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Does looking qualify as cheating?

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If it is I'm completely screwed!!! I'm not sure who would classify looking as cheating to be honest. In my opinion, if they do, they themselves are possibly insecure and immature. I agree with everyone else about the manner you look and if you bring it to others attention or not can make someone appear to be a disrespectful ass.

But in the end you and your lady create the boundaries for your relationship and if she says it's cheating, it's cheating.
If looking qualifies as cheating, I must admit that I cheated my ex-girlfriend with quite a few things (including a Porsche, a frog and my 80-year-old neighbor).

I almost cheated on her with a cotton candy stand once, but promptly looked elsewhere before things started to get a little too intense.
Omg NO!
If you're partner thinks looking is cheating then you're with the wrong partner. Nothing wrong with admiring a sexy form. I tend not to stop at the looking bit though ...... ;-)
I tell my man: I don't care if you look, so long as you don't touch. Besides, I know you'll always come home to me.

It's hard for me to justify getting upset at him. Of course he's going to look at other women. There are billions of them on the planet. I can't expect him to avoid half the human population and stare at his shoes for the rest of his life. It's kind of ridiculous when girls put that kind of restriction on their man. I mean really, if you feel that insecure, then you've got bigger issues than what his eyes might happen to see.
god i hope not!

Say. Her. Name.

Often times when we are out together we point out different people to each other. We share in what we like to see, whether it is a hot guy or a hot girl. We love being open with each other and we share each other's fantasies openly. Nothing to hide, then no worries.
Quote by cprivate
OK, in your valued opinions... is looking cheating? Maybe the thoughts behind the looks are but whats wrong with looking?

Not cheating - but it can be very very insulting if, say, the guy isn't being secretive about it while his arm is around his girlfriend.

Worse yet - when he says something.

That actually happened to me once. Goddamn - can't even pretend to be interested in me more than everyone? . . . We didn't stay together long after that. I didn't see the point. "If you wanna date other people - go date other people"
Looking isn't cheating we all look men and women alike just a natural thing to do when you see someone that looks and as dressed nicely or a little provocative. Its when you start to lust for the individual is when you're on the border line of cheating.
I hope not otherwise I should be wearing blinkers. smile
Goodness please no!!!
Definitely not. Looking is natural. In my opinion, cheating involves physical contact.
looking no it's very normal to look but to stare or get all google eyed yes I'd classify that as cheating he'd be lusting then
No..leering might be a lack or respect..but appreciation of the opposite sex is natural

Its the NEXT step that is the true test
Looking has nothing to do with cheating...well most people I know look all the time and I find nothing wrong with that...
Well I mean it's not cheating....but gosh don't do it in front of me and ESPECIALLY don't ogle my friends. I did dump one guy for exactly this. He just couldn't stop looking? I mean c'mon? It's not like I was starving him of sex. Wait until I'm gone and then look okay. Geez. And absolutely no sexting or okay? Seriously. Unless of course we do it together and have a laugh.
No, not at all. It's human nature to look at potential sexual partners. Anything more than that, I would consider cheating, though.
Only to the insecure.
Well according to Jesus it does, but then again, I'm not a Christian. Looking is normal, going further than that is cheating.
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

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I don't think so. Except if the one looking wishes to be with that other person. If you think intimate about someone else, that is a from of cheating.
Of course not! I even point out hot girls to both my boyfriends when we're out because all 3 of us love to girl-watch!
Well it isn't strictly "cheating", but PLEASE guys refrain from gawking at my friend's tits and ass when I am standing right next to you. It has nothing to do with "cheating", it is just sort of good manners. I mean I don't ask much, but at least three guys have bit the dust because I mean if you are going to gawk like that it just makes me look stupid to my girlfriends. If you are a tiny bit discreet then the two or three of us might......just might.....drag you into a bedroom and give you that wild threesome you've always dreamed of. Jenny and I have done it. But not if you act like a dip-shit in front of my friends.....K? Enough said. Otherwise when I'm not around and it is some random chick, hey look all you want. I do . But have manners.
Quote by VirginalViet
Well it isn't strictly "cheating", but PLEASE guys refrain from gawking at my friend's tits and ass when I am standing right next to you. It has nothing to do with "cheating", it is just sort of good manners. I mean I don't ask much, but at least three guys have bit the dust because I mean if you are going to gawk like that it just makes me look stupid to my girlfriends. If you are a tiny bit discreet then the two or three of us might......just might.....drag you into a bedroom and give you that wild threesome you've always dreamed of. Jenny and I have done it. But not if you act like a dip-shit in front of my friends.....K? Enough said. Otherwise when I'm not around and it is some random chick, hey look all you want. I do . But have manners.

Agree. You just selected the perfect words.
Nah, but it doesn't make me feel great if I see you. Basically, what Crissy said. smile
I guess I missed the Memo.

But, when did we become so insecure that our partner can not even check out other people.

If he has lost interest in woman, what good am I to him anyway?
That depends on the view. If it's up the length of her torso with my tongue buried between her thighs, then, yeah, I might consider it cheating. Unless it's my girl sitting on the face at the other end, then I'll probably get a pass.
With a whisper, a touch, a kiss,
I showed her the path,
She ran to the arms
Of baby's safe harbor.
Quote by jmic3
In my (and the hubby's) opinion, anything that both parties do not consent to within the relationship is considered cheating.

If you are in a relationship with someone and they tell you that they consider looking as cheating, then if you look you are knowingly cheating. If they consider touching, talking, having sex...or whatever it is to be cheating, then that is what is cheating in your relationship.

I couldn't have said it better. ^^^^ this is exactly how hubby and I consider it as well. smile
I hope you enjoy my latest poem!

Secret Little
I believe there is a very fine line in that regards.... looking to find something YES
Even Jimmy Carter admitted to lusting in his heart about someone other than his wife. And to him that was adultery.