I am not into guys so yeah, I have.
I never allow myself to get close enough to women that I'm not interested in sleeping with for them to ask.
For all other situations, never, and I never will.
As an aside, I learn more new stuff here. I am an old fart but I listen and try to stay current, I just miss a lot.
"A Ratchet Chick" is a new one so I looked on the net. Eytomology fascinates me, discovering where the word comes from and how it's been twisted and changed. They think it's from "Wretched" or some variant. I think it was "Ratshit".
And I agree with Vines too, they are still people and have needs, just like all of us.
More than once. Situation just wasn't right.
I have 2 times before.. Just wasn't in the mood plus stress and all that..
If I did I would slap myself.
Yes...didn't have $100. lol
No, and only ever been offered by long term partners anyway.
Doubt I'd ever turn it down, but I occasionally ask if she's sure.
Only time it has been offered was by a guy -turned him down. Other than that never been offered.
Red is the color of sex and signs that say Do Not Enter
The best thing to hear in the middle of the night - Lick Me
No, and I doubt that I ever would. I love having my cock sucked!
I can't imagine being in a situation where I could ever possibly turn down a such a wonderful gift from any woman that would want to give me one. I couldn't dare insult her by denying her the pleasure of enjoying the fullness a my man meat.
Yes, I have. I was briefly dating a girl and she offered/wanted to blow me multiple times, but I didn't feel that strongly for her. I'd never had one before and wasn't ready for it.
But one specific time that comes to mind, she and I were at a party with some other people and she offered, but was blitzed beyond belief. So I turned her down. Told her it was because she was drunk and I didn't want to take advantage of her.
Unfortunately yes. It was offered by the wife of a friend. Don't wanna go there.
I can't say that I have turned oral sex from a woman...
In truth, yes I have. In fact quite a few times.
What's really shocking is that once you get engaged and then married, it seems like women come out of the woodwork wanting to offer you blow jobs and pussy.
Sad to say, but I've never been offered one.
I was going to say no, but then I remembered the prostitutes.
I turned them down, sure.
My life has no meaning, no direction, no aim. No purpose. But I'm happy. I can't wrap my head around this. What the fuck am I doing right?
Yes. If I'm in a relationship, I turn down offers from other women. I'm not saying it happens all the time. But it has happened.
Yep! Never thought I ever would, but I have.