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Have you ever had a fuck buddy? How did the relationship work out? Or did it?

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definetly still friends! and i had a couple friends id mess with and we go on like it was nothing. haha its like fun little secrets that you know stuff could happen time. makes it more fun having those friends smile but it was nice becuase i didnt like like the person and they didnt like me in that way either, so it was way more fun knowing nothing was expected out of it expect the fun of sex.
Active Ink Slinger
I had two fuck buddies. At some point J and I became a couple and when I told the other one I couldn't have sex with him anymore because I had a boyfriend, he got mad at me. He still says that I was never important to him, but seriously.. Not talking to me because I didn't want to have sex with him anymore? Seems a bit weird to me.
I had one. We had dated before but things ended poorly. A few years later we met up again and all the sexual tension was released. He's not the most sane person in the world though so we ended up not meeting any more.. I was later told that he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Advanced Wordsmith
I have had a few quite a few and have learned that it is key to keep it friends but very casual. I've stayed friends with the men that would just hangout with me without a lot of flirting and then afterwards have sex and leave. Both people just have to be in the right mindset for it to work out perfectly.
Yes I've had a few fuck buddies, male and female, but the arrangements always ended up getting messed up by their possessiveness. I'm no longer friends with them. I have a similar arrangement at the moment with a guy and girl which is a lot more successful.
Active Ink Slinger
I have had a few in the past and only one went badly. She wanted a serious relationship and I didn't. I currently have two fuck buddies, one is a man (about 2 1/2 years now) and one is a woman (1 year now). They are both aware of the others and we are all happy with it. My fantasy is for the three of us to get together, but she is only into women so I don't see it happening.
I had to cut out one fuck buddy because he was getting jealous of all my other fuck buddies. I hate it when they start having feelings and want me to limit myself.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, absolutely. I've had two in the last three years and I am still good friends with both. In fact, still interact with each almost every day. I think the key for me is that my husband fulfills all of my emotional needs and is my best friend and soul mate (as cheesy as that sounds). That really goes a long way in dampening any emotional fixations I might have developed. And the fact my husband knew all about both (and even helped me to be with each lover) took away the rush of having some secret, illicit affair (which, I believe, is a huge component in people getting fixated during affairs). Hubby knows I care very much for both men, but also that I am just a person who tends to care about people, and he is secure in our relationship and love.

On a side note, it took a bit for each to get comfy with the idea that my husband not only approved but also assisted, but once they did...well, my local lover worships my hubby. He thinks he walks on water lol, which I love because my husband clearly does. ;)

I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

Rookie Scribe
yes, have had several over the years. and Sara is right, have to be in the right frame of mind and be friends.. I found it better if both people are married. Then there aren't any expectations other than good sex.
Active Ink Slinger
Myself and my wife have had two one of my mate for mmf and one of her mates for ffm my mate and myself andd my wife still get on very well in fact we are still very good friends and keep in contact with no,sex in the last couple of years but my wife friend turn into a bloody idoit and we dont talk anymore it turn to shit with her big time so one good one bad
Active Ink Slinger
who we lying to? Every person we've sexually(with mutual consent of course) related,without any intent of keeping togheter till death is just a fuckbuddy.
Trying to sound cool. Too much work left.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Schnelhans
who we lying to? Every person we've sexually(with mutual consent of course) related,without any intent of keeping togheter till death is just a fuckbuddy.

Deep thinking. You're right!

I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

Yes I did for 9 years me and my neighbor ..........And I must say that it worked out very well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rookie Scribe
No i haven't...but im looking for one!!!!!
Yeah I have. It was great to know that I could just have casual sex with someone and that there was no attachment there at all for either of us so it didnt mean I could flirt with anyone else etc. And yes we're still friends, he now has a girlfriend but I know as soon as that finished he'll come straight back, he always does.
Rookie Scribe
Sorry, but we are new at this and I don't know how to copy someone else quote.....

Schnelhans said:
"who we lying to? Every person we've sexually(with mutual consent of course) related,without any intent of keeping togheter till death is just a fuckbuddy."

I don't agree.. That is a one night stand or a fuck... But a Fuck Buddy is someone that is your friend, they want the same thing you want, SEX, Mutual Pleasure.. that is why they Buddies... They aren't looking for mate, they and you just want to have fun and get laid.. At least that is what a Fuck Buddy to me is.. and have had several over the years.. and when it was time to quit, we did and we are still friends today..
Rookie Scribe
yes- while working away from home i played with my landlady! i keep in touch with her and still good friends
Active Ink Slinger
Yes I do and we're still fuck buddies to this day.

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Yes, I did have a fuck buddy who was several years older-sex was great! lasted about 8 months, but then she got serious and it was time to move on -still remember her with fondness. But "all good things must come to an end".
I really don't think you can say it can work without getting attached in some form,despite setting out "rules" before and setting the record straight... it will 99.9% of the time result in someone getting attached
Active Ink Slinger
I have had a fuck buddy for the past 3 years. We fuck when we don't have a significant others. I would have to say we are attached to each other. But we know what we are and we know that we will never work in a relationship. So we make each other happy in another way. Sexual pleasure.
Active Ink Slinger
Had a couple. The first tried to tie me down by getting married and offering me last chance. 8 yr latter she was single again and repeated the process. She's happy with her new husband and we still communicate 10 years latter. The second would get together when she wasn't attached, and it was a lot better with her than when we had been married in what seemed like a previous life.
I am currently sleeping with a mate, and its fantastic. I recently got out of a 5 yr relationship with minimal sexual activity and needless to say I don't know a lot and haven't tried much, but he is helping me to experiment and try new things and I feel comfortable with him. If I don't do it right or simply have no idea what to do he just explains it to me without making me feel like an idiot. It's only a relatively new 'fuck buddy' relationship do I don't know if there will be any complications but but we discussed everything before hand (I had a bit of a freak out about it all) and we agreed that we are friends first, the sex is just a bonus. (and what an amazing bonus it is)
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by naughtiestmommy
Yes, absolutely. I've had two in the last three years and I am still good friends with both. In fact, still interact with each almost every day. I think the key for me is that my husband fulfills all of my emotional needs and is my best friend and soul mate (as cheesy as that sounds). That really goes a long way in dampening any emotional fixations I might have developed. And the fact my husband knew all about both (and even helped me to be with each lover) took away the rush of having some secret, illicit affair (which, I believe, is a huge component in people getting fixated during affairs). Hubby knows I care very much for both men, but also that I am just a person who tends to care about people, and he is secure in our relationship and love.

On a side note, it took a bit for each to get comfy with the idea that my husband not only approved but also assisted, but once they did...well, my local lover worships my hubby. He thinks he walks on water lol, which I love because my husband clearly does. ;)

wow you have a amazing lucky you ..u have such open relationship freedom of sex
Active Ink Slinger
I have and still have my 2 buddies. We call each other see how things are going and all one has to say is hey can youor i come over. We even hang out go to the club,movies, etc. Being in the right frame of mind as I see keeps getting mentioned, starts at the very beginning. I'm upfront so I know what they want from me and they know what i want from them so we are on the same page from the jump. Each one of us knows if the other meets someone then the arrangement is off.

Its good to have friends how help out in times of need.
Once in college... Used to fuck my flat mate till junior yr...she contact since then.
Did I miss something, by the way I hate that term Fuckbuddy, but casual sex anytime is supposed to be a relationship. Mom never told me that.

I thought it was just about enjoying each others body and then on to our normal life until next time.

That was really a basis for relationship.? I thought I had all the answers, but I sure missed that one.
Rookie Scribe
I suppose, it was great while it lasted, we began to drift and we went on to see other people but i do miss the sex.
Advanced Wordsmith
I did. We first got togather long before either of us married, We kept going through my first wife, and half way through her marrage. Aproximately fifeteen years! We haven't seen each other sexually in 10 years, But I bet if the opp arrived, we'd do it again!