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Chatting, cybering, and/or camming with profiles who are married or in a relationship

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Active Ink Slinger
I'm curious to find out how lushies feel about chatting, cybering and/or camming with profiles who are married or in some type of relationship. Depending on who you talk to, chatting, cybering and/or camming isn't technically 'cheating' while others would strongly disagree.

1. Do you engage in such discussions/actions with profiles who are married/in a relationship?
2. If yes, what do you do and/or how far do you take things?
3. Do you view married/in a relationship profiles who chat, cyber and/or cam with the opposite sex as cheating or not? why or why not?

**Can't WAIT to hear what you all have to say on this topic!!
1. Yes, I do.

2. I let it play out the way it wants to, I leave it up to the person who has the most to lose. If they don't seem to have a problem with it then I don't really mind because after the night I'm not the one who is going to lose anything from the process. But I definitely respect someone's wishes to keep the chat innocent if requested. I really like just chatting in general doesn't have to be sexual at all. But if it does turn sexual then so be it, why not have a little fun.

3. No, I do not view chatting, webcamming, cybering as cheating in all honesty. I view cheating as a physical act. In my opinion all of the above options are just like porn. And I don't believe porn is cheating either.

I know lots will disagree with me on this subject, and I apologize if the above message offends you. But when I have a girlfriend I will not cam, I will not chat, and I will not cyber at all. Because I am a true believer that I will have my girl, and she easily satisfies all my needs in life, not just sexual.


Active Ink Slinger
1. Yes
2. I don't actually pay attention to the "in a relationship" or not part of the profile. I figure if you're on lush and you're at the other end of the line, then we're both here to enjoy.
3. Cheating definition is in the eye of the beholder -- I believe in honesty in a relationship simply because it is mentally more healthy for both parties -- so I would want my partner to be OK with what I was doing, be it chatting, cybering or camming.
I'm basically in agreement with the previous replies. However, there's something to be said for 'emotional cheating'. I think it's nothing to share sexual preferences, stories, desires, etc....But to actual 'cyber' with someone CAN (although not necessarily) cross a line. I tend not to get too 'personal' or 'explicit' w/ someone who's married. Overall, I view it as a 'look but don't touch' thing. Once 'touching' occurs, then it's definitely cheating (if it wasn't before then).
The Linebacker
I am married. I do NOT cyber sex! Two things about that, first, I feel as if that is cheating, second, it never held any appeal anyhow.
I do sometimes chat with friends on Lush that are married, in a relationship or single. We talk about all kinds of subjects. Nothing that would constitute cheating though. I might discuss sex in a general way. I have no interest in having an online sexual relationship. I do not cam.
I very rarely chat with anyone here and if I do I'm not concerned if they're married or in a relationship as I don't cyber or cam.
1. Yes we do we are the married couple
2. We do actually pay attention to the profile. We figure if you're on lush and you're at the other end of the line, then we're both here to enjoy.
3. Cheating -- We believe in honesty in a relationship simply because it is mentally more healthy for both parties -- so as partners We are OK with what we are was doing, be it chatting that does it too sex talk.We don't cam we keep that to our selfs
Active Ink Slinger
I don't cam with anyone but my partner and I very rarely cyber, but I do chat.

A bit of flirting or teasing is fine, but when it gets a little heavier thats when I start to feel uncomfortable if I know they're married or in a relationship.
I don't know if they have the same understanding that my partner and I have. We don't engage in it when we're together but when he's away working for 2 weeks out of the month and the opportunity arises... then we both do it.

If the person I'm chatting with doesn't disclose their activities with their partner then they're not necessarily cheating physically but they are cheating in the emotional sense if the conversation does turn sexual and they're not honest with their partners about it.

If my partner was at home all the time and I found him in the middle of a hot cyber session with someone else I'd feel hurt and inadequate. I'm right there and he has to go online to find his release? I think something's wrong if he can't come to me to find that same release.

I think its all about honesty and putting yourself in the other person's shoes.
You know if you've crossed the line when something fun turns into something you have to hide from your partner so you don't get caught.
1. Yes I love to chat with men or women and I'm not concerned about their relationship status.
2. It depends on the mood I'm in. If I'm horny I may talk about sex and I have had some cyber sex with a few lucky men smile
3. It's not cheating. It's all fantasy and very healthy for relationships. I guess I may feel differently if I was doing this behind my husband's back but we enjoy doing it together.

We don't cam, mainly because we don't own one, although we are very curious to try it. Not going to use MSN or anything like that as it appears as though it's fairly easy to get a virus on the PC....
I will chat etc with anyone it is down to them how far they want to take it
Rookie Scribe
Yes I love to chat and I do not feel like I am cheating. I leave it to the person I chat with to set the limits.

We each must decide for ourselves those limits. I never push for the person to go beyond their limits. but love to cyber if the person wants that.
I do not understand the chat rooms. I have had an interesting and enlightening chat with one person on his sexual preferences and life, just friendship.
What is cybering - mutual masturbation while on the net? Have not done and will not.
I like to have mail exchanges, and it seems very few of my friends are online at the same time as me, so mail works better that chat I think. I and have learned much and achieved friendship through that, but nothing bordering to stating a relation other than friendship.
I found out I had to tell my wife about my Lush activity and other erotica reading, as I did not find it comfortable to do it behind her back, but I have never cheated on her in the form of establishing physical or serious emotional relations with anyone else - never will either.
(1) yes
(2) depends how far the other person wants to take it. I is fun to as theysay let your hair down. It is a way to explore your sexual fantasys in a safe way.
(3)no, to me cheating you actually met the person have sex with them. Camming cybering and camming you both know you will most likley neer met.
Active Ink Slinger
I do not cam or do phone anymore due to some issues I had in the past with a stalker.

As to chatting and yes cybering, I have done both in the past with those in relationships or married. And yes we have discussed their marriages or relationships as part of our chat at times. I actually chat much more than I ever cyber. I enjoying chatting about a person's life or sharing stories and stuff much more than I enjoy cyber.

I think cheating is in the eye of the person. And it seems every person has a different idea of cheating than the next person. My ex-wife thought everything was cheating. If I looked at a girl or a guy I was cheating. If I looked at porn I was cheating. One night she wasn't in the mood. I was. After she went to bed, I was watching a movie and got turned on. I took matters in my own hand. She walked in and went ballistic. Yes she even thought that was cheating. So yes I am sure that she would have considered cybering or even discussing sex with someone besides her would have been cheating.
Active Ink Slinger
1.yes I do

2.I just talk to him/her/them and possibly meet up if both sides are interested. The way I see it they are at risk and decide how they take it I just go along.

3.No I don't aslong as it's just over the internet cheating involves physical contact. In fact, I met a nice couple in an open relationship that allowed me to participate in their life and I had sex with both
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
As far as the whole fidelity thing goes, everyone here is fair game, and they're going to be treated as such. Some people here aren't even married in real life, but they just like to play out that whole having an affair fantasy.

If someone is here, chances are they're not just here to lurk and have a spot of tea. They wanna get in on the action. I wouldn't go for anyone who's married here for personal reasons, but at the same time I won't knock someone who does. I can only speak for myself in saying it's something that I just wouldn't do. In my opinion, when it comes to that sort of thing, the line between real and internet life is very thin, perhaps even dotted, and it's just one I'd never go near.

In the grand scheme of things, we're all just here to have a good time. If people with spouses choose to come here and get their freak on, who am I to judge? I'm not gonna point my finger and accuse, mainly because I honestly couldn't give a southern fried fuck about how people choose to utilize their time here. Whether or not it's right or wrong is in the eye of the beholder. Some people may feel a certain way about it, but if you're against it, don't do it. And if you're for it, have fun. You know the consequences you face either way...or at least you should.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
1. Do you engage in such discussions/actions with profiles who are married/in a relationship?
2. If yes, what do you do and/or how far do you take things?
We chat, sometimes general chats, sometimes sexual, depends on the person and mood.

3. Do you view married/in a relationship profiles who chat, cyber and/or cam with the opposite sex as cheating or not? why or why not?
This question is only about action with the opposite sex? ;), the same sex doesn't count?:P
I actually think it's not cheating, I'm married and my husband knows about my activties on lush, he is cool with it because he knows it will not harm us and knows I have a lot of fun here.
I think it also higly depends from where you come; if you are deeply frustrated/ unhappy in your relationship and come here to get off or try to find a form of affection, then I could understand if it would feel a little as kind of (mentally) cheating.
But I wont judge anyone and to me it doesn't matter if a person is in a relationship, what matters to me is that we can have some fun smile.
1. Do you engage in such discussions/actions with profiles who are married/in a relationship?
Yes, i normally don't look up if they are in the chat room, but i have no problem chatting
2. If yes, what do you do and/or how far do you take things?
talk, sometimes turning sexual, i mean nothing will come of us doing it so
3. Do you view married/in a relationship profiles who chat, cyber and/or cam with the opposite sex as cheating or not? why or why not?
well if their partner knows then no, but if they dont know then yes. mentally its cheating but its all in your head, no physical action is taken so
Active Ink Slinger
I have only been in an Open Relationship, so cheating is not a term I am really familiar with. Why must we set up such barriers.
I think that cheating is physical. To me, online chatting is just a way to have some fun or blow off steam. For someone in a relationship, there should definitely be limits and boundaries. I think that overly explicit photos are a bit on the edge and personally, they cross the line for me (thats me sending them, i dont mind seeing somebody elses). Webcamming would be a definite personal no-no for me . My rule of thumb is generally "how would i feel if my partner were doing this? Would I feel that I was being cheated on?". And as for chatting, I wouldnt feel as if I had been cheated on if I found out that my boyfriend was chatting. As long as there is nothing physical, I'm cool.
Quote by BelleduJour
I'm curious to find out how lushies feel about chatting, cybering and/or camming with profiles who are married or in some type of relationship. Depending on who you talk to, chatting, cybering and/or camming isn't technically 'cheating' while others would strongly disagree.

1. Do you engage in such discussions/actions with profiles who are married/in a relationship?
2. If yes, what do you do and/or how far do you take things?
3. Do you view married/in a relationship profiles who chat, cyber and/or cam with the opposite sex as cheating or not? why or why not?

**Can't WAIT to hear what you all have to say on this topic!!

I keep things friendly and casual - chat, no cyber (for example) and various other lines like 'don't kiss me' and stuff. Mostly - just talking about stories and sex. Often I talk about my own sex life so hubs is always in the conversation somehow. No different than how I talk with my real life friends, really.