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Why do women care so much about getting cheated on?

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It’s just sex. I have a theory women don’t really care. They have been conditioned to think it’s the end of the world. Every movie where a woman gets cheated on she looses her shit. She starts throwing clothes out a window. She takes the kids and run away to her parents house. I think if a girl I’m dating ever told me she cheated on me I’d never give her the power to let her know it bothered me. I’d probably thank her for telling me and then ask her if thst’s all would she mind if I went back to watching the game.
Most women are monogamous by upbringing and societal conditioning, and perhaps by nature, to some extent. This being the case, an affair constitutes betrayal of trust, especially if traditional marriage is involved. And in case you haven't heard the expression "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" be advised that it's not just a saying. It's an historic verity. To most women, being cheated on is being scorned. And even if many men are, like you, faithless horndogs, even most men would feel betrayed by the faithlessness of their partner. So maybe you're not the norm. Neither am I, for that matter. But traditionally, most women as well as most men would feel betrayed by their partner's clandestine indiscretion.
Quote by Beffer
Most women are monogamous by upbringing and societal conditioning, and perhaps by nature, to some extent. This being the case, an affair constitutes betrayal of trust, especially if traditional marriage is involved. And in case you haven't heard the expression "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" be advised that it's not just a saying. It's an historic verity. To most women, being cheated on is being scorned. And even if many men are, like you, faithless horndogs, even most men would feel betrayed by the faithlessness of their partner. So maybe you're not the norm. Neither am I, for that matter. But traditionally, most women as well as most men would feel betrayed by their partner's clandestine indiscretion.

I may be a horndog, but I am not faithless. I’ve never cheated.
in my experience, i know way more guys who get extremely jealous and lose their shit than i do women. that's just my experience, tho.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by LovingSadist

I may be a horndog, but I am not faithless. I’ve never cheated.

well, you're also a virgin, so most of us figured that.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by LovingSadist
It’s just sex. I have a theory women don’t really care. They have been conditioned to think it’s the end of the world. Every movie where a woman gets cheated on she looses her shit. She starts throwing clothes out a window. She takes the kids and run away to her parents house. I think if a girl I’m dating ever told me she cheated on me I’d never give her the power to let her know it bothered me. I’d probably thank her for telling me and then ask her if thst’s all would she mind if I went back to watching the game.

Well - whew - good thing you'll pretend like it doesn't hurt you instead of murdering her for it.

But, I don't think a lot of women even do what you referred to above in real life (sounds like movie drama to me), people respond to the message that the cheating sends, not necessarily the cheating itself. Like - someone cheats - and the interpretation of the reasons (message that sends) could be 'you don't love me' or 'why be with me if I'm not good enough for you?' and so on.

Relationships are a commitment - they're a personal sacrifice at times. When someone doesn't respect that, it wounds.

Don't be so quick to discount the sex you've never had as being 'just sex'. If you love someone and go through a relationship with extreme commitment and sacrifice, you might be shocked as to what you really feel about sex, cheating, and everything else down the road.
Quote by Metilda

Well - whew - good thing you'll pretend like it doesn't hurt you instead of murdering her for it.

But, I don't think a lot of women even do what you referred to above in real life (sounds like movie drama to me), people respond to the message that the cheating sends, not necessarily the cheating itself. Like - someone cheats - and the interpretation of the reasons (message that sends) could be 'you don't love me' or 'why be with me if I'm not good enough for you?' and so on.

Relationships are a commitment - they're a personal sacrifice at times. When someone doesn't respect that, it wounds.

Don't be so quick to discount the sex you've never had as being 'just sex'. If you love someone and go through a relationship with extreme commitment and sacrifice, you might be shocked as to what you really feel about sex, cheating, and everything else down the road.

Sex I’ve never had?
Quote by LovingSadist

Sex I’ve never had?

Quote by LovingSadist

I am a virgin
Sorry - I just fail to see how founded in reality your opinions on cheating and sex itself can be if you've never had it. Clearly you've never been cheated on or formed an emotional bond with someone through sex . . . so you have a lot of opinions based on what?

Sex is a powerful thing - don't underestimate it.

People kill for it, people enslave other people for it.
If you are in a relationship and you cheat, you prove yourself to be untrustworthy. If I cannot trust someone to keep their promise to me to follow the rules established when the relationship begins, I have to wonder if there is any promise they give which I can trust them to keep. It's likely not the sex itself that upsets women, it's the betrayal of trust, the breaking of an oath. I know that for me it was her lying about screwing someone which made me break up with her. had she been honest, and told me she was doing it, I would have been all right with it, but when she decided to sneak around behind my back and have sex with someone and then lie to my face when I asked if she was doing it, I had to end the relationship. I could no longer trust her, and without trust, there is nothing.
Quote by sprite
in my experience, i know way more guys who get extremely jealous and lose their shit than i do women. that's just my experience, tho.

Quote by LovingSadist
I have a theory women don’t really care. They have been conditioned to think it’s the end of the world.

Yah, we need conditioning because we're entirely too stupid to form our own opinions or even to determine our own emotional states.
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i don't know if this is another attempt at trolling, or if you're being sincere - but hey ho, here's my opinion:

i agree with the ladies above. the sex isn't why a woman "looses her shit"; it's the cheating - the loss of trust. if you can't trust someone what's the point of a (traditional or open) relationship?

also, my girl friends handled cheating MUCH better than my guy friends. some were even willing to try to mend the relationship. however, the majority of my guy friends that were cheated on left their girlfriends immediately upon discovering the betrayal.

Say. Her. Name.

Quote by sprite
in my experience, i know way more guys who get extremely jealous and lose their shit than i do women. that's just my experience, tho.

That has definitely been my experience as well.
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So it seems to.women cheat just as much or MORE than men

To have sex with other folks is usually ok in an open relationship, but only if both are getting it the same. If one person is having a ton of sex while the other does not there's gonna be a problem. Now with cheating, it's the doing it behind the back that pisses folks off
Quote by sprite
in my experience, i know way more guys who get extremely jealous and lose their shit than i do women. that's just my experience, tho.

Think of it. Millions of years of human evolution is involved.
Being cheated on as a guy can mean, perhaps 'your' kids are not your own. So yeah, you just found out that you wasted your time/energy on somebody else kids.
Being cheated on as a gal can mean, the guy is no longer interested in you and possible stops providing for you. Thus the oncoming winter, you are on your own. (And good luck with hunting prey if you have some crying baby next to you.)

This is why being cheated on is a huge thing.

And why do people cheat themselves, for males, more offspring simple as that.
For females, more diversity in their offspring. Look, what if a female put all her eggs in one basked (IE faithfully to 1 man) and that guy turns out to have a hidden genetic disorder, than she has a problem. If she cheats and has kids from multiple partners, she overcame this problem.

Ps, I see 'open' relations as extended one night stands who keep on seeing each other out of convenience. Yes I am aware some rock it well, but this is not the norm in society.
I believe in nature and nurture when it comes to adultery. There are men and women who are predisposed to be monogamous and those who are predisposed to be adulterous. Both natural conditions (God makes all kinds) are modified by the culture that surrounded their formative years. I've been watching old episodes of DEADLY WIVES in which women have killed their quiet, unassuming, faithful husbands. They get tired of their partner and cheat. Then when the husband is all forgiving, the wife will kill him. When I say cheat, I do not mean they had a short affair. I mean the wives were looking for a new life to replace the old one. Half-million dollar insurance policies and/or social security checks were incentives it appears. Men, I am warning you, do not cut up your spendthrift wife's credit cards when she is trying to buy a new life. You will be dead in months. According to my limited research, six out of ten dead husbands cut up their wife's credit cards. Just sayin'.
A man in the house is worth two in the street- Mae West
We don't care. We love being lied to. It's sooooo hot.
Quote by Trystin715
Half-million dollar insurance policies and/or social security checks were incentives it appears. Men, I am warning you, do not cut up your spendthrift wife's credit cards when she is trying to buy a new life. You will be dead in months. According to my limited research, six out of ten dead husbands cut up their wife's credit cards. Just sayin'.

Hence I refuse to have any insurance policy on me. If I die, I want them to cry.
Wise man. The absence of grieving was one of the indicators the good husband was "offed" by his darling wife...Many of the women were done crying before the funeral.
A man in the house is worth two in the street- Mae West
Quote by honeydipped
i don't know if this is another attempt at trolling, or if you're being sincere -

What you might call trolling I’d call an attempt to start an interesting conversation about cheating by being the foil for those who have something to say. Please don’t take me too seriously. I don’t know how to make friends without being polarizing.
Quote by browncoffee
We don't care. We love being lied to. It's sooooo hot.

Quote by doctorlove


Ask silly questions, get smartass responses. The nature of life.
It's intrinsic. That sudden physical pain from the realization you weren't the only one, doesn't come from any book or movie. It's already there.

Throwing objects and insults isn't my thing. When someone tries that with me, I just write a story about it and make him look like a total dolt.
because maybe for us sex is an emotional experience n we are invested when we share ourselves
Quote by LovingSadist

What you might call trolling I’d call an attempt to start an interesting conversation about cheating by being the foil for those who have something to say. Please don’t take me too seriously. I don’t know how to make friends without being polarizing.

Try saying something that isn't polarizing, then. First you said women didn't have orgasms, then you feign to not understand why they care about getting cheated on. For a sadist, you seem to enjoy inviting abuse.

I agree with all the chicks here, women are better at handling cheating (and nearly all other relationship problems) than men. They try to mend the relationship, or say "fuck it" and move on. Men get drunk, get in fistfights, wreck their cars, stalk, call at 3 a.m., yadayadayada.
It's just sex???

It used to be a stoning offense. People get whacked over such. Plus, men are mych more likely to react with a gun than women. However, you could get your penis sliced off for that.

If you gotta cheat that bad, try developing an open/swap relationship and get used to her playing and enjoying it too. She might score more than you.
Quote by PassionateP
So it seems to.women cheat just as much or MORE than men

Women can usually forgive but won't trust completely again but men are always over dramatic when women cheat. They tend to ugly cry.
Quote by doctorlove
To have sex with other folks is usually ok in an open relationship, but only if both are getting it the same. If one person is having a ton of sex while the other does not there's gonna be a problem. Now with cheating, it's the doing it behind the back that pisses folks off

Totally agree