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An ancient symbol of romance and dedication, flowers are getting more and more controversial in the dating process nowadays.

What's your opinion about being offered flowers?

Do you appreciate them, or often feel like they are inappropriate? Are they situation dependent?

Personally, I've offered flowers to girls a few times with success, but that was during very rare/special occasions and sometimes almost meant as a joke. I also prefer to offer just a few flowers (sometimes just one rose), to offering those huge bouquets.

Thanks for sharing!
I love to get flowers from my husband. He always brings home some after he has been away with work and also on our anniversaries and my birthday too. Its one of his ways of showing me that he loves me and that he has missed me whilst hes been away
I love getting flowers. Even if the guy picked a dandelion. The fact that he thought I'd like it, very sweet. I'm easy to please.
Love getting flowers. But honestly wild flowers picked by your man is perfect knowing he put forth the love is priceless.
I think it's cute if it is just out of the blue and you aren't expecting it. I guess the spontaneity of getting them is the best part. If it's on a commercial holiday then it isn't that special.

They definitely aren't necessary though. They are crazy expensive.
Certainly ....... I to give flowers to friends ,
I love flowers in general, so they're always a good gift that I will appreciate! Although, spontaneity is the best part for sure.
Quote by BlondeBookworm
I think it's cute if it is just out of the blue and you aren't expecting it. I guess the spontaneity of getting them is the best part. If it's on a commercial holiday then it isn't that special.

They definitely aren't necessary though. They are crazy expensive.

I agree. If it's a spontaneous thing, I love it. But if it's something I can come to expect on every special occasion, it's really not that huge of a deal. It's a thoughtful, considerate thing...but as I said, you sort of see it coming on those special occasions.

Also, I love when someone learns and remembers my favorite flowers and surprises me with those instead of a getting a run-of-the-mill bouquet. Receiving just a single one of my favorite flower would move me more than receiving the hugest and most expensive exotic bouquet...not exaggerating.

Overall, I'm not that big on flowers anyways. I appreciate it when I do receive them, and they definitely brighten up my day. They're pretty and some smell really nice, but they sit there in a vase of water until they rot, basically. And then they get thrown out...and then I have to clean the vase.

I much prefer little trinkets that only mean something to me, if that makes sense. It doesn't have to be expensive or extravagant. But I'd like it to have some meaning. Kind of like when people on here see an image online that makes them think of you, and they post it on your wall.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

I love flowers because they are pretty, smell nice and bring a smile to my face. Doi expect Do I need I just like them.

Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed.
I have always utterly adored getting flowers
Wondering how many women think to send flowers to their guys???
I do like them - but one fabulous flower is just as good as a huge bouquet. Really, it's the thought behind it.

Just avoid them on the first date. And really until we're 'generally going out', I wouldn't bother with them. I might be more sensitive this way because I have had the experience of 'early use of flowers' correlate to 'scary/unstable men' so now it has the ability to make me a little anxious if there's flowers right out of the gate. That's just me though. Due to six months of being terrorized by a legitimate stalker, yellow roses still have the ability to turn my stomach and unnerve me.

Once in a relationship or in the early stages of "wow, we're both into each other, this is awesome" - flowers are definitely a nice thing - especially if they're unique or have a personal touch - like you picked them out yourself or maybe a certain flower made you think of me. To me, the default roses feel overly formal. There are so many pretty flowers in the world that are more interesting and also cost less.
I'm not down with bouquets. Generally, I don't like the smell and I have a black thumb, which makes me feel bad when I eventually kill them.

I'm still trying to revive potted plants...
Quote by SereneProdigy
Personally, I've offered flowers to girls a few times with success, but that was during very rare/special occasions and sometimes almost meant as a joke. I also prefer to offer just a few flowers (sometimes just one rose), to offering those huge bouquets.

Almost meant as a joke??? wtf???

I'll tell you, a single rose is a joke. Makes me think he is either cheap or saw one and thought "that'll do" ....

I adore getting flowers .... and my ex would buy me flowers almost every week.

He knew though "lilies" were not getting in the door ... their smell gives me a headache.
I like flowers but if someone wants to make an impression on me chocolate is a better choice for me I have a very big sweet tooth
Flowers don't impress me. I look forward to reading the love notes attached to the arrangements more so than the flowers themselves.
I'm married so - I don't like being given flowers in a bouquet. It's something to maintain. I have to water it, clean up after it, and dump them out when they die. For how expensive they can get they're a complete waste of money to buy.

They're pretty - but all the negatives outweigh that.

But I'm married to a guy who thinks he's a romantic sap. He loves wasting money on bouquets.

I think it's because it's lazy. Birthday? Go to Walmart and buy a bouquet. Christmas? Walmart - bouquet. New Years, Valentines, Anniversary? Walmart bouquet Walmart bouquet Walmart bouquet.

I stopped trying to put thought into gifts for my husband because it became clear he didn't ever consider putting effort into mine. Giving something that requires maintenance and will still die is just stupid.

A few years ago he actually bought me a dozen dozen roses. TWELVE FUCKING DOZEN ROSES! What in the FUCK for.

Jesus - that was like $200 in flowers that stunk in such a high number I had to put them outside.
I appreciate any gift that I receive. However, flowers are my least favorite gift. I would prefer something that would not die. To me it is ironic that flowers (roses) are considered a sign of someone's affection, yet they die in just a few days.
I like getting flowers but under the right circumstances. I have had guys bring me roses on a first date and send me roses after a first date and while I was flattered it was also kind of creepy and made me feel he was going a little to fast. But after a few dates, getting a single rose is nice. And if we are in a relationship, flowers are always appreciated although this may sound weird but I much prefer potted flowers I can plant in my garden instead.
Quote by Nikki703
And if we are in a relationship, flowers are always appreciated although this may sound weird but I much prefer potted flowers I can plant in my garden instead.

One of my favourite things was when someone sent me this amazing arrangement of orchids potted with stones in a low square glass terrarium. The way it had been done up looked so cool. I had it on my window ledge for years.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

One of my favourite things was when someone sent me this amazing arrangement of orchids potted with stones in a low square glass terrarium. The way it had been done up looked so cool. I had it on my window ledge for years.

I love that. You can keep it alive plus it shows so much more effort and thought went into the gesture as opposed to just calling 1-800-FLOWERS or I guess it would be online now, even less effort, LOL!
I love flowers. There is no wrong time for flowers in my books. I will always appreciate flowers, with one minor exception. I hate carnations.
Quote by TheDevilsWeakness
I love flowers. There is no wrong time for flowers in my books. I will always appreciate flowers, with one minor exception. I hate carnations.


I just hit the order button on Teleflora when I read you love flowers. I thought you'd appreciate 6 dozen of them, but much to my chagrin, they are all different colors of the most beautiful flower in the world......the carnation.

The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

I love flowers, but like some of the ladies have said, I prefer when it's for no special reason. I love getting ones that are different, I got a beautiful Guzmania plant once that completely blew me away. The best one though must have been when I got this weird, prickly looking fuchsia coloured one with a note that said: "This reminded me of you, it was prickly, just like you." Best flower ever.
Flowers are wonderful! Flowers are BEAUTIFUL. It is a thoughtful, sweet, & Gentlemanly thing to do, for ANY reason, just as it is with any thoughtful act or gift. Maybe I am a traditional girly-girl that way. I do not expect things. I know flowers will sadly wilt (and I do not care for "silk" artifical flowers of any kind). As well I may say that I do not need flowers or want or anything, but that does not mean that I would not like to get them! I have no allergies & no adversities. Ohh~ It would make my day!

One single long stem red rose means "I Love You" - so know this before you do this.

Whether it is a few well-chosen daisies, or dozens of roses... a card or a special gift~ it is very nice! I like roses, especially red, also mixed. I like red and pink! Roses are a sexy & sensual flower that smells lovely!

Gasp.......some of you do, some don't. No wonder us guys get confused!
Each to their own I suppose. I'm just a romantic dude at heart and it's the thought that counts.
Nice tip about chocolate btw.
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
I take pics of flowers for my love all the time.
Quote by jollyjack
Gasp.......some of you do, some don't. No wonder us guys get confused!

It must be confusing for men! Everyone is different, though.
All I know is as much as loovve chocolate, that MIGHT not be a good gift ~ some women watch their weight and are funny about that. 'Just say'n. Yes. Complicated. No it should not be. Sometimes it is confusing, though. Some people also have allergies (I was joking when I said that earlier~ but yes.) Spontaneous is great, but fish for what they 'like', too. Ask some questions. If they like flowers - randomly anytime is nice. First date? Small bouquet is a great touch, I think.

It's been a long time since I've purchased flowers and had them sent or given them myself to a woman.

But it's been a long time since I've met that woman to give them to, too.

I've never thought or heard of giving any as a joke though. I don't get that kind of humor.

I once received a bouquet of red roses for my 35th birthday at my office. That was unexpected and very touching. I appreciated her gesture greatly. Especially since I wasn't aware that she had a mushy romantic bone in her body by that time (3 years on) of our relationship.

When overdone, it's a bore.

Timing is everything, as usual.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.