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Have you ever had the urge to send your worn panties to someone?

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Maybe to a partner, boyfriend or just for the hell of it.

I thinking mainly of you know panties etc that you may have had a play in? or an item that carries your personal scent in anyway??
Never sent any- but I did put some in my boyfriends bag when he went away on a stag trip. He said he used them as soon as he found them, if you get my drift. And i've left some on his pillow before when I've had to work a night shift- they always go down very well and I always choose the sexiest ones I own.

In a mailbox filled with bills and junkmail, aren't ultra-sexy Doll panties a fun little diversion?
Lovely work Cherry! I like your style hahaha.....

Doll panties? not sure were you are coming from with that??
Quote by FetishCP

Doll panties? not sure were you are coming from with that??

Just a take on my name... People call me 'Doll' around here.
ah that makes more sense! im linking to see a couple of you have tried it..... anymore??
2 or 3 months ago I had a guy say he'd transfer X amount of money into my account if I sent him some worn panties.

But...I didn't have any I fancied losing!
I have sent some ... actually, a few pairs. (Long Distance Relationship)
I've never sent my worn panties, but I have slipped panties into his suitcase a time or two.
Never Did That! But I Have Had Someone Who Liked To Carry My Worn Panties And Smell Them During The Day
I was involved with a man who purchased a pair of panties for me and modeled them and took photos to send me! He sent them along with a pair of his favorite boxer briefs! It was very exciting for both of us, still wear both to this day! Never sent a pair to anyone, but never say never!
I once received a pair of size 12 panties after being led to believe she wore size 2 panties. Does that count for anything?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
First of all;I don't wear panties,
second of all; I only send them UPS!
Ups code: (9111,)
I get requests for my panties all the time. I don't send panties and tell LOL All I'm saying is some guys jerk off with them and some wear them just depends on the guy

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
I have been asked to send both panties and bras. I haven't sent any because I'm cheep and they cost too much to replace.
sometimes i'll wear my partners used undies, just to be close to her... and yes, i've had the urge before, but in retrospect, i'm glad i resisted!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Never thought of it, I guess I've been missing out, have to change that!
Quote by She
Never thought of it, I guess I've been missing out, have to change that!

we should start a panty exchange program here... *giggles*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
Quote by She
Never thought of it, I guess I've been missing out, have to change that!

we should start a panty exchange program here... *giggles*

*blushing* yes, please giggles let me send you my adress, I will need a lot of practice, since i am going to be new in this... you know, knowledge is in repeating
That would be so sexy. Never have sent any, but have caught a maintenance man going through my panties drawer.
Quote by DirtyMartini
Quote by cherryrebel
they always go down very well and I always choose the sexiest ones I own.

Did you say your panties always go "down very well?"

Well that's nice to know...

you ladies are missing out on a gold mine,
i know a few ladies, who did this an charged
close to fifty dollars a pair for painties,
fourty for bra's. an close to hundred for
a set.
pantyhose, is around 30$ an so forth.
you gals should get togetheran start a site an
to do this, its legal, anhas long has your getting money orders
in a name only you have fixed up at the back . oh well lolsmile
Quote by katfish567
you ladies are missing out on a gold mine,
i know a few ladies, who did this an charged
close to fifty dollars a pair for painties,
fourty for bra's. an close to hundred for
a set.
pantyhose, is around 30$ an so forth.
you gals should get togetheran start a site an
to do this, its legal, anhas long has your getting money orders
in a name only you have fixed up at the back . oh well lolsmile

That is one hell of an idea I could make a darn fortune!!! This requires further thought hehehe

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
I have heard from a couple people that you can buy used panties out of vending machines in Japan.

Wonder how that would go over here.
Quote by amber
I have heard from a couple people that you can buy used panties out of vending machines in Japan.

Wonder how that would go over here.

High school girls also make a lot of money by selling their thigh stockings XD
I like the idea of a silent auction where the women of Lush donate a pair of panties and the proceeds go to a charity.
I'd donate a pair to raise money for a good cause.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I like the idea of a silent auction where the women of Lush donate a pair of panties and the proceeds go to a charity.
I'd donate a pair to raise money for a good cause.

I'm sure your panties would raise more than just money......

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I like the idea of a silent auction where the women of Lush donate a pair of panties and the proceeds go to a charity.
I'd donate a pair to raise money for a good cause.

The Japanese could certainly use a little help right now...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.