Quote by Angi
A guy who says "I know" this will happen rather than saying "I hope" this happens.
Quote by Beffer
If he's more confident than I am, I most likely wouldn't be able to stand him! I can barely stand ME!
Quote by Angi
A guy who says "I know" this will happen rather than saying "I hope" this happens.
Quote by PrincessC
One gets you laid, the other doesn’t.
Quote by LikeToWrite
Unfortunately, Princess, that is quite often the case. For some strange reason that I've never fully understood, many women, not all I'll admit, seem to be attracted to that 'Bad Boy' type (cocky) guy. The nice guy (confident man) gets overlooked. He is thought of as a nice guy, maybe a good friend, but he is invisible. It shouldn't be that way, but many times it is. That old adage of 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease' seems to be true.
Quote by noll
Quote by PrincessC
I meant that confidence gets you laid. That old gripe about how nice guys finish last is rubbish. It’s men trying to justify deserving sex by doing the bare minimum. “I didn’t say anything mean to you so why won’t you fuck me im invisible woman are so mean they only go for dicks”. I’ve had men repeatedly complain to others about how I don’t give them the time of day when they have [B]never actually expressed interest verbally.[/B] Confidence is what’s sexy. Knowing your mind and being assertive. [B]Cockiness is boring and reeks of insecurity to me.[/B] That’s just my own opinion.
Quote by LikeToWrite
This thread is in the 'Ask the Gals' section. Also, the original poster, Ds7893, wrote "Ladies I know you like confident men... But where do you draw the line between some being confident and someone being cocky?"
Noll, I know these forums are open to anyone, male or female, however, it seems to me that Ds7893 was directing his question to the ladies, moreso than us guys.
Quote by Angi
A guy who says "I know" this will happen rather than saying "I hope" this happens.
Quote by LikeToWrite
You said,”… never actually expressed interest verbally.” I think that is a fair assessment, because quite a few men assume the woman is a mind reader. He knows what he’s thinking, so he assumes she should know also.
You said, “Cockiness is boring and reeks of insecurity to me.” I’ll agree it could be boring, especially since I’ve heard many women complain that they get that from guys quite often. Insecurity? Maybe. He may be feeling a bit insecure now because he has or is about to step outside of his comfort zone, so overcompensates and goes to the other extreme. To everyone, it would appear that he was anything but insecure, however, I suppose in a way, even that could be classed as being insecure, since his insecurity is the root cause of how he is acting.
On the other hand, suppose he is the type of guy that honestly believes in his own mind that he is ‘Gods gift to women’, therefor you should feel honoured to be with him. Why wouldn’t you, after all, since he knows he is the greatest there is, you will never find anyone better. To my way of thinking, that would be a good example of cockiness, and therefor not attractive. Would you define a situation like that as a sign of confidence or cockiness?