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Do women dislike or resent the use of the slang "Cunt"?

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Active Ink Slinger
When I am in slut mode I love the word. Can call me a cunt, fuck my cunt, etc. If I am in teacher mode, I would slap your face and talk about sexual harassment. I know, girls are complicated.
Active Ink Slinger
Personally I think it is degrading.
Active Ink Slinger
I know i do.. its a fightin word..
Active Ink Slinger
Some ladys like 2 use it during sex&will say,fuck my cunt harder,go on fuck that cunt!
Active Ink Slinger
honestly i prefer cunt... i use it all the time
Active Ink Slinger
Do we need to really ask this question? It's one of only a few words that are not acceptable.
Rookie Scribe
Cunt is what i am. As a submissive slut, i find this word terribly exciting...
definately depends on the manner it is being used..... if its being used in a moment of passion its okay but in disrespectful manner never.

Active Ink Slinger
I certainly have no problem with the word cunt. I know some people would be very offended if they were called a whore, but slut is not so offensive.

Seems like neither word is offensive unless you make it so.
I don't care for the word in general. If I hear someone just tossing it around in a conversation or referring to someone else as a cunt, I find it displeasing and shows little or no class. Now this is where it gets complicated. During a sexual chat, role playing or in a story it turns me on immensely!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CaliGurl77
Meh. If it's used as a derogatory term, then I don't like it. But if it's used while writing or having sex, it's perfectly fine.

I just read through this thread. This seems to be the consensus. In the heat of the moment, perfectly good and sometimes saved for being totally HOT but in general usage not something nice to call someone
ISO sexy married women to fulfill their deepest desires... did i mention I love it really wet?
Unicorn Wrangler
For me personally, it was a term used as a put-down toward another woman that was worse than being called a whore, slut, or even a skank. I don't use it in my writing as I find it crude, but I know that some authors love using it. I never bring an author's score down for using that word. That's just disrespectful.
Story Verifier
I personally find it offense, even in the heat of passion. However, since I started my attempts at erotic writing, I have had more than several gentlemen (and one lady) request that I use the term. I was told that the use of the word would send them "over the edge." I included the term in one of my stories, just for them and struggled somewhat with using it. I would not use it again.
Advanced Wordsmith
Personally, i really don't like the word. Am usually ok taking any insult but this is one that i really hate. I never use the word myself it doesn't even enter my head. As for being used in a sexual context I don't use it there either i think there are much nicer more sexy sounding words.
I don't mind my "lady bits" being referred to as a cunt. However, not a huge fan of being called a cunt.
Can't say I mind the word so much ,would rather use the word pussy when referring yo my parts . I don't like the word vagina...way to clinical. To me, cunt s just a strong powerful word when used in the right setting can mean many thing, ie: That president of ours sure is a Cunt! ( see, appropriate )
Orgasm Aficionado
I used to use it quite liberally - it kind of goes with the territory of writing about sex I suppose. My boyfriend literally stopped in his tracks the first time I used it in front of him. "Please don't use that word, ever." I felt like a naughty schoolgirl smile
Active Ink Slinger
Whether the use of the word cunt is sexy in certain situations or deregatory, could be irrelevant, how and when was the word first used is more important and could change how the world looks looks at this word, does anyone know its original usage.
Active Ink Slinger
All speech is arbitrary and why one word gathers different connotations to another must have some cultural significance. I notice there is no noun except fuck for having a sexual session where you can use the indefinite article. This must be the same sort of thing. We seem to be trying to avoid in some Victorian double morality way saying these words so even grammatically there is no way to say this except in a clinical kind of way (sexual intercourse).
Active Ink Slinger
I am open to almost anything but that is a word I just don't like. I am not even sure why but if I hear it or read it I cringe.
it depends on the situation. in middle of sex. especially with another girl i like it. in normal conversation its a word that can get you a slap in the face.
Advanced Wordsmith
I doesn't bother me really, can't say it's my favourite or most hated word. I'd find it more of an insult rather than another word for pussy :/
Advanced Wordsmith
Me personally.. it doesn't bother me as long as used in the right context...sexually!!!.. But the word "Cunt" a derogative manner or to address another... is totally not acceptable..!!!
Bonnet Flaunter
Although its slang now, the word "cunt" has its origins in Middle English and was also common to Norse, Frisian, Dutch and German at that time as a word for vulva. So far from being insulting, historically speaking its just a word for that part of the anatomy.
Active Ink Slinger
I think it depends on the use.. If with a guy and he says he wants to fuck my cunt... No problem.. If you call me a cunt just the same as bitch.. those are fighting words.... It all depends on context. But I also don't think women should be called bitch, slut, whore... I don't refer to my friends that way and don't want someone referring to me that way.
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
I agree with Janet...If I hear it or read it I cringe.
Princess Blondie
I hate the word, I cringe. I'll stop reading a story if I see it in one.
†Jinxy Approved†

Quote by Guest
Just thought I would ask... So many women.... So many opinions... And if so...Why?

Not in erotica, I use it depending on the situation when I write.

. . . what would bother me is the overall intent behind using it - and in that regard far less 'harsh' sounding things could be offensive.