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Do all/most Guys have a lingerie fetish.

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I made a statement on another posting that all/most guys have a lingerie fetish.

I stand by that statement but some aussie female stated "Actually NOT every bloke has a lingerie fetish".

So do you get turned on by lingerie or not, or is fetish a too strong description to use.

I'll start the ball rolling by saying that yes underwear turns me on. I would have liked to have started a poll but not sure how.
Quote by SereneProdigy
Me neither.

This. High five dude!

Nice avatar btw.
Quote by SereneProdigy

This. High five dude!

OK we get the message (you are gay) no problem.
Quote by SereneProdigy

This. High five dude!

Nice avatar btw.

Yes I thought it was fun.
Get turned on by the lingerie

Get turned on by a sexy gal wearing some nice lingerie - hell ya

Course if she's sexy enough, she could be wearing sweat pants and a sweatshirt and I'd like the look

So guess it's not the lingerie that does it but the gal who's filling the items in question

Guess I must not have a fetish
I am the Aussie Girl who said not all guys have a lingerie fetish. Here is what I posted, [quote: Trinket] Actually NOT every bloke has a lingerie fetish. Definition of Fetish - "any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation".

In the other post newsletter is talking about, he did not say all/most men have a fetish for lingerie. He said....

Quote by newsletter
Every bloke has a lingerie fetish, if you don't know that you don't know much about blokes.

but some members might be interested to go to the thread he started in Ask the Gals forum to see the original question he posted. HERE Oh, and some might like to check towards the bottom of page one and on page 2 where he so rudely 'thanked' us for our help.
No, in my experience, not every guy has a lingerie fetish. As my friend, EirikrThorson, said above, it's more about who's in the lingerie and while underwear models may be pretty to look at and pleasing to the eye, I don't think that constitutes a fetish.

In saying that, yes, I think that some guys and girls too, DO have a fetish for pretty underwear or whatever floats their boat.

I'd like to add that I think you're being rather rude and unfair to Trinket, which is both unnecessary and undeserved, why single her out over everyone else who posted in your other thread?

It's bad form and completely uncalled for.
Definitely all about the girl in the lingerie, or any other clothing for that fetish for me thanks
Can some lingerie be a turn on? Yes. Do I have a fetish about it? No.

I see a fetish as something a person NEEDS or craves in his or her sexual life. People with a BDSM fetish seek out and desire that element for their sexual gratification. They can get off without it, but it probably isn't the same. Some people have a fetish for latex, cum, over sized women, under sized women. When they fantasize, they think of whatever their fetish is. Some people have a lingerie fetish. But not ALL guys do.

A woman's lingerie isn't a "must have" for me. Are there some Lush women whose panties I'd like to wrap around my cock and jerk off? Yes. But it isn't the panties that would be turning me on, it would be the woman they came (in more than one way) off of that turns me on. I don't need to walk through the lingerie department at Walmart because it turns me on.

I like seeing a woman in lingerie, but then I'm just ready to get it off of her and out of the way so I can see her naked.

Long story short, I don't have a lingerie fetish. And I'm sure they're are plenty others like me so the answer to your question.. Do all/most guys have a lingerie fetish? The answer is no for all and doubtful for most.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Quote by lafayettemister
Are there some Lush women whose panties I'd like to wrap around my cock and jerk off?

Quote by lafayettemister
Are there some Lush women whose panties I'd like to wrap around my cock and jerk off? Yes. But it isn't the panties that would be turning me on, it would be the woman they came (in more than one way) off of that turns me on.

Awww gee LM, here I was ready to pop my knickers in the mail for you, but then realised it's the woman you want, not the panties. Oh well....
lafayettemister can have the panties

I'll take what's under them ;)
Fetish leads me to think the clothing turns one on more than the woman does... That being said, I certainly dont have a fetish for lingerie... I do enjoy the sight of a beautiful woman wearing sexy and revealing lingerie... And if it is a woman who turns me on emotionally and mentally, then yea it adds to my arousal for her...
My avatar speaks for itself..................
Nope I don't.
No fetish.


Quote by EirikrThorson
Get turned on by the lingerie

Get turned on by a sexy gal wearing some nice lingerie - hell ya

Course if she's sexy enough, she could be wearing sweat pants and a sweatshirt and I'd like the look

So guess it's not the lingerie that does it but the gal who's filling the items in question

Guess I must not have a fetish
Strongly agree.

Results are looking pretty conclusive that Trinket was, in fact, correct
Quote by urbancoyote

Results are looking pretty conclusive that Trinket was, in fact, correct

What a lovely thing to say biggrin Thanks for pointing that out I wonder if Mr Newsletter will think that. Prolly not.
Trinket - his original post and subsequent comments shows that he probably won't get it - it's okay, everyone has to have their particular kink

You got the ball rolling about how most of us men are not that way, we just followed your lead smile
How strange that a site like this , (I would have thought) would be about tolerance to other peoples interests etc. a site where , reluctance, BDSM and even supernatural are accepted but mention of lingerie fetish brings out, well I'm not sure what, certainly not any sort of acceptance more the opposite.

Its obvious that all sorts of people read these forums and there is a rumour that hundreds of jobs are to be lost in businesses such as Ann Summers, Knicker Box, Agent Provocateur even Marks and Spencer, as the sales of sexy underwear is about to crash, however plain white bras and Granny knickers will continue.

I notice that the aussie female ,even after saying that she wouldn't waste her fucking time on me, had to join in once again.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
Mods I'm out of here ban me if you wish I dont fucking well care any more.
Quote by newsletter
How strange that a site like this , (I would have thought) would be about tolerance to other peoples interests etc. a site where , reluctance, BDSM and even supernatural are accepted but mention of lingerie fetish brings out, well I'm not sure what, certainly not any sort of acceptance more the opposite.

Its obvious that all sorts of people read these forums and there is a rumour that hundreds of jobs are to be lost in businesses such as Ann Summers, Knicker Box, Agent Provocateur even Marks and Spencer, as the sales of sexy underwear is about to crash, however plain white bras and Granny knickers will continue.

I notice that the aussie female ,even after saying that she wouldn't waste her fucking time on me, had to join in once again.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
Mods I'm out of here ban me if you wish I dont fucking well care any more.

Hey Newsletter - hope you change your mind and stick around. I honestly think that some people got their backs up because in your original thread in the other section, it stirs up that sentiment that women are presumed to be giving sexual signals while engaging in completely innocent activities. Even though your question may have been totally casual or just a thought, for a woman that has been perved on before or objectified, it can trigger that kind of reaction. If this had been your original Q without the attachment to the other thread, I think you would have had far more 'yes' answers. There's plenty of guys that enjoy lingerie or clothing fetishes or enjoy masturbating with them or even wearing them. You're not out of place here. I don't think it's an 'all-guys' have this fetish thing though. Most guys are excited at the idea of seeing a woman in lingerie, but probably not all are turned on by the actual undergarments themselves. Some are though - so it becomes a fetish. I don't think anyone would say there's anything wrong with that - as long as it's understood that a casual display like a laundry line isn't out of the norm for women because we assume most people just see it as clothes. Hope that helps and you aren't totally dissuaded by the forums. Many threads have their ups and downs as discussion is generated - it's just par for the course on the internet. smile
Never really been bothered by lingerie.

Smooth silky nylon fabric over skin.
Suspenders taught over thigh.
Lacy fabric hanging.
Protruding nipples.

Oh Mrs Robinson!

Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
Quote by newsletter
How strange that a site like this , (I would have thought) would be about tolerance to other peoples interests etc. a site where , reluctance, BDSM and even supernatural are accepted but mention of lingerie fetish brings out, well I'm not sure what, certainly not any sort of acceptance more the opposite.

Its obvious that all sorts of people read these forums and there is a rumour that hundreds of jobs are to be lost in businesses such as Ann Summers, Knicker Box, Agent Provocateur even Marks and Spencer, as the sales of sexy underwear is about to crash, however plain white bras and Granny knickers will continue.

I notice that the aussie female ,even after saying that she wouldn't waste her fucking time on me, had to join in once again.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
Mods I'm out of here ban me if you wish I dont fucking well care any more.

Easy there big fella. No one here is being intolerant of your interest. No one has said that because you have a lingerie fetish that you're a pervert or deviant or weirdo. No one has judged your interest in lingerie, or anyone's interest in lingerie. No one has said that lingerie lovers aren't welcome.

You asked a question... "Do all/most guys have a lingerie fetish?" Many people here are answering your question, without judgement. MOst of us, myself included, don't believe that all/most guys have a lingerie fetish. I accept your lingerie fetish, I do enjoy a woman in lingerie just not to the level that you do. Don't misunderstand people truthfully answering a question as a judgement. In that regard, you are incorrect.

edit.... I should add.. Some men don't like lingerie at all, some men like other men. Manly men. I can bet they don't have a lingerie fetish.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Fetish ... certainly not speaking for myself .. its very sexy yes but fetish no ... now a lady carrying a plate of steak and chips .. thats a different matter lingerie or no lingerie lol
I like it when it accents and enhances a woman's natural beauty. Lingerie for lingerie's sake, no. So I guess no fetish, but I certainly do like it, especially when it enhances a woman's beauty!
Quote by newsletter
How strange that a site like this , (I would have thought) would be about tolerance to other peoples interests etc. a site where , reluctance, BDSM and even supernatural are accepted but mention of lingerie fetish brings out, well I'm not sure what, certainly not any sort of acceptance more the opposite.

Its obvious that all sorts of people read these forums and there is a rumour that hundreds of jobs are to be lost in businesses such as Ann Summers, Knicker Box, Agent Provocateur even Marks and Spencer, as the sales of sexy underwear is about to crash, however plain white bras and Granny knickers will continue.

I notice that the aussie female ,even after saying that she wouldn't waste her fucking time on me, had to join in once again.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
Mods I'm out of here ban me if you wish I dont fucking well care any more.

It wasn't your question, well questions, if you count the other thread, it was the way you spoke to some of the members and the hostility that seemed to come across.

Your questions were completely valid and you got varying answers...

You should stick around, it's not so bad here, there's a good bunch of people...