I know the first question you would ask me is " why would i not be able to ?" . Nevermind that but say for whatever reason you were told one fine morning that you never again allowed to suck any penis but everything else allowed sexually . Would you be very upset ? Would you feel you could go crazy ? How would you feel ?
Assholes are people, just like you and me, except they remind us that we all need to self-reflect once in a while!
I wouldn't be upset at all. I would be jumping for joy.
Unmoved, because nobody tells me what I can and cannot do!
i'd do it anyway and see what happens
I wouldn't be as upset about not being able to suck cock (though I do love sucking cock...), as it would be about being told I could never do something again.
Also, how is that being enforced? Flogging? Shock collar? There are ways we could make this fun...
All your questions are about dick sucking, Obsessed much?
If all guys were like you, I would honestly never suck a dick again
also Whats to stop me? Do I suddenly not have a mouth?
I decided to give up men and their appendages 40 years ago. I do not miss them.
Sure I would miss it.... probably more than I realise - and so would they.
Then I would still have my wonderful and very tasty girlfriend with all her multiple attributes to keep me happy.
I don't think that it would cause me any psychological damage...
I would be devastated. I probably get as much, if not more, pleasure out of giving a blow job as he does. I had my own orgasm the very first time I gave a blow job. And still do.
might as well become a lesbian? seriously, i think i'd be ok.
I'd be quite upset. I love a cock in my mouth, especially getting a mouthful of cum.