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White Gals Africanization....

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Quote by Mattew
I apologise...i copied the link on internet but cannot understand why i cannot visualise it after pasting it!

you haven't posted enough. you need to post twenty times before links/images/vids will display

Say. Her. Name.

Quote by Mattew
Let's try as u suggested:



I'll read it later. The UK are watching the news atm. sad
The Duchess of Tart

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So someone who read the article and would like to add any comment or opinion?
As you all can see i just reported an issue that has been brought up.
I bet soon there will be a demand for men from Antartica. Women all over will be doing the continental hokey pokey.


There are all kinds if reason for sexual attraction from physical appeal to emotional to to cultural, etc.

One random news source based in New York City, NY but claiming an emphasis on African news "submitted by citizen reporters" (read: Can you type? Will you write a semi-cogent if not necessarily factual article for us for free? You're hired!) publishes one article that says one in eight marriages are interracial.

From this it appears that you, Mathew, have taken all of those marriages to be between a white woman and a man of African descent. Pro tip: This is not the case.

Yes, the article is titled "White Women And African Men: What Is The Attraction?" and yes, perhaps if you read the article sparingly or without commensurate reading comprehension skills, then you might come to the conclusion that there is some sudden uptick in white women running out to actively seek partners of African descent. The title of the article is clearly meant as clickbait. The truth is, Mathew, that there have been major sociological, economic, and demographic changes worldwide in the past twenty-odd years, and yes, it is not now nearly as unusual as it might have been even thirty years ago to marry outside of one's own race.

There are no substantiating articles--similar articles with similar titles and similar focus published by other, independent news sources--to be found that would support your initial premise that somehow white women are fleeing their own race in droves, or "forcing" their white husbands to be cuckolds as their white wives entertain lovers of African descent. No substantiating articles means no news, Mathew. No news means no grounding in reality for your assertion/"question".

I'm going to go with Buz's thinking here, only I'm going to be a wee bit more direct. You have a cuckolding fetish. Specifically, you want your wife or partner or future wife or partner to be actively interested in having sex outside the relationship with a man or men of African descent. Whatever works, Mathew.

FTR, I am about as white as white can get--straight Scottish and English lineage, with a Francophone Canadian mother--and I do not recall ever being attracted to any man solely because of his heritage, ethnicity or race. I also do not recall ever rejecting a man solely because of his heritage, ethnicity or race.
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Quote by Buz
I bet soon there will be a demand for men from Antartica. Women all over will be doing the continental hokey pokey.


There are all kinds if reason for sexual attraction from physical appeal to emotional to to cultural, etc.

I doubt it. You are forgetting the shrinkage factor.
I find it astounding this is even a subject to be discussed, on a site like this of all places.
Isn't this a very old cliche argument the converse would be Oriental guys?
Quote by trinket

I doubt it. You are forgetting the shrinkage factor.

Antartic men are hairy Sasquatch humans with shrink proof peckerdoodles and they speak French.
So folks are u mostly saying that you do not agree with the main issue of the article? In other words this trend is connected simply to gals and men own discreption but nothing is changed with respect to the past decades in sociological models?
Interracial dating is mostly very accepted in western society, some countries may be even more advanced on such social change than others. Certainly in the area I live it is not anything anyone really thinks about, just an accepted social norm. I live in an international city and there are people of all ethnicities that live here.

One sees just as many black women with white men as the other way around. A lot of Asian and Hispanic people live here. Seeing couples of any racial combination is commonplace. We also have a large LBGT population and they also pay no attention to any type of racial barrier.

Anyone adhering to racial barriers no longer fits in well. Unfortunately, those idiots make themselves known every so often.
Quote by Mattew
So folks are u mostly saying that you do not agree with the main issue of the article? In other words this trend is connected simply to gals and men own discreption but nothing is changed with respect to the past decades in sociological models?

Um, I'm really not sure how to read this statement. I certainly don't know what kind of answer it is you're looking for, Mathew.

Multiple people, including myself, have suggested that changing sociological, demographic, and economic trends, particularly in the last twenty years, have altered the way that interracial couples are seen in society. I didn't say that I disagreed with the "main issue" of the article, I said that the interpretation of the Pew Study was flawed. I also pointed out that it was one article, from a quasi-legitimate news source, and that I could find no supporting articles.

I'm thinking that, in reference to your original post and "sexual emotions", whatever those are, you wanted some kind of treatise on how hot black men are? Or how white women just can't help but be attracted to any given black man? I don't know. I think I'm done here.
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Quote by HeraTeleia

Um, I'm really not sure how to read this statement. I certainly don't know what kind of answer it is you're looking for, Mathew.

Multiple people, including myself, have suggested that changing sociological, demographic, and economic trends, particularly in the last twenty years, have altered the way that interracial couples are seen in society. I didn't say that I disagreed with the "main issue" of the article, I said that the interpretation of the Pew Study was flawed. I also pointed out that it was one article, from a quasi-legitimate news source, and that I could find no supporting articles.

I'm thinking that, in reference to your original post and "sexual emotions", whatever those are, you wanted some kind of treatise on how hot black men are? Or how white women just can't help but be attracted to any given black man? I don't know. I think I'm done here.

Yes Hera let us go back at the original question....just wanted to ask about how white gals felt emotionally and sexually involved withan African or Black Man. I just meant how keen you are to date for example other words by istinct has been ever happened to feel for example hit only by the fact of African or Black features? I think that article states that some white gals feel that way.....
Being a Black male myself (not from Africa). I have had many Interracial relationships. I do not see a "Craze" or "Fetish" from White or any race towards any others. Most of the time it is mild curiosity, other times it is because it is a " " due to family rules or trying to get a rise out of another family member. I myself are not specifically attracted to ONLY white females. I see articles and forums about this subject a lot, and it always comes down to WHY? There is no real reason except that it is what it is. Either a person is attracted to someone or not. Trying to find a reason why, or debate about it has never proven anything. Just my two cents.
Quote by Mattew
What i mean is that i read an article that says socially speaking more and more white single and married gals started in our past decades dating African Men.
Also more and more married women cheat or impose their white husbands their liason with their black lovers.....according to the article it happens for many reason one of it is because white women find more sexual emotions with those Africans....what is your opinion?

I kinda feel like this is a non issue. We're all people, human with human. Bi-racial couples can come in a lot of different pairings. I think people see color less important than chemistry. It's sad to me that we are still dividing ourselves like this.

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Quote by Simmerdownchick

I kinda feel like this is a non issue. We're all people, human with human. Bi-racial couples can come in a lot of different pairings. I think people see color less important than chemistry. It's sad to me that we are still dividing ourselves like this.

Thanks Simmerdownchick for your contribution!

Just trying to understand women opinion about what was stated in the article.

I also read about white gals who are intoxicated and hit by African or black men...nothing to argue or divide...just chemistry as you state!

Thanks for add your feed back.
First, I am a white male who has been married to a woman for nearly 36 years who is African-American, Chinese, French and has family from Trinidad & Tobago. I never set out to find a woman of a particular background. How we met was purely an accident, but by the time that night was over, I knew that I would marry her. Her racial background really never entered my thinking, other than when it was time to tell my mother that we were getting married. As an aside, one of my pet peeves about Lush is the use of the term "gals" to describe women. It just seems like a stereotypical pigeonhole that is somewhat archaic, sort of like the "Mandingo" labeling of African-American men. Stereotypes are crutches we lean on to relieve us of the burden of actually treating one another as individuals. I'll hang up and listen.
Well I'm not white but I am American Asian ethnicity. I have had both white and black men and I will say the two black men I have been with were both larger than average. They were also much more energetic or willing to please me and make sure I was taken care of before they were taken care of. So I can't say anything bad about them.
I'd go right ahead and disagree for the most part. Sure, regardless of relationship, women who feel they're missing something emotional or sexual might try to find it elsewhere. This can possibly happen if the relationship gets rocky. You just kind of have to remember that these articles only use so little information. For example, what area did they research to find these "statistics"? Who did they interview?

I know myself that I can have very random, almost embarrassing fantasies. I've thought about the whole "being taken" by some other race, but it never seems to go beyond the mental fling. I mean, I'm still going to want a white husband, white kids, love my own individuality and heritage, etc because that's what attracts me. I've seen too many black women cheat with white men and vice versa to say that there is some universal pull making women like African men. People like to experiment and try things that seem exciting or different. I wouldn't look too much into it! Not only that, but by the name "Sahara Reporters" and it being a black website, this kind of "report" comes to absolutely no surprise. Pfffff.
Dating a Afo-American woman back in 1977 killed the last serious racial stereotypes in my head. The tenor of the OP & the thread seems a bit trivial or silly to me.
I'm not going to get into a lot of reasons why or how I'm very involved interracially with black men exclusively ever since my divorce almost 24 years ago.. I can't speak for all white women and not here to say that every woman should try having sex with a black man to experience the difference. I'm just here to say that for me, I'm very happy with the choice I've made to be very involved with a black man that truly rocks my world and have absolutely no plans on changing my lifestyle.. It's just MY preference and hope everyone respects my choice..
I don’t think you know what Africanization means.

Also, can people stop fetishizing African men. Perhaps people like them because they are cool.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
A few years ago Hubbie started telling me he wanted to offer me to a black guy. I finally agreed to try it, and made three attempts to do so. On the first 2 attempts once I agreed to go to the voyeur room both of the black guys attitudes changed. The both started putting Hubbie down and made statements once they fucked me I would throw all white men in the street. I called it off as that attitude is a huge turn off for me.

On the third attempt the first thing I told the black was not to start bragging about how once he fucked me all I would want from then on would be black men. And don't start putting Hubbie down. This time we got to the elevator the he changed his attitude and started his bragging. I pulled away from him and told him he would not touch me again.

He tried to grab me shouting that I belonged to him now. That is when Hubbie and a couple other guys had to physically restrain him. He got thrown out of the club and I later found out he was banned for life. I told Hubbie that was it I was not going to try it again.

We go to swing clubs very often, sometimes 3 or 4 nights a week. I have seen a lot of black men fucking white women and black women. I have never seen them do anything uniquely different or better than a white man. Steven, Hubbie's best friend since they were in AF Flight School together still has the biggest cock I have ever seem in real life. It is 11.1 X 1.75 inches and he knows how to use it.

So I ain't going to fuck a black man.

Ever seen the movie Mandingo.

I honestly don't care about races. My dad is Caucasian but he is attracted to dark women. I'm mixed race. Just don't understand the whole fetish of different races.
In case anyone is wondering what race my husband is: He is Caucasian.
I like black men of African heritage, something real sexy about them.
Quote by JaniceK
I'm not going to get into a lot of reasons why or how I'm very involved interracially with black men exclusively ever since my divorce almost 24 years ago.. I can't speak for all white women and not here to say that every woman should try having sex with a black man to experience the difference. I'm just here to say that for me, I'm very happy with the choice I've made to be very involved with a black man that truly rocks my world and have absolutely no plans on changing my lifestyle.. It's just MY preference and hope everyone respects my choice..

I'm 100% with you here on respecting your choice along with everyone's right to choose. One of my best vanilla friends dates a black man from Jamaica. They have been together for over 20 years. We go out with them and go to each other's house to eat and visit. I just don't have any romantic or erotic attraction to black men. And Hubbie and Steven do a great job of rocking my world.

Hubbie and I have been in an open marriage for almost 38 years. Steven was the first man Hubbie shared me with and we went all the way. It works very well for us. Like you believe dating a black man is not for all white women, we believe an open relationship is not for everyone. We all should respect each other's right to make their own choices in relationships, and other life choices. Even if we do not agree with or believe in their choices.
