I'd rather not. You give up way too muck sensation wearing one. However, when with another woman, it's a given to wear one.
Don’t normally use them with my woman. We tried them for birth control. If I’m up real hard and the condole is tight on my cock it’s a delicious feeling, and reduces the sensitivity so I take longer inside her though the orgasm feels the same. I sometimes masturbate with a condom on for that nice tight feeling of a condom squeezing my cock and for a different wanking experience.
Natural feels best. But if we need BC, STD protection, or simply an easy way to prevent the cum from running down her leg (having sex in less private settings), a condom is a good thing. And if the guy wants to last longer, it slows us down.
I hate those things.
The Fantasies that run in my head are better then a man wearing a condom.
Yes I know the risks. Each must decide for themselves.
I need to live life to the fullest and condoms are not part of a full life.
And yes I am test very frequently.
Never liked them, never will. In the past they have broken on me, come off during sex even though it was so tight it was basically cutting off my blood circulation, and you always feel the woman much much less than you do when bare, no matter what they say.
They at worst mildly annoying for me. Often I'm unaware its on. If my cock is ready for a good orgasm I'll have one with no problem from the rubber.
They were designed for a purpose. But pleasure, comfort and feeling were not part of the design requirements
Not a guy, but here's my view on condoms.
One, not only do they taste bad, they leave a bad taste behind, so that when you're sucking and licking and stroking him back to hardness, you don't taste your own fluids mixed together, you taste latex.
Two, at least with me, him wearing a condom sort of kills the mood, because all I can think of is whether or not he is enjoying himself, whether or not he's resenting me for decreasing his pleasure.
And three, I am crazy allergic to latex, like hundreds of thousands of others who have repeated occupational exposure to latex, in the form of gloves. This is why pretty much every healthcare facility everywhere has switched to nitrile gloves. And it's not a minor thing--latex allergy can range from mild irritation to full-on anaphylaxis, which sort of bad. I tend towards the severe reaction end--I break out in hives, my throat gets itchy, etc. And since you never know if your body is going to modify its immune response to the next latex encounter, a condom could very well induce anaphylactic shock, which if not treated immediately leads to death. Not awesome.
Full disclosure--I've not actually used a condom with a partner for ~20 years, because I've had an extremely limited number of partners and I know and trust them--although I did make both of them go submit to a battery of STI tests prior to engaging in sex. So there's that.
For those who have an allergy to latex and absolutely have to fuck random strangers, there are a couple of companies that make non-latex polyurethane (or similar) condoms, which would be a way around the latex allergy thing. I suppose if I were to be suddenly thrust out into the dating world again I'd keep those at hand. I don't know if polyurethane leaves behind a bad taste, but I suspect that it would, and if not, the spermicidal lubricant most certainly would be awful.
Finally, I'd recommend that everyone be vaccinated against two of the more insidious STI's, hepatitis B and HPV, because mistakes happen.
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I use them with my current sugar daddy. He's 20 years older than me and has had a lot more sex than me, so we use them. It still feels like a penis when it's inside you.
Not if you're planning a family or interested in some sort of STD. Don't try to do manly things if you're not ready to step up and take the necessary steps for a little responsibility. Go back to playing your ebox
i never used condoms and i never want a guy to use a condom when going in my hole
I don't love them, but I love the consequences of going without a whole lot less. So for casual partners, it's always been "no glove, no love." Turned down a hot redhead during an intense makeout session once because there weren't condoms available (should have gone forward with something else, but I was young and foolish).
My favorite story on this topic was a young girl (too young to be sexually active, IMO, but it's a different world than when I was fourteen) who responded to "I don't feel as much when I wear a condom" with "honey, you ain't gonna feel nothin' if you don't!"