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Show Dem Tiddies for Breast Cancer Research. COMPETITION IS CLOSED.

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Quote by trinket
I've got a family history of it too. My mum had BC at 40 to. 11years ago. She's a survivor because she checked herself every month and got the lump checked straight away. The sooner it's detected and treated the more successful it is. Even a day can make a difference. From a straight girls perspective yours DO look ok to me lol. Bethany has a good set too AND shared them twice

Thanks for fixing the typo, I have enough confidence issues already, lol. My Mom had inflammatory breast cancer stage four and a less than a 20% survival rate. Thankfully with the help of a great team of doctors, she did survive and recently celebrated her 85th birthday.

Active Ink Slinger

My lovely Mum died of breast cancer three years ago. I love breasts! Bras are silly things and should be removed as soon as possible.
Quote by Myamibi

My lovely mum died of breast cancer three years ago. I love breasts!

I'm sorry for your loss Myamibi. It's a terrible disease. I hope you have regular checks yourself. Thanks for your support by flashing your boobies.

You can read more about it here:

"Together, BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations account for about 20 to 25 percent of hereditary breast cancers (1) and about 5 to 10 percent of all breast cancers (2). In addition, mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 account for around 15 percent of ovarian cancers overall (3). Breast and ovarian cancers associated with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations tend to develop at younger ages than their nonhereditary counterparts.

A harmful BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation can be inherited from a person’s mother or father. Each child of a parent who carries a mutation in one of these genes has a 50 percent chance (or 1 chance in 2) of inheriting the mutation. The effects of mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 are seen even when a person’s second copy of the gene is normal."
Quote by sprite

only way you get to see my boobs here in public if is i get people to make donations to BCRF. too bad you're not a mod, otherwise you'd have seen more then just my boobs posted. ;)

First of all, that is the funniest thing Im ever likely to hear. "Me" and "mod" in the same sentence.

I don't want to see any bits of yours but how does being a mod make a difference? Just curious.
Well, I wasn't brave enough to do this when I was young, but don't mind so much as I get older (assuming any one wants to see them still) For the cause!

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite

where's yours, buddy? come on, unleash those babies.

I doubt mine will do much to further the cause, but I'll do it if you will.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Thanks go out to all the ladies for sharing and caring.
As a care provider for an ex-wife and daughter that has had breast cancer, it does put a strain on a family.
Don't forget ladies men can also get breast cancer. I have a friend who has and dealing with too.
Prolific Writer
These aren't mine but I support the cause.....xo

Quote by Gillianleeeza

Thanks for fixing the typo, I have enough confidence issues already, lol. My Mom had inflammatory breast cancer stage four and a less than a 20% survival rate. Thankfully with the help of a great team of doctors, she did survive and recently celebrated her 85th birthday.

I love your Tattoo.

Trinket amazing post. We need to make conscience. Glad that many are posting.

Not mine, but beautiful.
Active Ink Slinger
Proud to support such a good cause, P xo

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by trinket
Thank you Couple4play. I'm sure they will be popular.

Any donations yet Sprite? I HAVE noticed there is a distinct lack of Mod interaction in this thread besides yourself Sprite. Just sayin.

if my mods know whats good for them, they're too busy verifying to post in the forums.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger

Well, since Trinket showed hers.
“It's nice sometimes to open up the heart a little and let some hurt come in. It proves you're still alive.”
WOOHOO. Thank you Billy! Nice smile.

Due to a distinct lack of posting in this thread, would it make a difference if I said I would donate $1 to BCRF for every person who posts their tiddies, AND they would go into a draw for a gold membership?

HOWEVER there will only be a draw if we have at least 50 entries. (Yeah I thought it sounded a lot too but look at how many members there are on lush.) Multiple pictures will still only be counted as one entry for the draw. Those who have already posted will go into the draw. If you currently have a paid subscription, this membership will be added to your existing one and will give you an extra year on top of what you already have.

You may gift your gold to someone else.

The prize membership is not redeemable for anything other than a Lush Gold Membership.

I will be picking the winner via names in a hat. I can't be bothered with keeping track of numbers. I'll keep a list of entries on the OP.

Thank you for supporting Breast Cancer Research.

Better get that bra off Sprite
English Rose

My mum's currently fighting her 5th type of cancer. She's had skin, bowel, ovarian, lung and now throat. So supporting the fight against any form of cancer is something that's close to home and dear to my heart.

As for a pic of my boobs, well you'll have to make do with my current profile pic. You can nearly see one
My new story has been awarded the Recommended Read. If you adore a needy bottom and fancy a short, but very naughty read...
Site administrator

Well I have to say Lisa I am 1) Impressed with your breasts 2) More impressed that you have shared them for such a good cause and 3) Give you credit for creating this thread.

I see Sprite's posts .. I can say as a moderator that I havent even seen her ankles never mind anything else!! (I am however not a Story Moderator).
Site administrator
Quote by trinket
This pic speaks for itself however I'd ask that if anyone has another place they can repost this, it would help breast cancer awareness. If it saves one life, it's worth it. Please post it over and over wherever you can.

Feel free to post your titties here.
Lisa xx


Due to a lack of posting in this thread, would it make a difference if I said I will donate $1 to BCRF for every person who posts their tiddies, AND they would go into a draw for a gold membership?

HOWEVER there will only be a draw if we have at least 50 entries. (Yeah I thought it sounded a lot too but look at how many members there are on lush.) the draw will be on November 1 EST. Multiple pictures will still only be counted as one entry for the draw. Those who have already posted will go into the draw. If the winner has a current membership, this membership will be added to your existing one and will give you an extra year on top of what you already have.

This competition is open to both Men and Women over the age of 18 years old.

You may gift your gold to someone else.

The prize membership is not redeemable for anything other than a Lush Gold Membership.

I will be picking the winner via names in a hat. I can't be bothered with keeping track of numbers. The skunk is better at this than me but also smellier.

I'll keep a list of entries on the OP.

Thank you for supporting Breast Cancer Research.

A very generous lushie, who wishes to remain anonymous, has pledged to match my donation at the end of the competion. Thank you ANON.

Bethany Frasier
Billy Broadband.


I also will match your donation Lisa in GBP terms.
trinket wrote:
I don't want to see any bits of yours but how does being a mod make a difference? Just curious.

Quote by HeraTeleia
Hmm. Well, her being a mod means that she's contributed more to the site, that she's likely been a member longer, and that she certainly has more restraint than most of us.
Aren't you the one who created multiple accounts to attack other members in the forums? I seem to recall that you were. Oh, and my avi? That's actually me. As opposed to your ever-changing avatars, depicting whomever/whatever you want to be.

Sprite doesn't want to show you her breasts because you have a distinct history here, is my guess. That, and like me, she's already a Gold member.

Quote by HeraTeleia
Edited by author for content. Thank you for offering up the Gold membership, Trinket. I already have mine so I'll keep the public display of my breasts to my avatar pic.

I'm sorry but I won't be able to enter you into the draw because you are only showing a bra. Sprite and I have been joking about this kind of thing for a long time both on and off the forums. I have NEVER had multiple accounts so I can harass people on the forums. my profile CLEARLY states my avatars are rarely me. They are just a bit of fun. You know that thing... Fun. I'd say you owe me an apology and I'm sure sprite won't appreciate you speaking on your behalf. She may be expecting one too. If you have an issue with any of my avatars you can report me. If a winner already has gold they can gift it.

Of course I have a history. I've been a member for three years. You forgot to mention all the good things I've done for this site.

I would have thought that posting on this thread would have been because of breast cancer awareness and fund raising. Not just the prize, and not use it as an opportunity to bitch at me. If you would prefer to help the cause, by all means do. Posting bitchy messages to me isn't the way to do it.
Quote by simplyjohn


I also will match your donation Lisa in GBP terms.

Thanks John. BCRF thanks you. I'm sorry but you can't go into the draw either because I've seen your real boobs and those right there you just posted are better. Just sayin

Well so far John, Anon and I are up for a grand total of AU$8 each.
Site administrator
Quote by trinket

Thanks John. BCRF thanks you. I'm sorry but you can't go into the draw either because I've seen your real boobs and those right there you just posted are better. Just sayin

Well so far John, Anon and I are up for a grand total of AU$8 each.

.. Lisa look crop the lower half off that explicit picture of me that I sent you and just post the top half .. I dont have a problem with that.

And how you can say that is beyond me .. my chest is firm .. muscular .. hairy and and .. well a lot like that picture you posted above really!!