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The most beautiful compliment you ever received

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Active Ink Slinger
I had a guy one time approach me while I was out shopping and say "Hi, I just wanted to tell you that I think you're absolutely beautiful. That's all, I am not here to ask you out or try to get your phone number. I just know that if I didn't tell you, I would regret it. Have a nice day". And before I could thank him or say anything, he just walked away. It was so random, but made me feel really good.
"I find that a duck's opinion of me is largely influenced by whether or not I have bread". - Mitch Hedberg
Quote by cathyrohan
I had a guy one time approach me while I was out shopping and say "Hi, I just wanted to tell you that I think you're absolutely beautiful. That's all, I am not here to ask you out or try to get your phone number. I just know that if I didn't tell you, I would regret it. Have a nice day". And before I could thank him or say anything, he just walked away. It was so random, but made me feel really good.

That sounds like me, if it was, then I'm glad you appreciated it, if it wasn't then I do hope my mystery beauty appreciated it.
"I noticed your smile from a mile away." Some random man from Paris told that to me and it made me blush! smile
Active Ink Slinger
I was at the supermarket when a five-year old left his mother's side, hugged me and said, "You're pretty just like Mommy."
I felt so warm and bubbly inside after
Active Ink Slinger
If I got a dollar for every time I thought of you I would only have one because I never stop thinking of you. It was a really sweet thing to say.
Active Ink Slinger
For some reason I seem to get quite a few compliments (don't know why, I am not like drop dead gorgeous or anything) but the best compliment I have gotten so far is that I look like Taylor Swift. And not just one person has told me that, I lost count. It has to be at least 30 people that have told me that. I take that as a huge compliment cause she is very pretty. Also a lot of people compliment my eyes, that's usually the first thing people notice about me =)
I was outside a club a couple of months ago. I was chatting with the bouncers while I was waiting for my friends when this girl and her boyfriend came up to me. She said that I looked really pretty and should have flowers. Then she gave me a really pretty flower, told me she just wanted me to know that and off she went...

I put the flower in a glass of water when I got back to hotel room and took it home and had it in my bedroom until it died. It really was pretty and it made me smile when I looked at it...

It was random and lovely...
Just to be told I am wanted makes me feel good. It's nice to feel that someone wants you around them smile
I recently had a client tell me I had a very firm handshake at the end of a meeting and then he asked me if I was married. Guess he's into that kinda thing.

Still makes me smile! ;)
Went to have my haircut today at a salon I have not been to in a few years. When I sat down in the chair the hairdresser said "I remembered you right away, I couldn't forget your personality" I said I hoped that was a good thing and she replied, "Your personality is infectious"
Active Ink Slinger
My daughter has given me some beautiful compliments, but I'm always suspicious of the timing (right before she asks me for something :-)).
An old favorite story of mine: The Chaise Lounge
Sitting in the beauticians chair to have my hair all cut off for the Marines and the woman said nothing is worth cutting off this gorgeous hair. I smiled and said my country is well worth it. It grows back.
I had a song written for me and sung down the telephone to me...

It was the most wonderful feeling in the world.

I cried with happiness....

I feel so loved when I think about it and I think about it a lot - still hear that beautiful voice...
I was being my usual, self deprecating and such, when a friend told me "Don't say things like that about yourself, you are beautiful in every single way". It made me smile for quite a while. Another time, I was in my favourite guitar shop and one of the techs let me try her bass out, she'd just put it in for repairs and it was in pristine condition - a giant compliment because musicians are generally guarded about who plays their instruments.