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Have you ever turned down a blowjob?

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Yes from a guy and from my soon to be ex.
Yes, I have. But the odds of acceptance vs rejection are staggeringly lopsided
yes - once about 25 years ago lol. I was ill at the time - my gf thought it would make me feel better.
Quote by Scriptwriter66
Yes from a guy and from my soon to be ex.

Your ex guy?

Yes, well over a hundred times! If I'd let every guy blow me that wanted to, I'd have no dick left!!
I was a fussy slut, lol.
No, but I haven't had that many offers, either.

I love blowjobs so beyond being ill or something like that, I cannot really see me refusing the offer of one.
Quote by dpw

Your ex guy?

No. And actually I took it as a compliment.

I was in NYC having dinner at the Cattleman in 1982 (7 years before it went out of business) I wanted a T-bone. Didn't see it on the menu, so I asked the waiter, and he condescendingly said, "That is a Midwesterner steak, Sir." So he wouldn't spit in my soup I deferred to him. "Perhaps, you can suggest something?"

He lit up like Time Square on New Years Eve. I let him serve me whatever he thought best from the wine to dessert. When I finished he brought over a complimentary cigar, and said, "Coffee with your cigar ... at my place?" I politely said, "Everything was great, but I was going to have to pass on the coffee and cigar."

He smiled and said, "Very well." I paid him and tipped him 20%. As I was walking out he came up to me and very nicely said, "I do hope I didn't offend you, as I thought we had a moment there." I assured him he hadn't, and shook hands with him goodnight.

It was a nice feeling to have, even though it wasn't for me.
Quote by dpw

Your ex guy?

I was a fussy slut, lol.

Yes I have. It does happen from time to time.
Oh, sorry. I thought "Turn down a blow job" meant 'putting my cock in her mouth from another position.'
Wrong thread.
I'll go back to reading my Kama Sutra now.
Nope a mouth is a mouth and a suck is a suck....

Have I ever turned down a blow job? No, and I doubt I ever would. They taste too good to pass up.
Yes if I'm not in the mood.

Or if I have horror movies to watch.
Yup, the chick was a ratchet, ugh!
Yes, from a girl whose face was covered in fresh spots. I hope it was acne but I've heard it can be the first indication of an HIV infection.
yes , when i was 18/19 i went and picked up a prostitute. Found an attractive woman, say in her 30's walking around the street and so i picked her up. She had me drive down this alley and pull into a gravel lot behind a building . told me we had to hurry cause of the cops and not a good idea to hang around . so i gave her my 20 bucks. she told me go ahead and take it out . So i hurry, i'm sittin there with my my pants and underwear around my knees waiting . She reaches into her mouth with her thumb and slides her upper dentures out of her mouth and sets them on the dash . She didnt even have the common courtesy to wrap them in a tissue or anything. So i sat there mortified as i watched her saliva dribble off her dentures and onto my dash . ewwwwwww!!!!!! i couldn't go thru with it. i pulled my pants back up and said to just to forget it, i have to get going home. She wasnt gonna give my money back but at that point i just wanted to get the hell out of there.
Kal-El85 even the ratchet chicks want a guy they call all their own. They have hearts and feelings too, after all they are people too. I have turned down every girl that wasn't going to get in a relationship with. In other words all you lush-hos no you can't suck my dick.
Yeah, once from one of my sister's friends. She was trailer trash so I just had to get the hell out of there haha
Nope, not sure i ever will
Nope not that I ever remember and hope I never will
Quote by chriskayaks
Only once that I can remember.... I was driving my transport truck fully loaded with 140,000 lbs of steel down a twisty highway and had to turn my GF down when she reached into my pants to fish out my manhood!!

What was it doing in your pants to start with?
Yes ....several times.
Actually yes. Once was from a guy.

Another time from the woman next door, who wanted me to do a POV vid of it. Other times I would have gone along, but I had just started getting involved with my (eventual) new wife.
Never turn down a BJ, but have turned down sex. Not often but I don't do random chicks I just met in a bar.
No but I dont get many offers sad