This woman I am dating gets extremely horny a week before her period by comparison to the week afterwards, and I'm wondering is this is common for women? It would make sense that women would have more sexual thoughts and greater sexual desires closer to ovulation.
I'm usually very horny on my first day of my period
I am EXTREMELY horny right before my period!
Like strip you down, take you on my living room set, horny.
I think it depends on the person though. Everyone's libido is different. And sometimes when different hormones course through your body... Well, you just have to get it.
I used to be amped up before - but then my husband complained about it and it was like switching off a light - now, nothing.
a rafving maniac b4 and ummm yeah ok after...tooo
Ovulation usually occurs approx. 14 days counting from the first day of your period. So, yeah - around that timeframe, the libido can really kick up. Unless you're on the BC pill, however, then you don't notice the horny-blip because the pill stops you from ovulating.
Sometimes it has nothing to do with hormones - sometimes you're just horny in general, need release or something's going on in life (new guy, great sex etc) that gets the juices flowing more than usual.
I tend to be so horny the week leading up to it, it's quite handy, even if I forget the dates I can always tell.
Sometimes it spills over to during my period too, afterwards though the level drops drastically.
I get massively horny right around the end of my period, for like a week after. Sometimes aggressively so, yeah. Like "I WILL fuck this cock now."
"Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader - not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon." -E.L. Doctorow

I get extremely horny right before my I will fuck until I'm satisfied that might take a day or two before....I will fuck anywhere in public especially the bar after being drinking
Uhm, it really depends... Scientifically your body wants it most before you have your period... like your body says, "I want a baby now!". But my libido sometimes goes in overdrive during it as well... *shrugs*
I am actually very horny before and after too around the 14 th day..
I'm horny during my period, when I'm finished I'm quite dry for a couple of days then suffer with a great deal of discharge and become very horny with it.
I'm horniest a few days before up to the first or second day of..
couple days bf doesn't know what hit him during those days.