Quote by simplyjohn
Well since I am rather old fashioned quite a long time... I would only attempt to kiss her after three dates.
Quote by Magical_felix
John, obviously that isn’t working. Fucking man up. Let your next date know you’ll fucking choke the fuck out of her while you piston in and of all her holes John.
Quote by simplyjohn
Now that did make me laugh for which I thank you... 'piston' ... firing on all cylinders I guess.
Quote by simplyjohn
Well since I am rather old fashioned quite a long time... I would only attempt to kiss her after three dates.
Quote by Frontierzman2
I can eat her the same day I meet her as long as I can get past the smell. OR shower with her & clean her snapper pussy
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by Magical_felix
The real question is how long do you need to know a chick before you lick her butt.
Quote by sprite
dude. not sure where you finding women with rank pussies at.
My last published story: Ho For The Holidays