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Bad Boys or Nice Guys?

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Depends, don't it?

Is this somebody I'm going home with from a bar? Or a club?

Is it somebody I'm theoretically going to date for a while? Have a future with?

Can a man be both?

I sort of hate the nice guy/bad boy conundrum. It is, by the way, a terrible guessing game for guys - yeah, mostly the "nice guys" - who may be trying to pursue us. If guys are divided that way, can't we ask men if they prefer demure little butterflies, or joyless, angry bitches? I'm not necessarily submitting that as a 100% accurate analogy, but more as a colorful example of how jamming people into specific categories the instant we meet them or interact with them can put a damper on our ability to form a relationship with individuals we might actually really like, or even fall in love with. I know many men who are both. They wear their bad boy face when it suits them and they put on their nice-guy suit when somebody needs it.

It's not a black and white world. Since you ask, though, it depends entirely on my mood what turns me on at any give moment. I'm odd that way, in that I think I really have NO general preferences in terms of who I'm attracted to sexually.
Just so long as they're good to me smile I don't mind
Active Ink Slinger
Is this not the reverse of the question guys have been asked for a 1000 years?.

Do you want a Lady in the Parlor or a Whore in the Bedroom?
I''ll take Mr Nice Guy anytime over a Bad Boy
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kaikai012
How about a little of both?

My sentiments exactly!
a bad boy with a good heart..
To evexxx,

I say that's a simple and eloquent answer. I don't withdraw my annoying rant, but I respect your statement. Cheers.
Active Ink Slinger
It's certainly a mixture of both. There is a time for bad and a time for good. The right guy knows when and will even push the envelope at times. It keeps life interesting and fun.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't think I'm alone in this - women want a man who is a blend of both. Good when they need to be and bad when it counts, which is usually the bedroom.
i think,it depends on the mood
A sampling of both is always exciting, just be sure your "bad boy" is only bad with you!
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Walt Disney
I had a wild streak in high school and college were I was into the bad boy gangsta, rebel type guys. I dated a few bad boys and to say they were obnoxious assholes is an understatement.

Their idea of date was hanging out at my place and playing video games or watching football on my TV while I cooked for them. Their idea of a romantic dinner date was a chinese takeout and a bootleg dvd, purchased at the chinese food place. They were possessive and controlling of who I could talk to or hang out with. BULLSHIT!

My first date with a nice guy was in college and I was instantly addicted to nice guys. It was nice to be treated like a woman and not a fuck toy, to go out and actually be wined and dined, to have a guy actually cook for me for a change and I cannot tell you what a turn on it was for me when I invited him to my place and he not only helped me cook for him but also did my dishes. There is nothing sexier than cooking together, eating together and then doing dishes together. He definitely got laid that night. A little less than a year later Mr Nice guy was asking me to be his Mrs Nice Guy and I accepted.
For me, its like the saying: a lady in the street and a freak in the bed... I want some one who treats me well, but can take control and be a little dirty in bed...
Weaver of Words
When I was looking for guys just to fuck, I looked for bad boys. When I got to the point where I wanted just one guy, I wanted a good guy with a "bad boy" streak when it came to sex
Active Ink Slinger
Depends on if I'm looking for a Master or slave.. and what sex I want them to be. ;-p

Bad boys make me do things that I usually wouldn't do with nice guys.
Bad boys are a dime a dozen and have little to no value. I prefer a nice guy.
Story Verifier
If anyone is interested, I'm considered a gentleman and 'nice guy' and from my observations, girls (at least in this area) are more interested in bad boys - they wouldn't know romance if it bit them on the ass (I know, I've tried) and where I prefer making love, they tend to just want to fuck - been there, done that. I'm looking for romance from here on out.
Active Ink Slinger
I love funny guys!! When a guy has a bad/naughty/cheeky edge, but is a genuine sweetie as well, instant turn-on. It's funny that I've actually met the perfect guy the other day and I'm basing this opinion kinda on him haha.
Active Ink Slinger
I would say nice guys. The bad boy thing gets old after a while.
Anything you think is sweet, I'm a little more than that.
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Quote by 2muchass
Do you prefer the bad boys or the sensitive, funny nice guys?

In my humble opinion .... the nice guys (sensitive, funny and nice) can become bastards just like the bad boys.

IF it's for the one-time fuck, take the bad boy ..... you know up front, it's just a one-time thing and woohooo enjoy!!

But, every nice guy can eventually turn out to be a bastard ... and not a fun bad boy at all.
Active Ink Slinger
Nice Guys
I've been with a few 'bad boys', they seem to have ex's still attached to them.

I like nice guys, they're funny and sweet.
not out of choice or anything but i normally get the really bad boys, i don't mind either, they just seem to like me more
Active Ink Slinger
I have to ask, what is it with the bad boy thing? Why is it such a turn on? Do some women like the challenge of trying to change them, or is it just the Alpha male thing and "treat em' mean, keep em' keen" attitude? I never understand what makes womens minds tick. I always try to be nice, that doesnt mean i dont have a bad boy side, but generally I like to be a good person and be nice to people, but it seems like at least, some girls must have this subconcious need or desire, to be treated like shit....i just dont get it. I've had mates that ive really liked and got on with, but ive noticed how the've treated their girls like shit, especially in front of other mates, i've always wondered how the hell they get away with it, if i was a girl, would i fuck put up with that. It seems like some lads need to show off and impress their mates in that way, yet the girl never walks away, she just accepts it, deals with it, and comes crawling back, as if everything is totally normal. I just cant understand what it is that makes girls attracted to guys who are basically total cunts. Anyone?
To answer ur question Archadia, everywoman at some point in life discovers that she likes to be dominated in sex, & the alpha male thing is really a turn on well at least for me it is.

& I like nice guys to an extent who turn into bad boys who tell me when I've crossed the line or give me that certain look that says ur ass is gonna get it tonight, I like a gentleman in public & a Alpha in bed. I find it incredibly sexy when the alpha peeks out at me every now and then in everyday life such a huge turn on lol. But as far as having a total bad boy I think not in my experience being a rag doll/doormat isn't fun there has to be a balance.
Active Ink Slinger
I look for good tippers.

If a man is an ass to wait staff, it doesn't matter how he presents himself. He's going to be an ass in everyday life.

And I've had more than enough asses in my life.

Tip well, and have nice hands. You'll be golden. ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by wild_flower
To answer ur question Archadia, everywoman at some point in life discovers that she likes to be dominated in sex, & the alpha male thing is really a turn on well at least for me it is.

& I like nice guys to an extent who turn into bad boys who tell me when I've crossed the line or give me that certain look that says ur ass is gonna get it tonight, I like a gentleman in public & a Alpha in bed. I find it incredibly sexy when the alpha peeks out at me every now and then in everyday life such a huge turn on lol. But as far as having a total bad boy I think not in my experience being a rag doll/doormat isn't fun there has to be a balance.

Yeah, i can understand this, but i think it changes the equation somewhat. I think most nice guys, can be Alpha in bed, i know that i am. I tend to think of myself as a nice guy, and good person, but im not nicey nice or soppy, im still Alpha and masculine, and in the bedroom, the majority of the time, i like to take charge and be in control. So i think nice guy in life, Alpha in the bedroom, is definately the best way to be, works for me anyway. I think most girls find guys who are too nice, slightly cringeworth, or feminine, doesnt have to be the case, but theres generally being a good person, and then, like i say, theres being "nice". I think in reality, Romeo and Juliette, for most people, doesnt work in reality.

Anyways i digress, it still doesnt get us away from the fact that some women, are attracted to men, who are always Alpha, and rarely nice, not even good people, or men with good personalies. The kind of men who are always in fights, getting in trouble with the law, or are just generally exsist to make trouble for themselves in other. Its that attraction women have to those guys, that i cant understand. So when you say, rag doll/doormat, isnt a something a woman should go though, why do so many put themselves through it, when its blatantly obvious from the offset, what kind of man he is.....