do you find it fun and arousing to cyber with someone on lush?
I haven't really cybered here yet, but I have on other sites. If I can find the right person, I love it.
i love it as long as the guy/girl(s) good at it... like as long as i get to be a part of it and you dont talk in third person im usually happy to do it
I am 100% sure that I would not enjoy it without a real connection with the person. I'm sure I could fake it if I had to, but I'd probably be painting my nails at the same time or watching TV in the background. I often wonder if a lot of people are doing the same thing when they cyber with random/faceless people that start up convos like, "hey, Im horny, wan 2 cht." Like I assume someone out there is actually saying yes to those offers at some point, right?
There's only been one person I've had a real connection with here and cyber-soaked my panties for, but we've long since taken things beyond Lush, so I definitely don't come here for the cyber. Like Sprite said though, it can be damn hot when you're in synch.
In general though, in terms of fantasy-spinning and hot-chats, I find phone/cam more intense and fun than online-cyber if you're long-distance.
Sometimes its hot.
But most times it feels a little awkward. I cant seem to get my mind into the setting.
I wish i could get as horny over it, as many of you seem to get
My time is too precious to waste cybering with others on this site. It wouldn't look too good if my daughter found me half naked amusing myself on the internet. I speak to many people here on Lush about a wide range of topics. Some guys inform me that they are wanking over my pics. That does not worry me, in fact I take it as a compliment, but I do not join in with the intent of reaching orgasm.
I am really not into cybering. I have only done it a few times and it was OK. One time it was really hot but we did have a connection. I do like to talk about fantasies or experiences and masturbate but thats not cybering. Most of the time, the other person doesnt know Im doing it
I find it boring. Prefer the real thing
"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing." - Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in Pretty Women
I don't cyber anymore since I have my Master. But I used to cyber on a different site, were I couldn't keep it serious and ended up just winding whoever I was with up and basically trolling them. Can be funny if it's the type who all they want to do is cyber.
I used to when I was younger age 18 to 24. However now days I am bored with it. Now days when someone messages me "Are you hot?" or "Feel like some play?"
I ask "Did you read my profile?" Most likely answer is no so I close their chat.
Depends, I can take it to a certain extent.
Only enjoy it with my boyfriend. But sometimes I can be reading one of my educational books while cybering too.
With the right gal, or sometimes guy, and if I'm in the mood (OK, I mean horny) I can have a great time online. We both have to be on the same page, and equally involved for it to work right, but isn't that true of sex in general? And to some extent, you are only responsible for your own feelings, which can make it easier.
No, dont find much pleasure in it , bores the hell out of me =/
I am really only interested in a couple of people like that. I've connected with them and they arouse my senses online as much as they would in person.
I don't cyber too much. If I do, it's only with two people i've established rapport with.
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I love to cyber with a guy or couple who really get me in the mood. I am new here but have cybered on a wife showing uk site and love it when Coll is away or out
yea, i find cybering a great source of fun and excitement when the person at the other end reciprocates with a lot of authentic feedbacks
Its rare that I find someone that I would want to do this with.
I don't cyber with just anyone, I need to have some sort of connection.
Normally if they're able to make me laugh, have something interesting to say and have a sexy easygoing way about them, then this grabs my attention and I may think about it
I can count on only a couple of fingers the number of people that this applies to
Only once in a while with someone I've established a rapport with. I can count on one hand people I really have enjoyed it with.
I've done it twice - but not on Lush. It was nice to watch my 'so called' partner doing it to himself and when he ejaculated it made me cum too. Second occasion was a virtual repeat of the first. Once he'd disappeared .. which was so soon after the event .. I felt cheap and used. Never again.
If it's With the right person Perhaps..... but not if it's just for amusement of the other person.
I am not into cybering at all. If I chat I like to have an actual conversation.
Well, I do enjoy it, yes. There are a couple of people on Lush who I know will get me going. I have the sort of imagination that finds this arousing and sensual. Obviously, it's not as good as the real thing, but when I'm feeling horny it's way better than just playing with myself. I love to think that the other person is getting into it as much as me. I'm not naive enough to think that every partner is doing it for real, but I hope some are...and my mind does the rest!