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How do you feel when you are called a "Slut"

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How do you feel when someone calls you a "Slut"?

107 votes remaining
Hate it, feel insulted (33 votes) 31%
It's just a word and it doesn't bother me (9 votes) 8%
In the right circumstances I like it (74 votes) 69%
I love it, wear it proudly (35 votes) 33%
Advanced Wordsmith
I like the word, now, especially when I am being fucked. I am so very naughty.imSmgwbcN99Qv2zm
I have to admit that I’ve never been called one, at least not to my face. I can’t think of any circumstance that I would like it!
Active Ink Slinger
I am a recently divorced woman who, from the fantasies I have had and the things I want to do and wear is beginning to realize that there is a slut inside who wants to get out
Active Ink Slinger
Answer depends on the context. Sometimes it will be offensive, probably generating an angry response. Other times it will be a turn on.
Active Ink Slinger
It depends on the circumstances. In a long and slow sensuous lovemaking session, I would feel my efforts were being undervalued.

During a quick steamy session on my knees being naughty and dirty with a guy or girl, I love it, because it's true.
Like it
If used in a good way go for it call me what I am and more. It does hurt if called that because you're mad at me. Some of us carry our badges with honor took us a while to earn it so I wear mine proudly along with other names
Active Ink Slinger
I take it as a complement
Rookie Scribe
Insulted, why cant we love sex and not be called slutty.
Active Ink Slinger
I like Dossie Easton's re-definition (paraphrasing here): A person who lives according to the idea that sex is good and healthy and who tries to have as much of it as possible.

So long as I know that's my intention, I'll happily wear the label. And if someone uses it with other intentions, fuck them. (Or in this case, don't! lol)

Having said that, I love seeing all the different perspectives here.
Rookie Scribe
I am a slut for black cocks so I love being known as a slut. Isn't that what we white bitches are for??? Just to be impregnated for black babies!!
Are you and I currently in an active, monogamous relationship? Have we talked about my being treated like an object? Are you and I currently engaged in sexual activity? Then yes, calling me a "slut" is absolutely fine.

Now, if I don't know you, or know you only in passing, and you call me a slut in any context, you'll find yourself quite quickly faced with a cold stare and an abrupt end to the conversation, if you're lucky. If luck is not so much on your side and I feel that your choice of verbiage plus physical actions warrant it, you'll find yourself quite quickly levelled, on the ground and with emergency services en route (I'm the compassionate sort).

So, I'd suggest that you err on the side of caution and be very careful about whom and under what circumstances you address any woman as "slut", if only because concussions suck.
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Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by HeraTeleia

Now, if I don't know you, or know you only in passing, and you call me a slut in any context, you'll find yourself quite quickly faced with a cold stare and an abrupt end to the conversation, if you're lucky. If luck is not so much on your side and I feel that your choice of verbiage plus physical actions warrant it, you'll find yourself quite quickly levelled, on the ground and with emergency services en route (I'm the compassionate sort).

So, I'd suggest that you err on the side of caution and be very careful about whom and under what circumstances you address any woman as "slut", if only because concussions suck.

Word to the wise: she owns guns and is not afraid to use them. smile
It never happened to me in real life.
To me "slut" is a very offensive term when used without humor or irony.
Active Ink Slinger
Get called it all the time. Mean's nothing to me.
Partner-in-Lust / Cummunist
Etymologically, a slut is a woman who enjoys sex in a degree considered shamefully excessive.
I don't consider enjoying sex is shameful at all. So it is not so much of an insult, rather a compliment.
Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.
Active Ink Slinger
I adore being called a slut. One of my personal favorite titles lol
I love being called names.
One time, a guy made me say I was his bitch and when I said it, I came so hard. It turned him on that it turned me on.
Rookie Scribe
i love it, its a huge turn on.
its even better when a jelous women does it.
Active Ink Slinger
My sister calls me it all the time.
Chatterbox Blonde- Rumps Mystical Bartender
Well a slut is just someone who owns their sexual power. I own mine, and I can behave in a very wanton teasing way.
With the right person I can be a very wild creature indeed, and I'm happy to be called a slut by them.
If it's a celebration of my wild carnal spirit, then I own it and you can use it.
If it's an attempt to put me down, you get an eye roll and I keep walking.
If you make me have to deal with you, you're eating concrete and talking like the Bee Gees for a while.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

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A Cure For Stagefright

I put a little banner in here, it might change. I'm still messing about with it.
Mary Poppins
Double standards, that’s what I say. My husband has had sex with three women in his life and he is called a ladies’ man. I have sex with three hundred or so men and women and I’m called a slut. Go figure. Regards, Verity
Be nice to each other

Active Ink Slinger

I actually like being called a slut. I am a slut and am proud of it. I enjoy fucking a lot of people. Guys and girls. I want a lot of sex and it's exciting to fuck new people all the time. I love being a slut.