In the TV series How I met you mother, Barney and Ted use "the naked man" which is stripping off naked while on a date in the hope that she will have sex with them. If a guy did this while on a date, would it work on you??
Yup. But only if he wore a top hat. Otherwise it's just not classy.
Not if they didn't at least buy me dinner and some drinks before they got naked :P
If it was a guy I liked during the date then yeah- otherwise I'd freak.
Maybe if he did it in the restaurant over coffee, I'd be tempted lol.
I'm guessing it didn't work on that tv show...
Been wondering if this topic would ever show up here.
For it to work on me, it would have to be done well. Extremely well, and I'd have to like the person. I think it would also be more likely to work if I had seen the individual in question naked before.
Maybe. Depends on the guy.
I once had a guy drop his pants and show me his dick in an effort to convince me to have sex with him. I told him it wasn't going to work, but he did it anyway. It wasn't on a date though - more like a potential hook-up at an outdoor party up north. It would have worked under normal circumstances because he was *gorgeous* and had a great dick, however I was a virgin at the time and seemed like the wrong way to lose it.
I think the only time this really works is if you have something to show off in the first place that is otherwise being concealed by clothes (eg. hot body, abs, exceptional dick etc) that might tip the scales in your favour or maybe just as a fun icebreaker. It's best to do the "casual changing clothes while leaving the bedroom door open while continuing convo" type move - keeps it a little more subtle and classy.
In general, it's very guy and situation dependent. A random naked guy I wasn't at least somewhat into isn't going to have any impact.
Well if it was me there'd have to be a band there playing with a heavy downbeat and long sounding slides on trombone and the drummer favouring the tom toms.
It wouldn't work and my husband would not appreciate it either. Now when my husband does it....
The episode was hilarious, but I don't think it would work on me. I'd probably freak out and leave.