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Does a more attractive partner correlate to a better sex?

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Let me ask... To the men and women alike, do you think your best sexual partners are the best looking of your sexual partners? Is there a correlation to... The best looking guy the best fuck? I must say from my experience that rarely is the best looking woman the best lover in bed. If that is truely the case why do we always seek the best looking partner?
Rainbow Warrior
To one degree or another, I think we're all wired to seek out more attractive sexual partners over unattractive ones (I do anyway!), but there's certainly no correlation between physical beauty and sexual prowess. We may enjoy the sex more with a more attractive partner, if that happens to be a big priority in our sexual response, but what determines sexual enjoyment is a very subjective matter.

...except for Sprite, of course! Word is, she's as good as she looks!
Active Ink Slinger
I do like my men to look good - from my point of view. Looks are not everything though and a caring gentle guy that can perform in the way I like to be treated both socially and sexually is more important to me.
Active Ink Slinger
looks are only skin deep.....I am attracted to different ones...I have to be drawn to something deeper.
My first partner was not best looking but an incredible lover and she was able to seduce me and I followed her.... fell for her..... just because she knew how to gratify me, humor and indulge me..... a little later we knew each other's personalities and we're best partners .....
So to me, in case of a lover partner, it is dictated by mutual needs with emotions involved smile ..... But it's also a universal fact that people love beauty.... Isn't it ? :)
Active Ink Slinger
Over the years I have been with a few men that were not high one the beauty list. But I had know them for a time and when we did finally get in bed together WOW.

Their attractiveness had nothing to do with their sexual capacity.

If one of these guys approached me in a public arena for the first time. The chances of us getting together would be less than zero.

Dumb me.
Active Ink Slinger
We are all wired differently I guess, but follow the same ancient and built-in need to find a mate. (I don't necessarily mean to procreate)

In my experience I've found the eyes are the first thing that attracts me, regardless of his overall looks. I'm a sucker for soft sad eyes.

So I don't believe there's a correlation. Although I've never gone for the classically good looking guys. What is classically good looking anyway?

Cumberbatch over Pitt any day of the week for me.
Active Ink Slinger
to a point it does

Of course in the end it all comes down to the connection you two have it just has to work out and all that isn't neccecarily tied to looks. But fact is if I am physically attracted to my partner I will enjoy the sex more that's atleast for me my best sex has been with the most attractive partners. On the other hand I tried sex with people I didn't really consider all that attractive and it just didn't work you can't trick your head when it comes to that I guess
I'd like to be the guy that says looks don't matter, but I'd be a hypocrite.

I was just discussing with Bethany if it is bigoted to have never dated woman that wasn't beautiful. I don't have anything to compare it to as I've never had sex with an unattractive partner. I don't think it is as much of whom I attract than who I seek.
In my opinion no not always
I had sex with a guy who you wouldn't consider a super model. I mean he wasn't ugly or anything but he was funny and charming as hell and awesome orgasm giver
Active Ink Slinger
It can but not a deal killer. An ugly personality does more to turn me off than than a less than pretty face. I have banged some less than beautiful women and my criteria is 1) Did I enjoy the ride 2) Did she get off 3) Was the foreplay fun, exciting and raunchy. the foreplay can make the rest better and you can always do it doggie style if you think she is too ugly to face-to-face fuck! Or just turn the lights down rrreeeaaallll low! As a man told me many years ago, in sex everyone looks beautiful in the dark! =d>
A determined person with perseverance can overcome many obstacles. They can, many times, perform better than those who are more intelligent, stronger and with better finances by determination and perseverance
Cryptic Vigilante
Speaking for myself, I wouldn't call it a perfect correlation but there is certainly a strong correlation. I see it that way:

You can definitely see that generally speaking, the more attractive a woman is, the more sexual pleasure I'll obtain. That said, you can also see that the most enjoyable woman to fuck (A) isn't necessarily the most attractive. Conversely, the most attractive woman (B) isn't necessarily the most pleasurable; there are even a few average-looking women (C) that would make better sexual partners. However, the overall correlation is still obvious which essentially means that yes, if I intend to get the most sexual pleasure, I'll usually seek partners that are fairly attractive.

There are many ways I could explain this correlation between 'attractiveness' and 'sexual pleasure'...

First of all, beauty is something enjoyable in and of itself: fucking a beautiful woman is more enjoyable than fucking an ugly one, just like eating a certain meal in a classy restaurant is more enjoyable than eating the exact same meal in a disgusting restaurant.

Also in my experience, hot/attractive women generally tend to be more sexually assertive; they're often perfectly comfortable with their bodies/sexuality, whereas the opposite often holds true for less attractive women. And it's likely that they'll have more sexual experience too.

There's also the pride associated with having sex with an attractive woman: the sex is a lot more thrilling/rewarding when the woman you're fucking was coveted by many other guys and she chose you in particular to perform all those fun sexual deeds.

And then 'attractive' also often means 'physically fit', which has a big impact on the sexual prowess that my partner will have. In that case however, it's difficult to establish the exact causality: is a certain woman more pleasurable to fuck because she's attractive, or is she more attractive because I have a few hints that she's physically fit and that the sex will be awesome?

Anyway, this is my personal perspective on the matter, but I'm fairly certain that the great majority of men are similar. You could interact online with a woman for months (being exposed to her personality/ideas), but as long as you don't see a picture of her, chances are you'll have absolutely no idea how pleasurable the sex with her would be. Then you could show the picture of a hot woman to a group of men, and no matter if she was an extrovert/introvert, liberal/conservative or businesswoman/waitress, every man will know deep down inside that she'd be a whole lot of fun to sleep with.

Active Ink Slinger
Just because your partner is super hot doesn't mean you will have great sexual chemistry with each other. One of the hottest women I've ever been with was the most boring in the sack.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ZigDust
Just because your partner is super hot doesn't mean you will have great sexual chemistry with each other. One of the hottest women I've ever been with was the most boring in the sack.

Active Ink Slinger
I think the best sex is when you find your partner to be very attractive so YES. But being attractive to me doesn't necessarily mean attractive to you. Being attractive is not only a physical thing, it is also very mental and spiritual. I am sure there are many very handsome men and beautiful women who I would not have sexual chemistry with.
In my experience, a certain positive correlation exists between how well a woman takes care of herself and how good, fun and adventurous she is in bed. Simple attractiveness of her face, which is subjective anyway, has very little to do with it however. I'm sure the same applies to men as well.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by SereneProdigy

The thought that someone pins me and my actions on such a matrix would be a major turn off for me, however handsome (s)he might be. Would seem like this person is not entirely in the moment.

Quote by SereneProdigy
However, the overall correlation is still obvious which essentially means that yes, if I intend to get the most sexual pleasure, I'll usually seek partners that are fairly attractive.

So according to your graph you normally don't intentd to get the most sexual pleasure as you seem to have more less-than-avarage-looking partners than otherwise.


Active Ink Slinger
I don't think being pretty to look at has anything to do with a persons skills in bed.
What makes for better sex is chemistry, communication and a willingness to learn what the other person needs and wants.
Her Royal Spriteness
attractive people can be just as crap in bed as anyone else. i don't care what you look like - if you have no idea how to eat pussy, being beautiful ain't gonna matter.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by sprite
attractive people can be just as crap in bed as anyone else. i don't care what you look like - if you have no idea how to eat pussy, being beautiful ain't gonna matter.


While attraction/connection can often intensify sex, in terms of just the physical aspects, the way someone looks has no bearing on how good they'll be in the sack.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Well, with respect, you misuse the word "attractive"...

I, not conventionally PRETTY or good-looking myself, have never really been drawn to the "Playboy Model" type woman...

An ATTITUDE, a look, a laugh, a manner, a GRACE, indeed, sometimes a delightful awkwardness, a sense of self, a sense of humor, a style, often a certain irksome quality I have to overlook (not present as she's cumming...) an intelligence, a certain knowingness, an innocence, an HONESTY...

Aha? Honesty...

Attractive is something you can't see in a mirror or a photograph. You CAN hear it in a laugh, see it in a look, feel it in how a partner touches and allows themselves to be touched...

Better Sex comes with trust and honesty. (And that CAN happen quickly!!!) And a desire to please and be pleased. There HAS to be an ATTRACTION, of course, but attraction goes far beyond what anyone LOOKS like...

I am not what anyone might call inexperienced. I have NEVER made love to an UNATTRACTIVE woman. Different women yes, but each one mine in the moment, and I, (I hope) hers...

So I guess my answer, given my understanding of your question, is, "Of Course Not!"

xx Steph
Active Ink Slinger
Tough one to answer.
Considering someone would rarely, if ever, sleep with a person they found unattractive, it becomes hard to judge. If we are then asking if the people we have sex with, who we consider more attractive than another are better lovers, then I'd say no, there is no correlation.
Some of the hottest people I've fucked wouldn't make my top 10 list.
There are one or two exceptions ?
Beware of a woman offering me canned spaghetti...then she's becomes left over mozzarella. Not necessarily unattractive, but a little shy of my menu side. Now! what was the question? If she has a mustache and it isn't waxed, forget it.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by stephanie
Well, with respect, you misuse the word "attractive"...

I, not conventionally PRETTY or good-looking myself, have never really been drawn to the "Playboy Model" type woman...

xx Steph

Yeah, but you know how to eat pussy like a girl *dreamy sigh*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by TheSluttyAngel
Tough one to answer.
Considering someone would rarely, if ever, sleep with a person they found unattractive, it becomes hard to judge. If we are then asking if the people we have sex with, who we consider more attractive than another are better lovers, then I'd say no, there is no correlation.
Some of the hottest people I've fucked wouldn't make my top 10 list.
There are one or two exceptions ?


(What a slut!)


xx Steph
Quote by sprite

Yeah, but you know how to eat pussy like a girl *dreamy sigh*

Every guy wants to think he can. I've got a short tongue, but I try hard. Attractive in that case is not as important because you're staring at a belly button. However, missionary means face to face. Lol
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by ChuckEPoo

Every guy wants to think he can. I've got a short tongue, but I try hard. Attractive in that case is not as important because you're staring at a belly button. However, missionary means face to face. Lol

i do like a nicely formed belly button, tho smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

The Linebacker
I've had a couple of super gorgeous women that were total duds in bed. I mean real 'dead fish' with too many sexual hang ups, boring and no enthusiasm.

Sexual chemistry, mutual attraction, the ability to communicate easily with each other can lead to great sex. You teach each other what and how you want it. To be a great pussy eater, a guy needs a great teacher and the desire to please. If you can please your lover, they will please you right back.

For the most part people are going to mate with someone of like attractiveness. Of course some factors may skew that like money and power. Of course that's what some people find is an aphrodisiac. Others not so much.

I've had some ex-girlfriends that I had great sexual chemistry with, but by far the best and off the charts is the woman I married.
Quote by sprite

Yeah, but you know how to eat pussy like a girl *dreamy sigh*

Eating Pussy is dreamy...

You know when you finish a STRAWBERRY CREAM YOPLAIT YOGHURT and then lick the lid?

Like That...

Like DEPECHE MODE said, "I Just Can't Get Enough..."

'Cept Yoghurt Pots don't bump on your teeth and moan and wiggle as you drink on 'em...

I've said too much...

xx SF
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by BethanyFrasier

...except for Sprite, of course! Word is, she's as good as she looks!

Better, actually. ;)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.