Is it wrong that I just want to shower with Laurenxxx?
Quote by LushPrincess
I lean towards “cut” myself the extra skin in my mouth makes me queasy – I mean in the heat of the moment it doesn’t really matter, but I refuse to give him oral sex. I know it makes me sound like a biatch, but seriously having it in my mouth makes me
Quote by AceKing
I'm completely with Primal. I'm a guy, and have a fairly large cock. But being uncut is really embarrassing, especially when you can see the reaction in the girls eyes after she sees that the foreskin is intact. I hope that none of my future partners are such horrible, inconsiderate people as laurenxxx is. Mine also pulls back, so there isn't really any difference. Plus, a study was done and concluded that men who weren't circumcised who later had the operation experienced life long pain around the scar and lower glans, and had less ecstasy when they hit an orgasm. A cock's a cock ladies.
Quote by sunshine22345
I like the way a cut penis looks. I don't know what it's like to have sex with a guy who doesn't have a cut penis though because i've only ever been with circumsized guys.
Quote by PrimalQuote by LushPrincess
I lean towards “cut” myself the extra skin in my mouth makes me queasy – I mean in the heat of the moment it doesn’t really matter, but I refuse to give him oral sex. I know it makes me sound like a biatch, but seriously having it in my mouth makes me
You mean when its not erect? When we are hard there isn't any extra skin on the end, it goes tight but does slide, well except for guys like me. I have tight foreskin so if it slides back behind the rim on my head it stays there and at least to me, my dick then doesn't seem to look different from anyone elses.
Is it okay for you when its retracted or pulled back so the head is out all the way?
It does make one self-conscious knowing 9/10 women here in the US prefer cut, doh!
Quote by sexyho51
I've had sex with both, there isn't much difference because an uncircumcised penis' skin is pulled back during erection which allows cum to come out freely. But I like the look of a circumcised man better.
Quote by HoneyBee000Quote by Bunny12
Wow some are so picky!!! I've never had an intact cock and always wanted one. They look prettier and more fun like a surprise package!
I agree with bunny hee hee
Quote by thepainterok by the looks of it I would have never known it was intact and it looked great to me and I have only had intact.... I have seen many in pics on her of cut ones and they look like they are missing something...LOL
I'm proud to have my foreskin still fully intact. lol
Would never cut it to please a woman no matter how hot she is or how much she means to me. If she really doesn't want me just because I'm uncut then she's not worth it anyway imo.
Maybe I should start an Uncut Men United club or something.