let height be an issue with an amazing and short woman - as you well know
Both of my wife and ex-wife are around 5'-5'2". Although I dated taller women as tall as 5'8" , perference is for more a shorter woman.
I'm 6'5 and my wife is 5'9". That said, I've dated many short/petite women. As far as body type is concerned, fitness is more important to me.
Quote by MrSexyLaugh
How much does a woman's height matter to you?

Is there a preference that you find sexier, maybe because of your own height you're insecure about dating or being with someone taller or shorter than yourself?

Would your viewpoint change on this matter if you could change your own height to your liking?

I personally find smaller, petite women sexier, there's something about them i can't get over anywhere from 5'4 and up to like 5'8 which is a pretty big gap I know but they just drive me insane like I want to break them haha I mean this in the best way possible you can pick them up twirl them around your finger and throw them over your shoulder if you so desire this to me makes me feel strong and in charge so my question to you guys on Lush is whats your preference and why ?

Funny replies are welcomed ... amuse me

I like 5' 5" to no upper limit...I'm 6'3" & can handle a tall girl...
So much BS in this thread! Height does not matter you say?

Well, I was passed over many times for no prettier girls. At least some men tell me I am attractive and all the parts go together OK.

In my younger year's the word got back to me many times so and so would be interested except for your height.

Then I met the pick of the male litter in my University and at 6'4" almost 6'5" he does not have any problem with my height. In recent years more mature men do not seem to mind either.

You can understand just how a tall girl appears to the average man when she is 5'11" and always wears heel when going out of the house.
Someone shorter than me?! I just wanna adore her, hug her, and if she's shorter than me it'd be romantic!
Height is unimportant
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Wilt Chamberlain should have an interesting perspective, but most folks will have a limited experience with enough short/tall people to make any sort of intelligent response.
Height is WAY down the list of qualities......I wouldn't probably get all hot and bothered by a dwarf, but that's just me.
It does not matter to me how tall or short she is..
Speaking a guy of average height, a lot of the girls I've been attracted to are taller than me. Ultimately though it doesn't matter, I don't feel threatened by kissing a girl who I'm shorter than, or being in bed with her. That being said, there's something insanely comforting about being able to rest your chin on top of a girl's head when you're hugging her. It's the simple pleasures in life.
There are a lot more critical factors before height for me
Height is relative to the male person or female person may like. Much depends on the persons height.
My former fiance was my height 5' 10" ended, then I met my wife 5' 4" both very different sexy ladies.

My son is shorter in stature and he had concerns with height, his girl friend is just slightly taller.
He found a look of girls preferred taller men. so college was a challenge in that area for him, but in the end her found someone.
I think it is less about height as it is about the person, height is secondary to me.

Quote by MrSexyLaugh
How much does a woman's height matter to you?

Old in chronological age. But young at heart and desire.
I am 6' in my stocking feet. Given that I am usually wearing something like a 2-3" heel (clogs or low heels), I am not exactly petite.

The range of men attracted to me seems to run the gamut, and I'm not sure why. Certainly it took me a while to accept my height, but now I am quite comfortable with it, and my own confidence probably contributes to the overall attractiveness scale.
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I love tall women, especially if they have great legs.
I am a fan of tall women.
I am 6'ish and most women I've been with are shorter, though I've been with some close to my height. Height isn't really a turn on or turn off for me. A woman of a similar height has the advantage that no one is is bending over to kiss standing up, but in bed that's less of a problem. That said, I haven't really met any women taller than me (or at least significantly taller) so it's tough to say. A lady with her boobs level with my face might be kind of fun given how much I love tits. biggrin


They can only be taller if they give me sexy piggy back rides.

Addendum. Who wouldn't mind dying by snusnu?
Quote by MadMartigan
They can only be taller if they give me sexy piggy back rides.

Addendum. Who wouldn't mind dying by snusnu?

sizest pig *kicks you in the shins*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

sizest pig *kicks you in the shins*

With a name like sprite, what else would you say? BTW, I am 6'1", but I have had lots of fun with short girls. It just complicates 69ing a bit. A little creativity helps.
I've dated women as short as 5'2" quite happily, and hit on women over 6' (unsuccessfully, I'm afraid). Given a magic wand (no, not that one, you pig), I'd probably be with a taller woman; really tall women are really hot. But I'm pretty happy with the right lass regardless of her height.

OK, back to work...
Quote by sprite

sizest pig *kicks you in the shins*

That's about how far you'd reach, queen of the pecks.

But to be "serious," I seem to go for short women. But I'm almost 6 flat so I'll usually meet the shorter side of the spectrum. But height isn't really too big a deal. From small and compact with a nice booty to tall with legs that never end. Sex appeal runs a wide spectrum and I'm attracted to both.

I can't say it wouldn't be slightly awkward at least at first with someone taller.
Quote by MadMartigan

That's about how far you'd reach, queen of the pecks.

But to be "serious," I seem to go for short women. But I'm almost 6 flat so I'll usually meet the shorter side of the spectrum. But height isn't really too big a deal. From small and compact with a nice booty to tall with legs that never end. Sex appeal runs a wide spectrum and I'm attracted to both.

I can't say it wouldn't be slightly awkward at least at first with someone taller.

i'll bite your kneecaps biggrin btw, i do have a nice booty, so there silly

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I am 6'5". My first wife was 5'7" and my current wife is 5'5". Height is not an issue.
Quote by sprite

i'll bite your kneecaps biggrin btw, i do have a nice booty, so there silly

to a great booty.

As for myself I say to the divine Ms. sprite, "bend me, shake me, anyway you want me, long as you love me, it's all right!"