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Would you date or marry a bisexual man

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Active Ink Slinger
Hello ladies/gals. I'm new to the site, I was brought here by a member and I'm enjoying it so far.
I'm a bisexual guy but more inclined to the gay side, say 60:40. I was wondering how women felt about guys like me.
Would you date a bi guy if he had been honest and told you?
Would you ever marry a bi guy, even if he'd sworn never to go with a guy again?
No matter how happy he is, you know there is always going to be that desire for, well, cock! Even if he's able to supress or control it, it's going to be there.
Active Ink Slinger
Honestly I have dated bisexual men and there was no problem with trust of cheating or anything. I mean yes it puts up more competition but once you are with that person you get over it.

It's just like dating a straight guy, only difference is his preference and sometimes what happens in the bed
Active Ink Slinger
If you look the way your picture looks, I wouldn't give a damn about anything...

But, I'm very insecure in terms of "competition" and being a participant in the relationship. I wouldn't want to be replaced by a guy or have that possibility sitting in the back of my mind. So, politely no.

Active Ink Slinger
If I like you, of course I'd date with you.
And for me it wouldn't be a problem that you are bisexual. I am bisexual myself so I know what you are talking about.
It has nothing to do with competition as ment by Tosh...

I think it would be nice actually and gives a lot of opportunaties in a sexlife. The only thing what could possible make me feel insecure is that you are 60/ 40 and more into men.
Internet Philosopher
I'm bisexual but that doesn't mean I am driven to cheat by it. I'm certainly not a perfect guy, but whatever flaws I have they aren't there just because I like both sexes.
Active Ink Slinger
OK I know your seeking answers from women but you touched A nerve. Ever since I was A teen I have been bisexual. I married at age 29 & was married 23 years. In that time I never had sex with anyone other than my wife. I believe marriage is supposed to be monogamous. I'M not saying everybody has to believe what I do.Just that it's part of my personal ethics. So yes it is controllable. My wife never knew about my bisexuality & I never promised her anything outside of our marriage vows.I will say this though. If you don't have any ethics or A conscience,you probably shouldn't get married.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Milik_The_Red
I'm bisexual but that doesn't mean I am driven to cheat by it. I'm certainly not a perfect guy, but whatever flaws I have they aren't there just because I like both sexes.

I never mentioned cheating, in fact quite the reverse.
Head Nurse
While I find the idea of a guy that open with their sexuality very interesting, the reality for me has been that I see more bisexual guys cheat then not. So I would be very leery of a relationship. However, considering I have trust issues anyway, that might just be me, and I am certain it would depend on the guy involved.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by NightMan
OK I know your seeking answers from women but you touched A nerve. Ever since I was A teen I have been bisexual. I married at age 29 & was married 23 years. In that time I never had sex with anyone other than my wife. I believe marriage is supposed to be monogamous. I'M not saying everybody has to believe what I do.Just that it's part of my personal ethics. So yes it is controllable. My wife never knew about my bisexuality & I never promised her anything outside of our marriage vows.I will say this though. If you don't have any ethics or A conscience,you probably shouldn't get married.

That was really the response I'd expect from a bi man, got married and never mentioned it. Ok you didn't cheat, so what, did you still have urges? The reason I asked women was to find out what they think, whether they'd go into a relationship.
Active Ink Slinger
Double posted by accident*

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by NightMan
In that time I never had sex with anyone other than my wife. I believe marriage is supposed to be monogamous.

^ That was what I was aiming to say. I'm not saying being bisexual is a "predisposition" to cheating. Trust me, there are cheaters in every orientation. That's a given! If I really liked the guy and he really liked me, I'd put my insecurities aside and see how far the relationship went. We're all a little bisexual, whether we know it or not, so that reason alone doesn't justify sending the relationship to Hell.

Then again, if all participants in the relationship conduct themselves in an appropriate way, it should run smoothly like any other healthy relationship. It would only bother me if he was giving signals of disinterest/cheating. I'd be thinking "Well, damn. He could be cheating on me with another woman or a man..."

I would have a HUGE problem if I were ever replaced by a man, though. It wouldn't sit right with me at all...

I have.. he is a good friend... but not a sexual partner... and I have been proposed to by a bisexual man.. it was a wonderful experience.. even if we both already knew the reply..
sooo.. yes to date.. no to marriage...
Active Ink Slinger
i don't mind bisexual guys or even gay guys for that matter. if i was told once the relationship had started that he was bisexual it wouldn't bother me but if he told me at the beginning of the relationship i might think twice. im not perfect but thats just the way i am.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ToshLoveCC

^ That was what I was aiming to say. I'm not saying being bisexual is a "predisposition" to cheating. Trust me, there are cheaters in every orientation. That's a given! If I really liked the guy and he really liked me, I'd put my insecurities aside and see how far the relationship went. We're all a little bisexual, whether we know it or not, so that reason alone doesn't justify sending the relationship to Hell.

Then again, if all participants in the relationship conduct themselves in an appropriate way, it should run smoothly like any other healthy relationship. It would only bother me if he was giving signals of disinterest/cheating. I'd be thinking "Well, damn. He could be cheating on me with another woman or a man..."

I would have a HUGE problem if I were ever replaced by a man, though. It wouldn't sit right with me at all...

That's completely the opposite to how I'd feel if I was with a bi guy. I'd think at least it was not a comparison with me and another guy, rather a comparison of the sexes.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't think to see anybody as competition in a relationship is healthy. You either trust your partner or just quit.

If he is the right person I don't believe him being bisexual would make a difference.
Absolutely! As long as they understand that cheating is cheating rather its with a man or a woman. As long as they would be faithful to me, I don't care what their orientation is.
There is no doubt that such a thing makes faithfulness on his part much more difficult
Active Ink Slinger
I date 3 bi guys.
Marry- never bi or not.
Long as he is faithful to me, sure.
Advanced Wordsmith
Of course I would. Love is love, sexual preference matters not. Im bisexual myself (and I know its different for women, but it would be very hypocritical for me to reject someone based on that.) Just because I am bi it doesn't make me a cheater, just because someone is straight doesnt make them loyal.
Yes I would
Advanced Wordsmith
I am married to a bisexual man... and while we recently decided to have an open marriage I was never worried before... In fact, for me its kind of fun. We check out members of both sex together...
Rookie Scribe
im currently dating a bisexual man, and ive never been happier