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Why do BBW's hide their BODIES from public view on the Internet ?

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Forum Whore
Quote by TheChrisJ
Quote by lydiababy6969
Quote by LushPrincess
Ay ay ay ay I am guilty of thinking that at one time, please forgive my ignorance! I believe I have grown up since then, and I personally take offence when I hear someone talking bad about a BBW; and I totally understand where the anger comes from.

But, it’s up to you guys to shatter the stereotype. FUCK what people say, FUCK what they think --- you guys need to be proud of who you are, and be comfortable in your own skin. Confidence is sexy, and sexy isn’t defined by a panty or bra size.

If I offended anyone with my previous post, I am sorry.

Nah Mara, I understand that you were using a past tense form of "think" meaning you don't anymore, I appreciate the support. But I got all pissy because it's a common thought. So I got mad at the thought in general, not you. Anyway, you're right. It's something I've learned to do recently. I'm learning to be more confident, but at the same time being healthy (not skinny, but healthy). So fuck all the idiots who say we're not sexy

Fuck all the idiots who say you're not sexy? "You're not sexy."...

Now just waiting to be fucked...

...I think you missed the point there Chris....

Active Ink Slinger
I think you're missing the point...*looks down* I don't know how you could miss it...
Forget who you thought I was, I'm The Chris J bitch!
Forum Whore
You're getting off topic there pal.
Nah, he's just trying to get off
Active Ink Slinger
Isn't this thread about giving love to BBW? I'm trying but none are loving me back.
Forget who you thought I was, I'm The Chris J bitch!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by TheChrisJ
Isn't this thread about giving love to BBW? I'm trying but none are loving me back.

You're an ass! lolz
Forum Whore
Quote by LushPrincess
Quote by TheChrisJ
Isn't this thread about giving love to BBW? I'm trying but none are loving me back.

You're an ass! lolz

I agree.
Awwww leave poor chris alone. lol
Forum Whore
Quote by Rileyck111
Awwww leave poor chris alone. lol

Why Riley? It's fun!! Not to mention he probably likes it when Mara and I gang up on him
lol I heard he likes to be spanked... jk
Forum Whore
Hehehe I'm sure we'll find out Riley *wink* lol
We live in an age where women receive a constant bombardment of endless belittling for being a plus size. I think that more voluptuous women arnt showing you their bodies because they are scared you will make fun of them, or call the gross and disgusting.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Oneline

Wow very nice !

I would just like to say guys, that the beautiful girl I posted a picture of is not me LoL, I got a PM from someone about it, I would kill for her nails and tan!
Rookie Scribe
Active Ink Slinger
I have a big butt, and big tits, and a pudge and I am not ashamed of it! The guys I've hang out with liked being around me because I wasn't worried about counting calories or will I fit into a size negative 4 pair of pants. The only reason why I'm taking off some of the weight is for health reasons. Big is beautiful, so is skinny.

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Active Ink Slinger
From joinging this site and getting to know certain people i've become a little more confident and showing more of my body than i would have in the past. but it isn't something you can over come over night.

And Mara you and i talked a little about this on the phone. but i didn't mean for you to feel attacked. its just something that is very common for people to think. Saying a BBW doesn't keep clean because they are BBW is like saying someone thin doesn't clean their house or brush their hair or teeth. its just rediculous. But i wanted to reinforce what i said on the phone, on here. I didn't say that to attack you.
Active Ink Slinger
The first step in upping your self confidence is to post pictures. I'll be waiting =]
Forget who you thought I was, I'm The Chris J bitch!
Being a BBW, this subject touches me. I think that when one gets older, one realizes that the only person you really have to please is yourself. I used to worry what others thought and actually for the most part, I've been quite lucky. I have rarely been verbally attacked for being a BBW. I think it's because it was always the lower part of me that was heavier. I used to feel that men wouldn't like my weight and my bf at the time, reinforced that. He let me know that he wasn't happy when I gained weight. It's hard for me to write this but I hope the younger BBWs that read this learn what I learned later on. NEVER lose weight for a man. A guy that truly loves you, will love you whether you are very overweight or a toothpick. My present bf is such a man and there are good guys out there. He loves my curves and he tells me constantly how much I turn him on. I could tell by how he gets hard every time he sees my body anyhow. lol

I will admit one other thing. After my first bf and I broke up our 7 year relationship, I was afraid of being rejected again and took a break from men. No, I didn't turn to women. I just concentrated on other aspects of my life. After many years of celibacy, I was terrified men wouldn't want me and I got into camming (so yes BBWs sometimes do show their bodies). It was a short phase but I was amazed at how many men loved seeing me and they kept coming back for more. It made me realize that men could want me and I stopped camming. I started dating and found the same experience. Men liked me and loved my body. So trust me ladies, there are men that will love your bodies, regardless of your size. Some men won't. It's simple. So what? If a guy doesn't want you because you are too fat for him, it's his loss. Do you really want such a guy in your life?

I have lost a touch of weight since the pic on my profile but it's just a start. I want to lose weight for ME. It is unhealthy to be overweight and sorry that's a fact. We could get away with it when we're young but when we get older it catches up with us. So for those of you that are BBWs, accept yourselves first. Try to lose weight not to impress others but to help your health. Ok, my sermon is over.
I've never had this problem. I'm a yummy 40F-28-38, and perfect for a strong German farm girl.
No fat here at all, just curves and muscle...smiles

But I like everyone for who they are, not what they look like really.

But to try and answer such a question, I would have to say from what I hear others say mostly,

and how I might feel depending on the where and when the occasion happened is...

Sadly when a woman is over-weight we feel unattractive mostly.
Just like when we are pregnant sometimes, and get so moody about things.
It's proven in studies that it isn't our hormones during pregnancy really that causes this,
but mostly emotional and self-conscious about the extra weight and how we look.
Same for us anytime, even if we have accepted our extra weight as something we can't control,
and try to just be happy with it.
I personally hope that anyone who is over-weight and doesn't like being that way?
Can overcome it, so they are healthier and be happy with a long life.
That is far more an important issue in regards to being over-weight than hiding away from public view.

None of the women in my family has this problem, so I can only say what I know from some girlfriends I know.

I don't have issues with anyone's weight, but what they chose to wear in public
around others, mainly someone else's children.

If someone chooses to wear let's say, tight spandex pants,
or wearing something as so you can see their butt crack, and they are really over-weight?

They are being very rude, and showing they care nothing about other fellow human beings,
which is always wrong to do, especially if there are small children.

I believe in treating people better than they treat me always...smiles
but I can understand both sides and why any BBW, or anyone regardless of weight,
who shows this kind of visual offense to others by wearing clothes in public,
in a manner that offends the populace as a whole, could be ridiculed, and deservingly so.

If someone is gonna be so rude to everyone else around them, as to say I don't care what anyone else thinks,
then they deserve to be shown the same rudeness in return, whatever issue you are talking about.

It's kind of like the guys I see on the tele in some American movies, who wear their jeans
down below their waist, showing their undergarments in public.

It isn't a fashion statement, or a trend. It's nothing but rude to others who don't want to see that.
It does however make them look like they are illiterate, moronic in their nature, and basically uncaring individuals,
who I personally would never even talk to, much less hang around socially.
What you wear and how you dress says everything about you.
It always tells others who you are inside.
You can be homeless, and wear old, torn, clothes, but if they are clean,
and you try to wear them in a fashionable manner?
It says you are having some bad times yes, but that you are still a good, respectable person inside.

We don't have issues like any of this where I live though.
It isn't socially unacceptable here to act such ways in public.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by eroticbi-girl
because i've been told all my life how ugly my excess fat is. and i'm not used to being thought of as sexually attractive.

This, exactly.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm a very curvy gal, and quite frankly I'm embarrassed to show my whole body due to rejection....
Active Ink Slinger
I'm bigger, and it's hard most days I have a love/hate relationship with myself (especially when I see photos of my size 6 self from 4 years ago) I know my bf would prefer me to be back to 55kg (he tells me as much)

then you have all the shit on social media to contend with, no one ever comments saying how nice you look when you are bigger, even if you have dressed nicely, and/or wear shapewear, corsets etc .

Every single time I take a photo of myself and I'm like yeah I actually like me the way I am today something happens and it makes me want to literally cut off all my 'excess"

anyway I have gone off a bit..

It's hard to love yourself and want to show the sexy side of yourself if everyone else is ready to call you fat before you even go out..

Also trolls are the worse and don't help situations like this..
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by spicy_vanilla
I'm bigger, and it's hard most days I have a love/hate relationship with myself (especially when I see photos of my size 6 self from 4 years ago) I know my bf would prefer me to be back to 55kg (he tells me as much)

then you have all the shit on social media to contend with, no one ever comments saying how nice you look when you are bigger, even if you have dressed nicely, and/or wear shapewear, corsets etc .

Every single time I take a photo of myself and I'm like yeah I actually like me the way I am today something happens and it makes me want to literally cut off all my 'excess"

anyway I have gone off a bit..

It's hard to love yourself and want to show the sexy side of yourself if everyone else is ready to call you fat before you even go out..

Also trolls are the worse and don't help situations like this..

Spicy, don't know how old your photos are on your profile, but you have nothing to be worried about. Anyways image is in the believer. If you think you are beautiful then you are.
Honestly, it took me a lot longer to learn to deal with my height than it did to accept my body as it changed through the course of three pregnancies.

Don't know why, I was crazy self conscious until I was about 25 regarding my height, but self conscious about my hips and ass and breasts and the little bit of extra padding that came after birthing three children? Not so much.

Oddly, when I inadvertently lost a rather scary huge amount of weight following shoulder surgery in November of 2015, I was very, very self-aware, very self-conscious. I eventually regained most of the weight--I'm now back to a solid 185 lbs., at 6'--but I was terribly self conscious of my "skinny" look in public during the time that I was struggling to first stop losing weight, and then regain the weight back.

OP, this particular BBW woman doesn't "hide". Do I go out in supertight short skirts and crazy unattractive clothing? No. I dress myself appropriately, always (work is easy--scrubs, scrubs, or possibly, scrubs).

Maybe it's your approach that makes women like myself and other posters feel singled out? I don't really see a difference between a guy looking for a thin woman and a guy looking for a heavier woman--they're both basing their judgment of the woman solely on her body type. Which is not attractive. Just saying.
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Princess Popsicle
We don't necessarily hide, we just don't advertise the fact. Years of being told we are fat, disgusting, shameful etc. conditions us to be s little more selective with our online personas I think.

In real life, you have to take the rough with the smooth, whereas online I can choose to be a little more anonymous and not be judged.
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Quote by lesbianonyme

This, exactly.

Your answer right here, darling.
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
– William Shakespeare (from A Midsummer Night’s Dream)