I've read thru the thread...."Are breast implants a turn-off or turn-on?" Here the next logical question....at least for me.
Would you rather be with a woman who's a little droopy, natural and real or one that has had them surgically enhanced to be perky? Not bigger, just a lift. Say...to go back up to where she used to be...oh, I don't know...say after having 2 kids!!
I am mid 40's and considering a lift. I've done the research: its very painful, expensive and requires repositioning the nipple. Now, I'd like to know if it would make a difference to a sexual partner.
I'd rather be with one who was happy and at one with herself. If she wanted them to be natural, then that's how I would like them. If it made her happy to have them augmented or lifted, then I'd like that, too. Above all, I'd want her to be comfortable in her own skin, and fun to be around.
I'll be in the 'don't do it' camp. 'A little droopy' is, to me, greatly preferable to artificially enhanced.
I totally understand your feelings re this issue. I am dealing with the same thing with my own wife....erm...hang on, "Honey, that's not you is it?""
Phew! That was a creepy moment.
From my own experience I would say "Don't do it."
Of the surgically enhanced breasts I have been blessed to fondle I can honestly say they look great under a sweater but are no fun under the covers where it really counts.
A little droopy and natural are THE best for their responsiveness and feel. I adore the way my woman's breasts respond to my touch, it is a measurable event and part of the overall act of making love. Unless those beauties are hanging down by your knee-caps, please consider leaving them alone.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element
"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
I am with Rocco and Mr. Nudie - it is her self-image, confidence and happiness that means the most.
I have not come in contact with enhanced breasts, so yeah, while they look enticing, i have no clue as to how they feel, and how much the augmentation takes away from her sensitivity and pleasured reaction to my adoring caresses. If this procedure is going to mean discomfort, reduced sensation, and scarring, I would not ask my woman to undergo it, but would support her in her wishes.
Best wishes.
I agree with what everyone else has said so far... its your body and your happiness.. but if you want an honest answer.. i'd want my partner to get a lift.. would i tell her no. but that is what he's thinking
Go ahead and get your breast augmentation if you desire it. On the plus side, you'll own a marvelous pair, well into your sixties!
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I've thought i might need one in the future! Ok, im only 20, no kids, still perky etc but i know thyre gonna drop a bit in the future, especially if i have kids.
I think the only person who is gonna benefit from a lift is you, but its your confidence and self esteem that needs fixing more than anything. Im sure your partner doesnt care and should be mature enough anyway to know that this is natural. The healing time probably wont be worth it imo
A little droop is just fine. A girl has to have really tiny breasts if they don't droop at all as she gets older.
PHEW!!!!! I sure am glad that the majority of the post are going for the natural side of things... I wasn't looking forward to getting a nut lift when they start to drop as I get older!!! I guess that I can start to tuck them into my socks.
Ok...Y'all confirmed it. No surgery, but I was already leaning that way. I appreciate your honest answers!!
@ MrNudiePants....sorry, I only send photos to those I know in person!!
Right decision! Natural, even a bit droopy, is always better!

Alone is not always a bad place to be Personally I'd stick with the REAL a little droopy...
You're never going to look like you were 18 again, no matter how hard you try or how much money you invest. Stay within your age and look beautiful regardless, it all stems on how you feel on the inside. Feel good about yourself and the rest comes naturally.
Be yourself, noting wrong with a little droop. It part of what makes women your age sexy.
I'd rather be with a woman that is natural. There's nothing wrong with sag
real and a lil droopy any day over fake
I love sagging droopy hangers....they are fabulous.
I adore tits as they are, natural. There is a fascination in breasts that are a bit saggy, soft etc. At eighteen is maybe right to have them protruding, pointing to the sky, but then you grow up and you love, get exited, adore some good mature, ripe tits.
I personally can't understand how can be beautiful a fake. There are certain exceptions: somebody has been injured, has had an operation and then is correct to try to repair via surgery. Well, even if they are really too big surgery could be a solution.
But anyhow: there is nothing wrong if they drop, it makes you women even more sexy, arousing, nice, lovely...
Within reason, slightly drooping, natural tits are better. But, if the lady was unhappy and it was depressing her, I can understand why she might want something done.
Said it once, I'll say it again. Elective surgery for aesthetic reasons is not a great choice. It's a choice, and understandable, but not great.
You are who you are.
It should be her choice, but I prefer natural. If that is a little droopy, then that is fine with me!