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Have you ever had a fuck buddy? How did the relationship work out? Or did it?

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Okay, many of you have actually have or had a friend that you shared a bed with for the sole purpose of fucking when it was known to both of you that the relationship wasn't long-term? Did you and your "buddy" remain friends? Why or why not?
Yep I have, and we're still friends kinda but im not really sure what happened.

We had casual sex a couple of times, but only when it was convenient for him. I'd invite him over to my place so we wouldnt have to fuck in a tent or a car but we didnt come over. Then he told me he had feelings for me and i didnt. One day he got wasted and wanted to sleep but i didnt want to take advantage of his feelings... and now... we dont really talk at all, so basically it went balls up and i dont know why
Active Ink Slinger
I have 2 right now and it has been great. We have been friends for a long time and there really isnt anything except a physical attraction. I mean we are friends, but I am pretty sure neither one wants a relationship with me, at least not right now. And it is more like a once or twice a month thing.
Active Ink Slinger
I did have a boy toy/ fuck buddy once. he was like 6 years younger than me and it din't work out. I worked too much to satisfy him and he decided we needed to fuck other people for awhile LOL. But for real it didn't work I think he got attached and I felt, as shallow as it may sound, that he should be more like a vibrator, there when I wanted him and metaphorically in my side table drawer when I didn't want him but he would come over randomly and once he even brought flowers which is a serious breach of fuck buddy protocol. I was at a point when I didn't want a serious relationship.
Ladies and Gentleman I Give You My Pussy:
i dont think fwb work out. last time i tried it i ended up having feelings with the guy. we dated but it was akward cus the realtionship started off of sex. when i broke up with him he was heart broken and was so pissed at me beacuse i didnt have a straight answer.. but when it doesnt feel right, it doesnt feel right, right?
yes. i am still friends but the sex has sort of fazed out of it. we still hang out every once in a while but thats about it
Active Ink Slinger
yes i did me and my friend sarah* fucked all the time we were best friends for a long time then after we had a huge falling out

*nam was changed to protect her idenity
Yep! It's been 7 years now, we are very good friends. We have spend time without talking for few months just because we are doing other things or dating but once we get in touch we know is a set a date for crazy delicious playtime!! ;) We have always thought that trying to be together would not be the same and it's like the first time everytime we are together.
Active Ink Slinger
Not really. It takes a certain frame of mind to get there, and the women who seem the most attracted to me aren't into that sort of thing.
Active Ink Slinger
yes, I have had a couple. But they always ended after a few months cause they wanted more or freaked out cause they found out they weren't the only person I was sleeping with. Some men are too clingy... And I thought it was women that got crazy and emotional! lol
"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing." - Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in Pretty Women
I had a "fuck buddy" with my best friend in high school. She and I were almost always together as best friends normally are. We would have sex with each other, masturbate in front of each other yet still go on dates. If we were horny, we'd have sex. She ended up marrying my brother. We remained best friends until she passed.
yes, a few. they were always fun. still on and off with one after years, the others we just grew out of it, moved away, or got into "serious" relationships.

my favorite kind of relationship. easy.
Artistic Tart
I'm happy for all those who have had great no-strings-attached, fuck-buddy partners that either ended amicably or continue long-term.

Personally, I've found that hard to pull off. I have a very close female friend that I have a continuing, on-again/off-again sexual relationship with. We're still very close, but I can't honestly say that it hasn't caused friction and complication between us. I've also had guys as fuck-buddies, but one or both of us always ends up with some feelings. It's never ended in disaster (those have been actual relationships, not fuck-buddies LOL), but it's always ended in some awkwardness. The only times me and a guy have gone without either of us having 'feelings' for each other was when I was obviously being used. Either that, or the tension's there as it continues.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX
I'm happy for all those who have had great no-strings-attached, fuck-buddy partners that either ended amicably or continue long-term.

Personally, I've found that hard to pull off. I have a very close female friend that I have a continuing, on-again/off-again sexual relationship with. We're still very close, but I can't honestly say that it hasn't caused friction and complication between us. I've also had guys as fuck-buddies, but one or both of us always ends up with some feelings. It's never ended in disaster (those have been actual relationships, not fuck-buddies LOL), but it's always ended in some awkwardness. The only times me and a guy have gone without either of us having 'feelings' for each other was when I was obviously being used. Either that, or the tension's there as it continues.

I think the key to it being sucessful, at least for me is that it isnt something that you do very often. And with the guys I have, it is usually part of a threesome with my GF (although it has been with just me too with her knowledge). And one of my guys is the "confirmed bachelor" type. He is in it just for the sex. But we do sometimes hang out and have non sexual fun too. They are also my sports watching buddies, LOL!!

As for woman fuck buddies, I have a few friends who get together once in a while for sex. They are married but like to play around with girls too. I am not involved with them, but I do no that it works great for them.
The Linebacker
I have had sex buddies. And believe it or not 3 of them eventually wound up being bridesmaids for my wife. It's not like she doesn't know either. It had been at least 3-5 years before and the girls were not my sex buddies during the time I was involved with her. The girls were all among her best friends though, and she definitely knew at the time.
Yes and it didn't work out too well all things considered.
Advanced Wordsmith
The premise of the question itself is flawed... because if you look at a fuck buddy as relationship in the first place, you are doomed to have problems.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by PrimalMind
The premise of the question itself is flawed... because if you look at a fuck buddy as relationship in the first place, you are doomed to have problems.

I think you have too narrow of a view of the word "relationship." Friendship is a relationship. A relationship is simply a term that refers to how you relate to another person. Your arch nemesis has an enemies relationship with you. Your co-worker, a working relationship. Your brother, a familial relationship. Etc.
Active Ink Slinger
yes.... before i was married.... it was fine.... had to stop though...
Yes I had a buddy, things were going great until he started liking me more. I'm not going to lie, I started liking him more too,
but what he failed to mention during was that he eventually got a girlfriend and didn't tell me so we continued. Needless to say,
Drama! I got mad at him for a while, but forgave him ( I'm a forgiving soul ) and we still talk, just no buddy, buddy anymore smile
Alpha Blonde
I have had a few of these 'situations' over the years.

It's complicated though.

I wouldn't do it with a friend I valued that I wanted to continue being friends with in the long-term because these situations can be pretty unstable in general. I've never fallen for a fuckbuddy because typically if I'm looking at them as a fuckbuddy there are relevant reasons why I'd never want him to be my boyfriend, so I'm able to separate the two. Honestly... they tend to be really hot, dumb guys that are great in bed, but that I have no mental connection with. It usually starts well, then the guy gets clingy or starts liking me too much, then there is the awkward reassessment of the situation or I just pull away and annoy/frustrate him, then he gets pissed off, and then it's over. If I can string things along for a couple of months of fun/wild sex, then it's great. In my experience it usually trainwrecks pretty fast though, unless circumstance forces it to maintain a slower speed (ie. he's in another city or you both have busy life/travel schedules). As well, if it's just a sex thing, the novelty usually wears off and it gets boring, so I think fuckbuddies are best kept as a short-term deal.
Active Ink Slinger
I've had a couple of them.

The first was my buddy's girl friend. It started out as the two of us fulfilling her three-some fantasy and evolved into me taking care of her needs (with his permission) while he was out on the road.
If anything, it made us closer ... We could talk about anything after that
As she put it, "We've seen each other naked, what else do we have to hide?"
The sexual aspect ended after the two of them split up, but we're still friends, 25 years later

The second, I'm still living with; having ended up together after my girl friend, at the time, dumped me to chase one of her fuck biddies
Active Ink Slinger
I only had one real fuck buddy ....
We were both married and had an agreement that it was just about getting the sex neither was getting at home
It only lasted a few months, but it worked out well.
Otherwise, there were a couple one-time sexual encounters with friends who happened to be in the right place at the right time, but nothing really came out of those
I've had a few fuck buddies over the years. Some worked out better than others. When it didn't work out, it was usually because one of us started developing true feelings for the other and whenever those feelings aren't mutual, it ends in a big mess. The times that it worked out great, we both knew what we were getting into and had a blast while it lasted and then moved on. I've found that it works best when you keep the relationship short, a couple months or so of messing around and then let it go. The longer you keep it going the bigger chance there is of someone catching real feelings and it all goes downhill from there.
Quote by Nikki703
I have 2 right now and it has been great. We have been friends for a long time and there really isnt anything except a physical attraction. I mean we are friends, but I am pretty sure neither one wants a relationship with me, at least not right now. And it is more like a once or twice a month thing.

It sounds like you've found the right recipe. I've tried a couple of times, but one or both of us find the sex to be too tempting and want more and more of it. Then feelings develop, people get hurt. It's been a mess. But I sure would likea be able to establish the kind of relationship you talk about.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I have had a few of these 'situations' over the years.

It's complicated though.

I wouldn't do it with a friend I valued that I wanted to continue being friends with in the long-term because these situations can be pretty unstable in general. I've never fallen for a fuckbuddy because typically if I'm looking at them as a fuckbuddy there are relevant reasons why I'd never want him to be my boyfriend, so I'm able to separate the two. Honestly... they tend to be really hot, dumb guys that are great in bed, but that I have no mental connection with. It usually starts well, then the guy gets clingy or starts liking me too much, then there is the awkward reassessment of the situation or I just pull away and annoy/frustrate him, then he gets pissed off, and then it's over. If I can string things along for a couple of months of fun/wild sex, then it's great. In my experience it usually trainwrecks pretty fast though, unless circumstance forces it to maintain a slower speed (ie. he's in another city or you both have busy life/travel schedules). As well, if it's just a sex thing, the novelty usually wears off and it gets boring, so I think fuckbuddies are best kept as a short-term deal.

Interesting observations ... I like the way you think.
Quote by NightFox
Yes I had a buddy, things were going great until he started liking me more. I'm not going to lie, I started liking him more too,
but what he failed to mention during was that he eventually got a girlfriend and didn't tell me so we continued. Needless to say,
Drama! I got mad at him for a while, but forgave him ( I'm a forgiving soul ) and we still talk, just no buddy, buddy anymore smile

Just the kind of situation you want to avoid with a fuck buddy. Glad you two still talk though.