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Does it really hurt when you lose your virginity?

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It didn't hurt, it was a little uncomfortable, but it didn't take long for it to start to feel really good. Thankfully I was with someone who made sure I was really ready to have sex. We had lots of foreplay.

I'd say the aftermath is also a little painful. You're sore in places you never knew you had, but it feels so damn good.
I was in my late teens and it was with a steady boyfriend and we had spent a lot of time building up physically to that moment, so there was no pain, just a lot of unexpected pleasure. So just take your time, don't feel rushed, and just do what's right for you, when it feels like the best time for you. Enjoy! smile
cant say, never lost it... i feel like Lush's only angel, among a sea of eager devils..waiting to carry me into the night of sexual desires...never to return...
Only because it was in the back seat of a small car and the boy had no clue how to get me wet first! My toys were bigger than his cock so there was no issue there. Also it didn't last long enough to hurt.
It hurt some but soon after it was really good. There was some bleeding nut much
Why would you be scared of something that's been happening for thousands of years? And it doesn't hurt unbearably. There's absolutely no reason why you should be scared of it hurting.
Can not say that it hurt, it was not painful. There was a lot of pressure and a feeling of fullness that was more awkward than uncomfortable. Once I relaxed, it was a lot better.
My first time. I remember biting my lower lip as he entered not know what to expect. It wasn't painful.
Sorry to say it wasn't this great toe curling experience so many talk about.
Someone mentioned being sore afterward. My first time didn't last long enough to get sore.
It did get so much better later, well as we both got more experienced so to speak.
For me - nope.

In fact, I think that the 'dreaded painful first time' is not a very common experience for most women. I don't like it when I come across it in Erotica unless the sensual purpose is to explore masochism a bit. Then it's not the same thing as just cleaving to 'old wive's tales of torturous first times'.

I know some women experience issues... but if someone's truly worried they'll take their time and prepare first (lubricant, possible sex toys or finger play).
For me, it hurt ridiculously...but that was probably because even though I'd lubed myself up thoroughly, he was asleep (well, mostly) and I pretty much took my own virginity by impaling myself on his cock.

So, lots of very sudden, very sharp pain that dissipated quickly (I have a stupidly high tolerance for pain, your results may vary) and lots of very obvious blood (due mostly to a lack of prep and a microperforate hymen). My experience is highly unusual, though, and I believe there are actual case studies out there showing that the majority of women either experience very little pain and bleeding or none at all during their first bout with sexual intercourse.
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It hurt a little bit but after a short time the pleasure of it was wonderful.
It depends on the girl, it hurt a little bit my first time but pleasure quickly took over
It hurt and I bled a little but it was over in less than two minutes. Cant say I'll ever forget how shit he was!