If it was just me to decide, I would wanna have sex just everyday.
Life and circumstances, however, always have their say
As often as possible but at least twice a day sometimes more
Sadly I'm getting old and need medicine to stay hard ; the medicines are not so good for me , so once a week , my wife permitting . I used to like to make love twice a day and for a long morning session of maybe 3hrs at a weekend . Until my late fifties I could maintain an erection for a long time . Today I would happily enjoy hours and hours of foreplay , but unfortunately seldom have the opportunity .
As often as possible without totally excluding everything else in my life. If I could fuck ten times a day and still have time for everything else, I would.
Not in a contest for numbers. Marathon Sex is always good.
At least once a day, if not more. The week before and after my period, I need it like... once every hour lol
i wish i could whenever the feeling hit...
With the right partner? As often as humanly possible...
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Every day! Some days - more than once.
It really depends what is going on in my life. Like right now, I could have it once a week perhaps but when my sex drive is at its peak and I am at my most happy, then everyday or every other day is needed and wanted.
Everyday several times a day