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Older lady's why do ya not want it any more ( over 55 girls}

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Active Ink Slinger
just wondering why so many older guys here, and very few girls wanting sex any more.
How do you know they don´t
Quote by Elling50
How do you know they don´t

I was just about to say that....
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by trinket

I was just about to say that....
Guess I'm not in the right place Ind not too good for older ladys
Sexual desire has a great deal to do with biology. And women in general tend to lose the chemicals and hormones that drive their sex-drive as they reach certain points in their life (Menopause and after). Also many older ladies have been with the same guy for a long time and often times this causes a general lack of sexual interest for both parties (generally speaking). And that desire often flares up when in a NEW relationship where everything is new and exciting.

Men on the other hand, since we are designed to procreate until we die.... yeah, we are hard wired a bit differently. But men too can lose the ability or desire after a certain age too.

BUT........................... there are many who don't fit the "rules" or what we consider the norm. There are indeed plenty of older gals here on the forums that are still interested in sex. They may not post as often though. So a search might net you what you are looking for. Or you may just be making a general statement?
Active Ink Slinger
We have learned to have more discerning tastes. The men our age have petered out and the young guys are too quick or don't know how to treat us. Other ladies are just right. Trust me we want it just as much.
Active Ink Slinger
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There are so many generalities, and misstatement of fact it is hard to know where to start.

Some of the issues may be relationship driven, some health driven and some are do to loss of her spouse, by death or divorce.

For those who are over 55, it is not so easy to find a new sexual partner, seems many men in this age group are looking for a 40 year old!

There are studies that show in Senior Facilities a lot of those older broads are really highly sexual.

Maybe it is just where you look. I am not there but my Mom is and she wants sex and seems to find partners, but of course she always has.
Active Ink Slinger
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It was my husband who lost interest in sex at 40, not me
Active Ink Slinger
Okay, older ladies: If you tell me your story, I might just write it in fictionalized version for LushStories. Only the horny need apply.
Its both side of the street. And weather we like to admit it or not its relationship that has changed. Some want to just get there rocks off and that can be rather boring. Others want to explore and see what else is there. Age has nothing to do with it, its all mental.
Active Ink Slinger
Well I still have a ways to go before Im 55, but unless there is some medical condition that says otherwise, Im sure I will want and hopefully get sex very often. At 43, my sex drive is as high as its ever been. So I really dont expect that I will want it any less in 12yrs. I know several women in their 50's who are very sexually active. I even know a 64yo woman (though she looks much younger) who has several 30 something fuck buddies and she has no trouble keeping them happy.

Remember, 60 is the new 40, LOL!!
I'm knocking on the door of 60, and want more than ever before. My libido, though always strong seemed to kick into high gear at menopause. So, I think you are assuming a gross generalization to be true.
Rookie Scribe
Being in that 50s group I agree with the ladies it is all about how your body is wired. I think some men and women both lose interest in sex. I have been in a marriage for many years where my wife was hot for sex in all areas. She had surgery and that messed her totally up to the point she does not enjoy it anymore. Yes, we have sex but the love making is over for her it is get up get on and get off. I don't enjoy that I really like given great pleasure to the person I am with no wham bam thank you man type guy.
I'm not over 50, but I've heard that many women have problems with sex when they hit menopause, the walls of the vagina get thinner, it's more difficult to get and stay lubricated also, hormones get all out of whack for a bit. I've also heard that it doesn't really affect their libido and as soon as they sort it all out they're back to how they were before,

Not saying that's true for all women over 50, but I've heard that it is for many.
Rookie Scribe

Complex topic.

My lover had a high libido through peri-menopause but once it hit full-on, that was it. She lost all interest in physical intimacy.

As I understand it, from what I've read and heard from friends, it really depends on the woman, and factors, such as how understanding and open their partner is, communication on both sides, and then a whole slew of physical conditions that result from the end of fertility; vaginal dryness, changes in elasticity, health issues (greater risk of UTIs and others that complicate matters.

At the end of menses, several chemicals are produced in lesser quantities such as estrogen and testosterone, which contribute to libido, levels of arousal, and desire. The drop can be very sudden and something of a shock, combined with other aspects of ageing and physical changes that can affect self-esteem and self-image.

As I understand it, exercise and diet certainly help (as they always do) but there are medical treatments such as Hormone Replacement Therapy that have helped some women (and not others) and herbal remedies that can help restore hormonal balance and promote a healthy libido post-menopause. There are natural lubricants and some new products that can aid in restoring blood flow to the genitals, resulting in arousal and lubrication.

My friends have not tried any of these yet, so I'm curious to hear if anyone has.

Now, I have a few older friends who spell it, "Men: A pause," who suggest that it is temporary, and a few have told me that although it is different now, they still have a healthy sex life with their partners.

I actually came on the forum to see if this was being discussed at all, because I am still very much in love with my friend and am trying to be supportive, whilst gaining more of an understanding of what she's going through (as well as many of my friends my age).

Thankfully, there is good information out there but I'd love to hear from women who have actually gone through this change and have found ways of coping and keeping their interest in sex and intercourse. I have to have hope that although things might be different from this point on, there can still be physical love.

I'm middle aged but still have a strong sexual drive, and at least for now, am fully functional. In other words, I'm not really ready to put it down, don my cardigan and settle for the rocking chair until my heart finally decides it's had enough and gives out.

That's said with some humour, by the way.

So, women, is there any advice you can share with a loving, patient man, who has a desire to understand and be supportive? I've heard and read that there is sex after 55/60, and I really have to hope that that's true.


Sorry that’s not all women. My sexual drive has not changed at all.

However HIS hit zero 14 years ago. I think we need to stop these medical stereotypes.

Desire is affected by more than one thing.

And if THIS is true why aren't doctors and big pharm on this like shit on a stick?

So many men say their wives lost interest. My husband lost interest. But men do not go through menopause but testosterone does taper off with age.

Maybe it’s half medical and half us? I would like to think it’s medical. But honestly I think he just never really desired me. Just wanted kids and I was the first available uterus.

This is NOT a comment on you. But if I adored my husband and was having trouble having sex. I would explore every outlet I could. Then give him bj’s to make sure HE was happy.

We we love well in my case loved these people but since when is marriage a roommate thing.

Complacency is a terrible thing. If his/her body isn’t able to have intercourse there are ways to make your partner happy and fulfilled.

Active Ink Slinger

Haven’t been married for years and when we had time together we were like rabbits but it was more a matter of not being together much. Some other stuff that is no one's business. At 53 my companions include a broad age group and I would not presume to categorize them in any way whatsoever. Each one is or was uniquely themselves and almost without exception wonderful to be in and out of bed. To clarify when I say “broad age group” I am not suggesting there are hordes of women from horizon to horizon, just a few within a broad age group. A Lothario I am not.😇

Living bi-cariously through Lush

This has been covered extensively by the major advice columnists, including the likes of Ann Landers and not just Dan Savage.

Loss of sex drive and/or physical intimacy happens to both women and men, and I’m not convinced to one more than the other. I’m not even sure I agree with your premise that there are more old guys than old women prowling here, and in any event I wouldn’t expect the population here to be symmetrical even if men and women lost interest in similar proportions

Women, for their part, go through lots of hormonal changes in middle age that either impact their sex drive, or even if their drive isn’t reduced, can result in reduced physical receptiveness that can make sex more difficult and/or embarrassing.

Men, meanwhile, also often have more challenges getting (or maintaining) erections for a wide variety of medical reasons, some of which can be counteracted by the little pill and some of which cannot.

Then there can be a whole lot of psychological and relationship reasons behind a drop in sex drive and intimacy too.

Sorry, there are no guarantees in life. If you started this thread in hopes of reassurance that you’ll keep happily fucking until the day you die, or looking for simple solutions, you may not find them. Enjoy each day and each fuck to the fullest.

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Don't know who you have been talking to.I'm 62 and I like getting fucked often.