yes it's such a turn on and so hot ;)
I really don't mind at all it's like a little boost to me. Like the guy is saying hey ur hot come fuck me. Which I have done in a club once or twice.
happens all the time. if i don't slap him...i go outside to his car
It's hot if it's the person you're actually there with, if it's a complete stranger, then no, it's creepy.
I L o v e Y o u .
I L o v e d Y o u A l l A l o n g .
C h l o e e e X x.
< 3
Absolutely not unless I have given some indication i am interested
I think it would creep me out in real life, but it's fun to fantasize about.
Only if it's the guy I'm with! If a stranger groped me he'd pull back a bloody stub
Not! For this we should use our eyes and mouth.
The surprising thing about the answers is that some said that they would find it a positive experience. This sort of indicates that if you're willing to take a chance you may score and therefore explains why some people do it - not that that includes myself - I'm either too scared or too polite - take your pick.
No. I deliberately keep clear of places where that might happen. Had a bad experience a few years ago and I still get on edge in crowds. Guys that do it are complete assholes.
I'm not crazy being groped on the dance floor, but i do enjoy feeling a hard cock in the crack of my ass! -- Mtybg
This is something I agree with wholeheartedly. It's not something I am often able to enjoy as much due to limited club venues here. I, however, do enjoy being groped or discreetly touched in public, as long as I know him and want him touching me .
Depends on the situation. When I'm there with him - yes, when we talked, flirted and I signaled him there could be more - maybe, when he is a random stranger - no way, I would probably tell him my mind.
If it's a flat out stranger. No. I'd like to at least know their name first.. If I was comfortable enough talking to them then I might consider letting them touch me.
it all depends on the guy, sometimes it is a real turn on
It happened to me in a pool in a nudist resort. We were all floating around on foam noodles at night. When my partner realised what was happening, he kept pushing me toward him. It was fun and very erotic.
" I don't know the question, but sex is definitely the answer"
Woody Allen
If he is my guy, then its exciting and arousing for me. But if this comes from a stranger, he may very well have to face a tight slap or punch from me.. ;)
Sorry, NO! I'm not yours just because you think I'm a slut. I worked as a server in a restaurant one summer while I was in college and when I was groped I wanted to slug the guy, but the owner said he'd fire any of us who struck a customer for grabbing us! Grrrrrrrr....
yes I love it when it happens
depends if i was clubbing and i was a bit horny id be fine with a bit of groping