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Penis Size - a question for the gals.

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Across on the Crowd Sourcing forum there's a question about why 'most' men exaggerate the size of the prize. (Although no proof is given to the claims made.)

The consensus appears to be that the 'normal' erect size falls in the 5-6 inch category.
The bar being set high with the proliferation of 8-10 inches in porn seems to be the most common answer given for any exaggeration made. (Although it's generally an assumption being made rather than people saying that's why they have done it.)

My question to you gals is -

If you were chatting to someone on this site, would you rather that they were truthful and told you that they had a 5" boner, or that they exaggerate it up a bit?

(Or is the idea of exaggerating so ingrained that you would assume that saying 5" actually meant smaller?)
i really couldnt care less about penis size, as long as its within the usable region so within 4 and 8 inches anything beyond both those numbers is a nono for me
Quote by stephany96
i really couldnt care less about penis size, as long as its within the usable region so within 4 and 8 inches anything beyond both those numbers is a nono for me

But would you rather hear that someone you are chatting with intimately had a 4 or an 8 inch one? Assuming that you're only ever going to chat with that person?
I don't cyber with guys, so I don't really care how big their penis is. I've fucked more guys under 6 inches than over, so I'm not overly enamored with length. Exaggerate all you want. It's not like I'm actually going to bed with you.
I would always favour honesty over what someone thinks I want to hear. I'm not actually gonna fuck anyone off here in real life so I would never know if they were lying or not but I'd hope people could be honest about something as unimportant as cock size.

The saying 'it's not what you've got but how you use it that matters' couldn't be more true. I've slept with two guys who had huge, thick 10 inch cocks and clearly thought that that was enough because the sex was awful. In my experience guys with 'less than average' sized dicks tend to be insecure about that fact and therefore put more effort into fucking and you both have a way better time.

Not everything is about penis size. I don't care if you've got 4 inches or 10 inches as long as you know what you're doing and we're gonna have a great session. Anything in that range would be physically satisfying inside me but, honestly, I prefer an average 6-7 incher.
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Firstly if I was chatting with a guy I wouldn't ask him how big he was and secondly if he randomly decided that by telling me how big he was would be an instant turn on I would think that his understanding of women was very limited
i would find it oddly specific if a guy felt the need to tell me the exact size of his erection. in all my time cybering, i've never mentioned my bra size in the midst of a scene. i MUCH prefer that he put his vocabulary to good use in order to convey the state of his arousal. adjectives - USE 'EM!

Say. Her. Name.

Size doesn't mean a thing anyway if you don't know how the heck to use it. And yes, everyone knows that the first time you shake a guy's hand or say hello the next lead up question is, "How many inches you got?" followed by, "What's your credit limit?" and "Let me borrow your debit card really fast." Gawd, what a world we live in.
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Quote by Verena
Firstly if I was chatting with a guy I wouldn't ask him how big he was and secondly if he randomly decided that by telling me how big he was would be an instant turn on I would think that his understanding of women was very limited

There are several good answers on here, but the one above is the best IMO. If you understand female physiology, you know that length isn't nearly as relevant as girth. Men are far more worried about length than women are. Are there women who fixate on it? Sure, but far less so than men. That's because they know where their G Spot is and having a long cock has no advantage. If guys spent as much time worrying about how to make their partner cum as they do playing "mine is bigger than yours", the whole world would be far batter off.
Lots of great answers on here - thanks ladies smile
When they are honest, I find that refreshing, almost a turn on. Guy's, if you have a 5-6 inch penis and you know how to use it, you make us girls very happy! ;)
What everyone is saying is all true and good when we are talking about real sex (actually being there, touching and seeing each other kind of thing).

And then what is the need of measuring his cock and discussing its size? Exactly. No need.

And if you're chatting, what is the need of discussing his cock's size? No need either.
There are things I would be interested in (how hard is it, how he's stroking it, etc.) but the size is not one of them. I hate when people try to describe themselves when chatting (I couldn't care less what they look like) but even if I wanted to hear it... not interested in measurements. And I never pretend to be.

Apart from all the above, I don't measure in inches so whenever someone mentions something like that, it's like talking to me in Chinese.
I personally prefer that a guy is honest with me about his size, my bf has 9inches fully erect ( I measured it ) and for me its perfect but if Im cybering with a guy and he only has 5 inches thats ok as long as he is able to get me off using the English language, for me that is a really big turn on
I would never ask a guy how big he is on Lush or in real life. Some smaller guys can send a girl directly into orbit. Then some large guys think all they need to be is larger than average. Not so.

I am not telling you that a guy that has great skill in bed and has 8 or 9 inches or erect penis is not a welcome playmate.

But you smaller guys are always welcome in my playroom.
The size of a boys cock isn't really that important to me I think.
But I've only dated European men, and went out with this Canadian guy once on vacation here.
Every guy I've been with, mostly German boys, has what think is a normal cock size...7 to 12 inches, converted from cm.
I thought every guys cock was supposed to be that size until maybe 2 years ago.

I didn't really know this was an issue at all until I found this medical survey by accident
while researching something else for a school term paper.
Not sure exactly how they got their information,...but I would liked to have helped I think...giggles

With over 41 years in the lifestyle, I have seen very many hard cocks. I would say that the vast majority of them was in the 5 to 6 inch range. When Hubbie was stationed in the Philippines and Europe, the times I was able to join him, we still played in the lifestyle. I did not notice that the percent of above average size cocks was any higher than in the states. I am not really concerned about size. I'm more concerned about it staying hard. I'm even more concerned about how well my lover can use it, along with the rest of his assets.

I was fucked very well and had very satisfying orgasms by a guy with a 4 X 1 inch cock. I have been with a few in the 7 to 8 inch range that were not worth a damn as a lover. They thought that their above average size cock was all that was needed. I do not fake orgasms for guys like that and could care less about their feelings. I do this only to guys with a cocky attitude. Believe me, it pisses most of them off, because I let them know their fucking attitude was a turn off. I have even told a few they needed to go find a book about how to fuck or make love to a woman, and they need to start with 101.

I can't handle a hard fucking with more than 7 inches unless they are really careful not to pound it all in. That gets painful, and not in a good way. Proper applied BDSM pain is a good and orgasmic. Hubbie's best friend Steven, the first guy he shared me with almost 37 years ago is way over average at 11.1 x 1.75 inches. He is the only other man I make love to. ALL the rest I fuck. So we know each other very well. Even if we are fucking hard with him on top or doggy, he can keep from hurting me. I do like the fullness his cock give six me.

Quote by ivanka_simkiewisz

Any graph that uses 'Dutch' for German is not to be trusted ;)


Ermmm....I rarely, if ever, do the "sexy chat" thing anymore, but I really can't recall ever caring about the size of the cock attached to the guy with whom I am having the conversation.

And as previously mentioned, it's not as if I pause during actual intercourse or foreplay or whatever and whip out my Stanley measuring tape. Not really my thing.
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Quote by HeraTeleia
And as previously mentioned, it's not as if I pause during actual intercourse or foreplay or whatever and whip out my Stanley measuring tape. Not really my thing.

What? No foreplay? Ever?


mmmmmm I like 6 to 8'' cocks that's plenty for me
Quote by noll

Any graph that uses 'Dutch' for German is not to be trusted ;)

lol...Yes, well...Let's not get into that.
I like to know who I'm really talking to, but if u wanna fantasize about being huge than I'm happy to play along.
I'm fine with the guy lying if it builds his confidence in himself. A 5" can be better than an 8" if the right guy is using it. But that's just my opinion.
Quote by GoNE68
Across on the Crowd Sourcing forum there's a question about why 'most' men exaggerate the size of the prize. (Although no proof is given to the claims made.)

The consensus appears to be that the 'normal' erect size falls in the 5-6 inch category.
The bar being set high with the proliferation of 8-10 inches in porn seems to be the most common answer given for any exaggeration made. (Although it's generally an assumption being made rather than people saying that's why they have done it.)

My question to you gals is -

If you were chatting to someone on this site, would you rather that they were truthful and told you that they had a 5" boner, or that they exaggerate it up a bit?

(Or is the idea of exaggerating so ingrained that you would assume that saying 5" actually meant smaller?)

I think the men are so obsessed with proving their manhood that they associate it with the size of their penis. Lush is no exception and I have never met a man here who claims to have size below 10:. It appears that everyone on earth except the men with whom I have had sex, has a baseball bat hanging between his legs.
Never seen that in real. But at the same time porn movies do display the size of even more than 10:. So I cannot say that it is a fairy tail.