Do you prefer the bad boys or the sensitive, funny nice guys?
I like decent, funny, intelligent, confident men who treat people in general well. Somewhere in between bad and nice means a more balanced personality in my opinion.
I prefer a bit of both,I'm greedy lol.
I have to agree that both is preferred by me. I am lucky enough to have a nice bad boy here at home. He is quite loving, but he has a very naughty side. I think that most people have both sides it is just whether they decide to show both sides to you.
...I thought that maybe a new life, a different life, wouldn’t be so bad. But where the hell did I put the receipt, and could you return something that was over twenty years old? Where do you go to get a new life when your old one has you so puzzled you don’t know how to fix it? Wish I knew.
-Anita Blake (Laurell K. Hamilton)
The strong alpha bad boy with a heart of gold. It just fits best with my personality.
The sensitive, quiet, nice guys wouldn't hold my attention for long enough and they just wouldn't 'get me' (the different dynamics of me)... which is the most important thing in a relationship - you need that chemistry and commonality.
I'm not into jerks or douchebags either - there's a big difference.
I hate when people say "oh, she likes the assholes"... No. I don't. By that token of extremes, I also don't like the doormats.
I just don't see it as a black and white thing - there's a lot of variation in between.
My parole officer will vouch for me that I am a nice guy.EX9KqRw7y5LBciW2
Nice guys... they are already what is best of them to give to their lovers...
We all seem to be attracted to the bad boys. I like the nice guys with a bit of bad in them.
Bunker Love
My Dream my latest stopry
i like guys that think they are bad boys.. haha its so entertaining
i dont want a guy who fits perfectly into any one of the categories. i dont wants some bad boy ass hole nor do i want some nice guy whose a push over.
Exactly Kaila......a little of both. A guy who knows how to treat your mother and yet who is thrilling, interesting, not predictable, and knows how to make sex interesting and fun...playful, flirty, but NOT a pushover. Being treated like a princess is not something you want 24/7.....mix it up boys.
a nice bad boy!!!!!!...
seriously good guys get me every time
nice and sweet guy...but can he be a bad ass in bed? lol!
Hugs and Kisses,
You beat me to it Anna.
I was just going to say "Nice guy in public, bad boy sexual beast in the bedroom"
I crave the bad boy....but I have the safe choice. LOL.....just can't stop the craving.
Somewhere in the middle. I love the bad boy look but not really into bad boys. He must be a nice guy, not a wimpy yes dear, whatever you say dear pushover, but a just a nice guy. But he also must have that "bad-boy" attitude hidden in there somewhere!!
Kind of like the saying for women, " lady at dinner, whore in bed" or however it goes, I want a gentlemen at dinner but a Rock Star in bed!!
I like a nice mix of both bad boy and a nice guy, the cheeky smart ass charm and arrogance of a bad boy who know's what he wants alongside the sweet romantic caring charm of a nice guy.
But if I had to choose between one I would always go with the bad boy over the nice guy there's just something about a bad boy that I prefer.
Nice guys surprisingly very naughty in bed. I so need that prescription doc, every 8 hours during the next 50 years! And may I specify "Nice SHY guys". No wonder even Diana King sang in the 90s how badly she wanted a "Shy guy" cause they're "la crème de la crème", plus they are usually the most generous type too. Pushing deeper into the cliché, I'd even add "nice shy guy wearing glasses". When I take off his glasses and that suddenly he's a new man with these two big eyes poping up, my cunt starts to melt away...
Bad boys hold their allure when you are young, feeding rebellion. When you realize how badly they treat you and you grow up, they lose their attraction. Give me the nice guy every time.